Method CompilerEnvironment()->compile()
- Method
program compile(string source, CompilationHandler|void handler, int|void major, int|void minor, program|void target, object|void placeholder)
- Description
Compile a string to a program.
This function takes a piece of Pike code as a string and
compiles it into a clonable program.
The optional argument handler is used to specify an alternative
error handler. If it is not specified the current master object will
be used.
The optional arguments major and minor are used to tell the
compiler to attempt to be compatible with Pike major .minor .
- Note
This function essentially performs
program compile(mixed ... args)
return PikeCompiler(@args)->compile();
- Note
Note that source must contain the complete source for a program.
It is not possible to compile a single expression or statement.
Also note that compile() does not preprocess the program.
To preprocess the program you can use compile_string() or
call the preprocessor manually by calling cpp() .
- See also
compile_string() , compile_file() , cpp() , master() ,