Protection Server Events

AFS_PTS_StartPECodeThe protection server has started.
AFS_PTS_FinishCECodeThe protection server has finished. Finish events are rare since the server process is normally aborted.
AFS_PTS_ExitCECodeThe protection server has exited. Exit events are rare since the server process is normally aborted.
AFS_PTS_NmToIdNoneECode AFSName HostIDPR_NameToID - Perform one or more name-to-ID translations.
AFS_PTS_IdToNmNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupIdPR_IDToName - Perform one or more ID-to-name translations.
AFS_PTS_NewEntNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupId Name OwnerIdPR_NewEntry - Create a PDB (Protection DataBase) entry for the given name.
AFS_PTS_INewEntNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupId Name OwnerIdPR_INewEntry - Create a PDB entry for the given name and ID.
AFS_PTS_LstEntNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupIdPR_ListEntry - Get the contents of a PDB entry based on its ID.
AFS_PTS_DmpEntNoneECode AFSName HostID PositionPR_DumpEntry - Get the contents of a PDB entry based on its offset.
AFS_PTS_ChgEntNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupId NewName NewOwnerId NewIdPR_ChangeEntry - Change an existing PDB entry's ID, name, owner, or a combination.
AFS_PTS_SetFEntNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupIdPR_SetFieldsEntry - Change miscellaneous fields in an existing PDB entry.
AFS_PTS_DelNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupIdPR_Delete - Delete an existing PDB entry.
FS_PTS_WheIsItNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupId PositionPR_WhereIsIt - Get the PDB byte offset of the entry for a given ID.
AFS_PTS_AdToGrpNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupId UserIdPR_AddToGroup - Add a user to a group.
AFS_PTS_RmFmGrpNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupId UserIdPR_RemoveFromGroup - Remove a user from a chosen group.
AFS_PTS_LstMaxNoneECode AFSName HostIDPR_ListMax - Get the largest allocated user and group ID.
AFS_PTS_SetMaxNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupId flagPR_SetMax - Set the largest allocated user and group ID.
AFS_PTS_LstEleNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupIdPR_ListElements - List all IDs associated with a user or group.
AFS_PTS_GetCPSNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupIdPR_GetCPS - Get the CPS (Current Protection Subdomain) for the given ID.
AFS_PTS_GetCPS2NoneECode AFSName HostID GroupId HostPR_GetCPS2 - Get the CPS for the given id and host.
AFS_PTS_GetHCPSNoneECode AFSName HostID HostPR_GetHostCPS - Get the CPS for the given host.
AFS_PTS_LstOwnNoneECode AFSName HostID GroupIdPR_ListOwned - Get all IDs owned by the given ID.
AFS_PTS_IsMemOfNoneECode AFSName HostID UserId GroupIdPR_IsAMemberOf - Is a given user ID a member of a specified group?