Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Class GTK.Ctree


The GtkCTree widget is used for showing a hierarchical tree to the user, for example a directory tree.

The tree is internally represented as a set of GtkCTreeNode structures.

The interface has much in common with the GtkCList widget: rows (nodes) can be selected by the user etc.

Positions in the tree are often indicated by two arguments, a parent and a sibling, both GtkCTreeNode pointers. If the parent is NULL, the position is at the root of the tree and if the sibling is NULL, it will be the last child of parent, otherwise it will be inserted just before the sibling.

Signals: change_focus_row_expansion Changed when the focused row is either expanded or collapsed

tree_collapse Called when a node is collapsed

tree_expand Called when a node is expanded

tree_move Called when a node is moved (using DND, as an example)

tree_select_row Called when a node is selected.

tree_unselect_row Called when a node is unselected.

Inherit Clist

inherit GTK.Clist : Clist