Foundry | the company or organization where the font originated. |
Family | the font family (a group of related font designs). |
Weight | A name for the font's typographic weight For example, 'bold' or 'medium'). |
Slant | The slant of the font. Common values are 'R' for Roman, 'I' for italoc, and 'O' for oblique. |
Set Width | A name for the width of the font. For example, 'normal' or 'condensed'. |
Add Style | Additional information to distinguish a font from other fonts of the same family. |
Pixel Size | The body size of the font in pixels. |
Point Size | The body size of the font in 10ths of a point. (A point is 1/72.27 inch) |
Resolution X | The horizontal resolution that the font was designed for. |
Resolution Y | The vertical resolution that the font was designed for . |
Spacing | The type of spacing for the font - can be 'p' for proportional, 'm' for monospaced or 'c' for charcell. |
Average Width | The average width of a glyph in the font. For monospaced and charcell fonts, all glyphs in the font have this width |
Charset Registry | The registration authority that owns the encoding for the font. Together with the Charset Encoding field, this defines the character set for the font. |
Charset Encoding | An identifier for the particular character set encoding. |