Method Postgres.postgres_result()->fetch_fields()
- Method
array(mapping(string:mixed)) fetch_fields()
- Description
Returns an array with an entry for each field, each entry is
a mapping with the following fields:
"name" : string | Name of the column
"type" : int | The type ID of the field. This is the database's internal
representation type ID.
"length" : int|string | Can be an integer (the size of the contents in
bytes) or the word "variable".
- Note
For char() fields, length is to be intended as the MAXIMUM length
of the field. This is not part of the interface specifications in fact,
but a driver-choice. In fact char() fields are for Postgres _FIXED_
length fields, and are space-padded. If CUT_TRAILING_SPACES is defined
when the driver is compiled (default behavior) it will cut such spaces.