Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Class Gnome.MessageBox


The GnomeMessageBox widget creates dialog boxes (of type GnomeDialog) that contain a severity level (indicated by an icon and a title), a message to be displayed and a list of buttons that will be in the dialog.

The programmer will use strings desired for each button. If the strings are any of the GNOME_STOCK macros, then instead of creating a button with the text, the button will be a GNOME stock button with a stock icon.

The list of known types for message boxes are: GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_ERROR , GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_GENERIC , GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_INFO , GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_QUESTION and GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_WARNING .  Gnome.MessageBox( "This is a nice message", Gnome.MessageBoxInfo, Gnome.StockButtonOk,  Gnome.StockButtonCancel );

 Gnome.MessageBox( "This is another not so nice message", Gnome.MessageBoxError, Gnome.StockButtonClose,  Gnome.StockButtonCancel );

Inherit Dialog

inherit Gnome.Dialog : Dialog