Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method CompilerEnvironment()->PikeCompiler()->apply_type_attribute()

Method apply_type_attribute

int(0..1) apply_type_attribute(string attribute, type(mixed) a, type(mixed)|void b)


Type attribute handler.

Parameter attribute

Attribute that a had.

Parameter a

Type of the value being called.

Parameter b

Type of the first argument in the call, or UNDEFINED if no more arguments.

Called during type checking when a has been successfully had a partial evaluation with the argument b and a had the type attribute attribute before the evaluation.

The default implementation implements the "deprecated" attribute.


Returns 1 if the type check should be allowed (ie __attribute__(attribute, a)(b)) is valid, and 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

pop_type_attribute() , push_type_attribute()