Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Class GTK2.Button


A container that can only contain one child, and accepts events. draws a bevelbox around itself.  GTK2.Button("A button")

 GTK2.Button("A button\nwith multiple lines\nof text")


Properties: int focus-on-click GTK2.Widget image string label int relief int use-stock int use-underline float xalign float yalign

Style properties: int child-displacement-x int child-displacement-y GTK2.Border default-border GTK2.Border default-outside-border int displace-focus int image-spacing

Signals: activate

clicked Called when the button is pressed, and then released

enter Called when the mouse enters the button

leave Called when the mouse leaves the button

pressed Called when the button is pressed

released Called when the button is released

Inherit Bin

inherit GTK2.Bin : Bin