ospent [ option... ] sysid...


Ospent (SGML print entity) prints the concatenation of the entities with system identifiers sysid... on the standard output.


The following options are available:

-bname, --bctf=name
Use the BCTF name for output.
-csysid, --catalog=sysid
Map public identifiers and entity names to system identifiers using the catalog entry file whose system identifier is sysid. This has the same effect as in onsgmls.
-C, --catalogs
This has the same effect as in onsgmls.
-Ddirectory, --directory=directory
Search directory for files specified in system identifiers. This has the same effect as in onsgmls.
-h, --help
Show a help message and exit.
-n, --non-sgml
The entity is a non-SGML data entity. This option forces the octets in the storage objects comprising the entity to be copied exactly without any of the conversions that are done for text entities. Implies -r.
-r, --raw
Raw output. Don't perform any conversion on RSs and REs when printing the entity. The entity would typically have the storage manager attribute records=asis.
-R, --restricted
This has the same effect as in onsgmls.
-v, --version
Print the version number.