Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Calendar.Time.Fraction()->create()

Method create

void Calendar.Time.Fraction()
void Calendar.Time.Fraction("unix", int|float unixtime)
void Calendar.Time.Fraction("unix", int|float unixtime, int|float len)
void Calendar.Time.Fraction(int y, int m, int d, int h, int m, int s, int ns)


It is possible to create a Fraction in three ways, either "now" with no arguments or from a unix time (as from time(2)), or the convenience way from ymd-hms integers.

If created from unix time, both the start of the period and the size of the period can be given in floats, both representing seconds. Note that the default float precision in pike is rather low (same as 'float' in C, the 32 bit floating point precision, normally about 7 digits), so beware that the resolution might bite you. (Internally in a Fraction, the representation is an integer.)

If created without explicit length, the fraction will always be of zero length.