If this is given then the credential for that specific
mechanism is queried. mech contains the OID of the
mechanism on dotted-decimal form.
Some of the query functions can only be used for a specific
mechanism, in which case mech is required. Some can only be
used on the credentials in general, and the mech argument
is not applicable. Some can be used both ways, and then
mech is optional.
name (void|string mech)
Returns the name of the identity that the credential(s)
assert. If mech is given then the returned name is a
Mechanism Name (MN).
The returned GSSAPI.Name object is always a newly created
one, even though it typically compares as equal with the ones
given to acquire or add .
cred_usage (void|string mech)
Returns how the credential(s) may be used, one of
If mech is not given then the returned usage value reflects
the union of the capabilities in all credentials.
Returns the set of mechanisms supported by the credential. The
returned value is a multiset of strings with OIDs on
dotted-decimal form.
Returns the shortest validity lifetime left in any of the
mechanisms that are part of the credentials, for either
initiator or acceptor use.
Returns zero if some part of the credentials has expired.
Returns Int.inf if there is no time limit (in older pikes
without Int.inf a large positive integer is returned
init_lifetime (string mech)
Returns the validity lifetime left for initiator use.
Returns zero if the credential has expired for this use or if
its usage is GSSAPI.ACCEPT .
Returns Int.inf if there is no time limit (in older pikes
without Int.inf a large positive integer is returned
accept_lifetime (string mech)
Returns the validity lifetime left for acceptor use.
Returns zero if the credential has expired for this use or if
its usage is GSSAPI.INITIATE .
Returns Int.inf if there is no time limit (in older pikes
without Int.inf a large positive integer is returned