Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Math.Matrix()->create()

Method create

void Math.Matrix(array(array(int|float)) matrix_2d)
void Math.Matrix(array(int|float) matrix_1d)


Initializes the matrix as a 1D or 2D matrix, e.g. Math.Matrix( ({({1,2}),({3,4})}) ).

Method create

void Math.Matrix(int n, int m)
void Math.Matrix(int n, int m, string type)
void Math.Matrix(int n, int m, float|int init)


Initializes the matrix as to be a n *m matrix with init in every value. If no third argument is given, or the third argument is "identity", the matrix will be initialized with all zeroes except for the diagonal which will be 1.

Method create

void Math.Matrix(string type, int size)


When type is "identity" the matrix is initializes as a square identity matrix.

Method create

void Math.Matrix(string type, int size, float rads, Matrix axis)
void Math.Matrix(string type, int size, float rads, float x, float y, float z)


When type is "rotate" the matrix is initialized as a rotation matrix.