Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Calendar.TimeRange()->`/()

Method `/

int `/(TimeRange with)
int how_many(TimeRange with)


This calculates how many instances of the given timerange has passed during the called timerange.

For instance, to figure out your age, create the timerange of your lifespan, and divide with the instance of a Year .

Method `/

array(TimeRange) `/(int|float n)
array(TimeRange) split(int|float n, object void|TimeRangewith)


This divides the called timerange into n pieces. The returned timerange type is not neccesarily of the same type as the called one. If the optional timerange is specified then the resulting timeranges will be multiples of that range (except for the last one).

known bugs: These are currently not defined for supertimeranges .