Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method GTK.Widget()->drag_dest_set()

Method drag_dest_set

GTK.Widget drag_dest_set(int flags, array targets, int actions)


Register a drop site, and possibly add default behaviors. arguments: flags: Which types of default drag behavior to use (one of DEST_DEFAULT_ALL , DEST_DEFAULT_DROP , DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT and DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION ) targets: Table of targets that can be accepted ({ ({ content_type(string), flags(int(try 0)), id(int) }), ...}) The id will be received in the signal handlers. actions: one of GDK_ACTION_ASK , GDK_ACTION_COPY , GDK_ACTION_DEFAULT , GDK_ACTION_LINK , GDK_ACTION_MOVE and GDK_ACTION_PRIVATE results: