Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method rusage()

Method rusage

array(int) rusage()


Return resource usage. An error is thrown if it isn't supported or if the system fails to return any information.


Returns an array of ints describing how much resources the interpreter process has used so far. This array will have at least 29 elements, of which those values not available on this system will be zero.

The elements are as follows:

int user_time

Time in milliseconds spent in user code.

int system_time

Time in milliseconds spent in system calls.

int maxrss

Maximum used resident size in kilobytes.

int ixrss

Quote from GNU libc: An integral value expressed in kilobytes times ticks of execution, which indicates the amount of memory used by text that was shared with other processes.

int idrss

Quote from GNU libc: An integral value expressed the same way, which is the amount of unshared memory used for data.

int isrss

Quote from GNU libc: An integral value expressed the same way, which is the amount of unshared memory used for stack space.

int minor_page_faults

Minor page faults, i.e. TLB misses which required no disk I/O.

int major_page_faults

Major page faults, i.e. paging with disk I/O required.

int swaps

Number of times the process has been swapped out entirely.

int block_input_op

Number of block input operations.

int block_output_op

Number of block output operations.

int messages_sent

Number of IPC messsages sent.

int messages_received

Number of IPC messsages received.

int signals_received

Number of signals received.

int voluntary_context_switches

Number of voluntary context switches (usually to wait for some service).

int involuntary_context_switches

Number of preemptions, i.e. context switches due to expired time slices, or when processes with higher priority were scheduled.

int sysc

Number of system calls.

int ioch

Number of characters read and written.

int rtime

Elapsed real time (ms).

int ttime

Elapsed system trap (system call) time (ms).

int tftime

Text page fault sleep time (ms).

int dftime

Data page fault sleep time (ms).

int kftime

Kernel page fault sleep time (ms).

int ltime

User lock wait sleep time (ms).

int slptime

Other sleep time (ms).

int wtime

Wait CPU (latency) time (ms).

int stoptime

Time spent in stopped (suspended) state.

int brksize

Heap size.

int stksize

Stack size.

The values will not be further explained here; read your system manual for more information.


All values may not be present on all systems.

See also

time() , System.getrusage()