Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Class GTK2.Image


An image is a image object stored in client, not X server, memory. A pixmap, on the other hand, is a image object stored in the X-server. See GDK2.Image and GDK2.Pixmap.


Properties: string file string icon-name icon-set int icon-size GDK2.Image image GDK2.Pixmap mask GDK2.Pixbuf pixbuf GDK2.PixbufAnimation pixbuf-animation int pixel-size GDK2.Pixmap pixmap string stock int storage-type IMAGE_ANIMATION , IMAGE_EMPTY , IMAGE_ICON_NAME , IMAGE_ICON_SET , IMAGE_IMAGE , IMAGE_PIXBUF , IMAGE_PIXMAP and IMAGE_STOCK

Inherit Misc

inherit GTK2.Misc : Misc