Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method CompilerEnvironment()->PikeCompiler()->apply_attribute_constant()

Method apply_attribute_constant

type(mixed) apply_attribute_constant(string attr, mixed value, type(mixed) arg_type, void cont_type)


Handle constant arguments to attributed function argument types.

Parameter attr

Attribute that arg_type had.

Parameter value

Constant value sent as parameter.

Parameter arg_type

Declared type of the function argument.

Parameter cont_type

Continuation function type after the current argument.

This function is called when a function is called with the constant value value and it has been successfully matched against arg_type , and arg_type had the type attribute attr .

This function is typically used to perform specialized argument checking and to allow for a strengthening of the function type based on value .

The default implementation implements the "sprintf_format", "sscanf_format" and "sscanf_76_format" attributes.


Returns a continuation type if it succeeded in strengthening the type.

Returns UNDEFINED otherwise (this is not an error indication).

See also

pop_type_attribute() , push_type_attribute()