1. Table of Contents
2. Introduction
All time-handling software and hardware suffers from a fundamental problem: finite-sized data representations for times means that, sooner or later, your time counter is going to roll over to zero. If you are lucky, the space you have to represent time is large enough that you can expect not to observe a rollover during the expected lifetime of the universe (or whatever portion of it concerns you). On real-world hardware you will seldom be that lucky.
This page discusses calendar cycles related to NTP, the ways they interact, the consequences of rollover and common workarounds for rollover problems.
3. Terminology
Every calendar cycle has at least three basic properties: a start date (usually referenced to a solar astronomical date in the Gregorian calendar), a unit (such as seconds) and a rollover time or cycle length in that unit. It also matters what the calendar does about leap seconds.
As an important example, the basic time representation used on computers running Unix has a start date of 1970-01-01T00:00:00 (midnight of January 1st 1970), a unit of seconds and a rollover time of either 231 seconds or 263 seconds, depending on the word size of the hardware. Negative times represent seconds before the start date.
The start date is often called the "epoch" and a rollover period may be called an "era". Beware that eras are often numbered zero-origin; it is likely that Unix software will refer to dates immediately before the 2038 rollover as "era 0", not "era 1".
Rollover problems arise when a counter wraps to zero, so that a system behaves or reports as though time has warped into the far past. The consequences can range from trivial to catastrophic; time-dependent software enters previously unexplored regions of its behavior space and may crash or deliver nonsensical results. Because these edge cases are difficult to test, they are defect attractors even when system designers have been careful and conscientious.
4. Major cycles of interest
For purposes related to NTP there are four major cyclic calendars of interest: two-digit years, Unix time, NTP time, GPS time (because GPSes are so often used as primary time sources).
4.1. Two-digit year reports
A well-known historical rollover problem was "Y2K", which derived from the use of two-digit decimal year counters in mainframe software (written when storage was so limited that longer counters would have been dramatically more expensive). Expensive preparation and mitigation work prevented any major disasters in the year 2000, but this was in part because there were many fewer vulnerable systems than there later became.
Alas, Y2K-like problems are not dead. Some will persist as long as bad old time-source hardware that only reports two-digit years is in service.
Many GPSes have this problem due to NMEA0183’s inadequacies as a reporting format (and analogous problems in various proprietary GPS protocols). Unless the device ships a particular $GPZDA sentence (which many do not) the year parts of time stamps are the low two digits only.
Dedicated non-GPS reference-clock hardware designed in the 20th century frequently also report only two-digit year dates - for example, the Arbiter and Spectracom devices supported by this distribution. This problem may persist in post-2000 devices that are designed for compatibility to use the same reporting protocols, such as Spectracom’s "Type 2".
There is an internal workaround to deal with two-digit dates in ntpd(8), but it relies on the system clock being at least roughly correct - it won’t work (for example) at boot time if the clock has been trashed or zeroed due to a failed battery backup and you have no remote check peers yet.
Warnings have been attached to the documentation of NTP clock drivers that may have a vulnerability here. Notably, the NMEA driver does not have this problem; it uses a clever calendrical trick to deduce a 4-digit year that should work until 2399.
4.2. Unix time
The basics of Unix time have already been described.
32-bit Unix time will roll over at 2038-01-19T03:14:08, beginning its second era. It will not roll over to zero but rather to the minimum negative Unix time, which will report as 1901-12-13T20:45:52.
Unix time is leap second-corrected. When a leap second is inserted, the Unix counter stutters - increases during the leap second, then drops back a second so that the same counter value represents two distinct times. If a leap second were to be deleted, the counter would skip that second.
The possibility of stutter or skip also means that in order to compute elapsed time in seconds between two Unix times, you need to know the leap second offset at each time. It is not guaranteed that these offsets are the same if the interval crosses midnight at the end of any calendar month. To date in 2018, IERS (the International Earth Rotation service) has performed all corrections just after midnight of June 31 and December 31 respectively.
The purpose of leap second correction is to keep Unix time synchronized to the solar calendar. With it, Unix time after 1972-01-01T00:00:00 (the start date of UTC, Universal Coordinated Time) coincides with UTC. Unix time before 1972 was an approximation of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) without leap seconds.
On POSIX-compliant Unix systems (which are now effectively all) Unix time can be retrieved with nanosecond precision; some older versions supported only millisecond precision. The subseconds counter is not involved in any of the rollover or leap second issues with the seconds counter.
The Unix 32-bit rollover may fizzle the way Y2K did, and will if a large enough percentage of 32-bit computers are replaced with 64-bit systems (the time counters on those won’t roll over for approximately 292 billion years, which is twenty times the lifetime of the universe so far). There is, however, reason for worry; various Unix filesystems, binary file formats, and databases even on 64-bit systems use 32-bit fields. A more serious worry is embedded 32-bit hardware quietly ticking away in life-critical systems everywhere from medical devices to avionics.
4.3. NTP time
NTP time has a 32-bit cycle with an epoch of 1900-01-01T00:00:00. NTP time is unsigned; the cycle is thus twice that from a signed 32-bit counter and the era 1 rollover will be on 2036-01-08. A detailed discussion can be found at The NTP Era and Era Numbering. NTP time has a subsecond part in units of 2-32 seconds, which does not participate in the seconds counter’s rollover problems.
NTP time is leap second corrected, and the reference implementation may exhibit stutter or skip.
There is a technique called "leap smearing" used by some servers that avoids these by changing the length of the issued second slightly before and after the leap. The AWS equivalent is at "Look Before You Leap" .
Leap Smear is supported by NTPSec, please see Leap Second Smearing with NTP .
4.4. GPS time
Raw GPS time is expressed as weeks since the GPS epoch 1980-01-06T00:00:00, and seconds within the week. Due to cost constraints at the time the system was designed, the week counters are only 10 bits long; thus, GPS time has a period of 1024 weeks (a bit over 19 years). At time of writing, two GPS rollovers have occurred; the first at 1999-08-22T00:00:00 and the second at 2019-04-07T00:00:00. Note that these times are "GPS Time", not UTC, the corresponding UTC was 2019-04-06T23:59:42Z , ie a difference of the 18 leapseconds that had elapsed since the GPS epoch.
It is planned that future GPS satellites will increase the week counter length to 13 bits, for a period of 8192 weeks or more than 157 years.
(GPS was originally designed for military geolocation, not time service. It does not seem to have occurred to the originators that long-service GPS clocks would ever be built.)
Raw GPS time does not include subseconds, but does ship a top-of-second notification accurate to 50ns. Receivers are expected to compose this with message data to report time at subsecond precision. Many, however, do not, and those that do are often inaccurate; consumer-grade hardware often has jitter of over a tenth of a second (100ms). On the other hand, carefully designed GPSes easily deliver 1ms accuracy, and some do 1000 times better than that. For a more detailed discussion of accuracy budgets see the Introduction to Time Service.
Raw GPS time is not leap second corrected, but the satellite messages include a leap second offset field in a special update approximately every 20 minutes. If the receiver firmware is not carefully designed there will be a window between device boot time and the next leap second update, and around leap second corrections, during which the reported second will be incorrect.
The qualifications about careful design are important because GPS firmware - especially in inexpensive consumer-grade devices - is often low-quality and poorly tested due to vendors trying to squeeze every possible dime out of their costs. Even major vendors like SiRF have a history of embarrassing firmware glitches, and the semi-anonymous outfits in Shenzhen and Taiwan are worse.
Cheaper, consumer-grade, GPS devices also suffer from early EOL, and manufacturers may never release firmware updates.
The worst impact of careless, low-budget design when using a GPS as an NTP clock is not around either jitter or leap second corrections, but rather the behavior near GPS and century rollovers.
5. GPS pivot dates and rollover compensation
To yield a UTC date, the weeks+second information from the GPS satellites has to be used as an offset to a base date.
The most naive way to do this would be to simply use the zero date of the current GPS era (1024-week cycle) as the base. Some very early GPS equipment seems to have worked this way, but it has the drawback that the device time-warps at the next GPS era rollover - which, if your device first shipped only a few years before that rollover is a serious drawback.
There is a relatively simple way to extend the useful life of a GPS used as a clock. That is to choose a pivot date in GPS weeks. When your device reports a week number before the pivot, you assume that a GPS rollover has occurred and add 1024 weeks to the base date.
This technique will postpone time-warping to a full 1024 weeks after the pivot date - which the vendor typically makes the release date of the device firmware. But it won’t do any better than that; without the ability to reconfigure the base date, the device will ship incorrect reports forever afterwards. A few refclocks, like the HP-GPS line, have that ability; most do not.
This is where careless, low-budget design begins to matter. GPS vendors do not document even the fact that they use base or pivot dates, let alone what the base and pivot dates for their devices are. As of 2018, NTP’s developers do not know of any devices for which you can even query these parameters, let alone set them. The best you can generally do (and on only some devices) is get the firmware release date; from this, you can assume that you will get non-timewarped reports for 1024 weeks after that and probably be right.
This is not entirely the GPS vendors' fault. The truth is, GPS reporting protocols are an awful mess. The closest thing to a standard is NMEA0183, originally designed for a different purpose; it is poorly specified and has no standard device-control functions at all, let alone any for querying base and pivot dates. GPSD, the ubiquitous open-source GPS manager daemon that shares some developers with NTPsec, works around a lot of the general messiness, but can’t solve this problem because the device capabilities to address it are simply absent.
Finally, when you buy a GPS device, you do not know - and often will not be able to discover - how far in the past its hidden pivot date is. This means that time service operators using a GPS as a local Stratum 0 need to be aware of the possibility that their device could roll over at any time (but especially near the zero days of a GPS era) and be ready to compensate by dropping in a device with a newer pivot date.
Actionable advice that follows from this: If you don’t know the manufacturing date of a GPS-based device to within a couple of years, don’t trust that it won’t be rolled over the first time you start it. Shopping for cheap refclocks at surplus houses or on the Web is particularly hazardous this way.
NTPsec includes a workaround option for these old devices. Each "g" suffix on the time1 offset option for a device adds the number of seconds in a 1024-week era; this corresponds to the 10-bit week counters used in today’s GNSS. "G" adds the number of seconds in the 8192-week era of the future. Unfortunately, this will only be useful after you detect a rollover.
A fairly bulletproof mitigation strategy, if you are running autonomously, is to have multiple GPS clocks per server and replace each individual one at least once every nine years (half a GPS era).
6. NTP pivot dates
For purposes of this discussion, a resolved timestamp is one that has been mapped from a 32-bit seconds offset in some era to a full 64-bit timestamp implicitly based in some known era.
When ntpd(8) receives an unresolved timestamp from an upstream server, that timestamp could be based in any era prior to the current wall-clock date - but by definition we may not know the wall-clock date with confidence yet (not having achieved sync).
To resolve this ambiguity, NTP also uses an internal pivot date. It chooses the era that would minimize the absolute value of the time difference between the resolved timestamp and its internal pivot date.
This resolution technique is part of the NTP specification. It will normally resolve to the current era, but may in cases where the pivot is within a half-cycle of a rollover time resolve to either the previous or the next era.
An ntpd(8) instance’s pivot date will be the date it was compiled and built.
It is fairly easy to see that this guarantees correct resolution if the pivot dates of the communicating ntpds are within a half-cycle (88 years) of each other, even if there is a rollover between the pivot dates.