Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Calendar.Time.TimeofDay()->format_mtime()

Method format_mtime

string format_iso_ymd()
string format_ymd()
string format_ymd_short()
string format_ymd_xshort()
string format_iso_week()
string format_iso_week_short()
string format_week()
string format_week_short()
string format_month()
string format_month_short()
string format_iso_time()
string format_time()
string format_time_short()
string format_iso_short()
string format_time_xshort()
string format_mtime()
string format_xtime()
string format_tod()
string format_xtod()
string format_mod()
string format_nice()
string format_nicez()


Format the object into nice strings;

iso_ymd        "2000-06-02 (Jun) -W22-5 (Fri)" [2]
ext_ymd        "Friday, 2 June 2000" [2]
ymd            "2000-06-02"
ymd_short      "20000602"
ymd_xshort     "000602" [1]
iso_week       "2000-W22"
iso_week_short "2000W22"
week           "2000-w22" [2]
week_short     "2000w22" [2]
month          "2000-06"
month_short    "200006" [1]
iso_time       "2000-06-02 (Jun) -W22-5 (Fri) 20:53:14 UTC+1" [2]
ext_time       "Friday, 2 June 2000, 20:53:14" [2]
ctime          "Fri Jun  4 20:53:14 2000\n" [2] [3]
http           "Fri, 02 Jun 2000 19:53:14 GMT" [4]
time           "2000-06-02 20:53:14"
time_short     "20000602 20:53:14"
time_xshort    "000602 20:53:14"
iso_short      "20000602T20:53:14"
mtime          "2000-06-02 20:53"
xtime          "2000-06-02 20:53:14.000000"
todz           "20:53:14 CET"
todz_iso       "20:53:14 UTC+1"
tod            "20:53:14"
tod_short      "205314"
xtod           "20:53:14.000000"
mod            "20:53"
nice           "2 Jun 20:53", "2 Jun 2000 20:53:14" [2][5]
nicez          "2 Jun 20:53 CET" [2][5]
smtp           "Fri, 2 Jun 2000 20:53:14 +0100" [6]
commonlog      "02/Jun/2000:20:53:14 +0100" [2]
[1] note conflict (think 1 February 2003)
[2] language dependent
[3] as from the libc function ctime()
[4] as specified by the HTTP standard; this is always in GMT, ie, UTC. The timezone calculations needed will be executed implicitly. It is not language dependent.
[5] adaptive to type and with special cases for yesterday, tomorrow and other years
[6] as seen in Date: headers in mails