Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Class GTK2.Hbox


Most packing is done by creating boxes. These are invisible widget containers that we can pack our widgets into which come in two forms, a horizontal box, and a vertical box. This is the horizontal one. When packing widgets into a horizontal box, the objects are inserted horizontally from left to right or right to left depending on the call used.

 GTK2.Hbox(0,0)->add(GTK2.Button("Hello"))->add(GTK2.Button("World"))->pack_end_defaults(GTK2.Button("From right"))->pack_start_defaults(GTK2.Button("From left"))

 GTK2.Hbox(1,0)->add(GTK2.Button("Hello"))->add(GTK2.Button("World"))->pack_end_defaults(GTK2.Button("From right"))->pack_start_defaults(GTK2.Button("From left"))

 GTK2.Hbox(1,40)->add(GTK2.Button("Hello"))->add(GTK2.Button("World"))->pack_end_defaults(GTK2.Button("From right"))->pack_start_defaults(GTK2.Button("From left"))

Inherit Box

inherit GTK2.Box : Box