Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Calendar._TimeUnit()->lesser()

Method lesser

array(string) lesser()


Gives a list of methods to get lesser (shorter) time units. ie, for a month, this gives back ({"day"}) and the method day(mixed n) gives back that day object. The method days() gives back a list of possible argument values to the method day. Concurrently, Array.map(o->days(),o->day) gives a list of day objects in the object o.


	  array(string) lesser()    - gives back a list of possible xxx's.
	  object xxxs()             - gives back a list of possible n's.
	  object xxx(mixed n)       - gives back xxx n
	  object xxx(object(Xxx) o) - gives back the corresponing xxx 

The list of n's (as returned from xxxs) are always in order.

There are two n's with special meaning, 0 and -1. 0 always gives the first xxx, equal to my_obj->xxx(my_obj->xxxs()[0]), and -1 gives the last, equal to my_obj->xxx(my_obj->xxxs()[-1]).

To get all xxxs in the object, do something like Array.map(my_obj->xxxs(),my_obj->xxx).

xxx(object) may return zero, if there was no correspondning xxx.