Method Geography.Position()->set_ellipsoid()
- Method
int(0..1) set_ellipsoid(string name)
int(0..1) set_ellipsoid(float equatorial_radius, float polar_radius)
- Description
Sets the equatorial and polar radius to the provided values.
A name can also be provided, in which case the radius will be looked
up in the ellipsoid mapping. The function returns 1 upon success, 0 on
"Airy 1830" |
"ATS77" |
"Australian National" |
"Bessel 1841" |
"Bessel 1841 Namibia" |
"Clarke 1866" |
"Clarke 1880" |
"Everest" |
"Everest 1830" |
"Everest 1848" |
"Everest 1856" |
"Everest 1869" |
"Everest Pakistan" |
"Fisher 1960" |
"Fisher 1968" |
"G R S 1967" |
"G R S 1975" |
"G R S 1980" |
"Helmert 1906" |
"Hough 1956" |
"Indonesian 1974" |
"Krassovsky 1940" |
"Mercury" |
"Modified Airy" |
"Modified Fisher 1960" |
"New International 1967" |
"SGS 85" |
"South American 1969" |
"Sphere" |
"WGS 60" |
"WGS 66" |
"WGS 72" |
"WGS 84" |
- Note
The longitude and lattitude are not converted to the new ellipsoid.