
This chapter describes the ns-3 IPv6 model capabilities and limitations along with its usage and examples.

IPv6 model description

The IPv6 model is loosely patterned after the Linux implementation; the implementation is not complete as some features of IPv6 are not of much interest to simulation studies, and some features of IPv6 are simply not modeled yet in ns-3.

The base class Ipv6 defines a generic API, while the class Ipv6L3Protocol is the actual class implementing the protocol. The actual classes used by the IPv6 stack are located mainly in the directory src/internet.

The implementation of IPv6 is contained in the following files:


Also some helpers are involved with IPv6:


The model files can be roughly divided into:

  • protocol models (e.g., ipv6, ipv6-l3-protocol, icmpv6-l4-protocol, etc.)

  • routing models (i.e., anything with ‘routing’ in its name)

  • sockets and interfaces (e.g., ipv6-raw-socket, ipv6-interface, ipv6-end-point, etc.)

  • address-related things

  • headers, option headers, extension headers, etc.

  • accessory classes (e.g., ndisc-cache)


The following description is based on using the typical helpers found in the example code.

IPv6 does not need to be activated in a node. it is automatically added to the available protocols once the Internet Stack is installed.

In order to not install IPv6 along with IPv4, it is possible to use ns3::InternetStackHelper method SetIpv6StackInstall (bool enable) before installing the InternetStack in the nodes.

Note that to have an IPv6-only network (i.e., to not install the IPv4 stack in a node) one should use ns3::InternetStackHelper method SetIpv4StackInstall (bool enable) before the stack installation.

As an example, in the following code node 0 will have both IPv4 and IPv6, node 1 only only IPv6 and node 2 only IPv4:

NodeContainer n;
n.Create (3);

InternetStackHelper internet;
InternetStackHelper internetV4only;
InternetStackHelper internetV6only;

internetV4only.SetIpv6StackInstall (false);
internetV6only.SetIpv4StackInstall (false);

internet.Install (n.Get (0));
internetV6only.Install (n.Get (1));
internetV4only.Install (n.Get (2));

IPv6 addresses assignment

In order to use IPv6 on a network, the first thing to do is assigning IPv6 addresses.

Any IPv6-enabled ns-3 node will have at least one NetDevice: the ns3::LoopbackNetDevice. The loopback device address is ::1. All the other NetDevices will have one or more IPv6 addresses:

  • One link-local address: fe80::interface ID, where interface ID is derived from the NetDevice MAC address.

  • Zero or more global addresses, e.g., 2001:db8::1.

Typically the first address on an interface will be the link-local one, with the global address(es) being the following ones.

IPv6 global addresses might be:

  • manually assigned

  • auto-generated

ns-3 can use both methods, and it’s quite important to understand the implications of both.

Manually assigned IPv6 addresses

This is probably the easiest and most used method. As an example:

Ptr<Node> n0 = CreateObject<Node> ();
Ptr<Node> n1 = CreateObject<Node> ();
NodeContainer net (n0, n1);
CsmaHelper csma;
NetDeviceContainer ndc = csma.Install (net);

NS_LOG_INFO ("Assign IPv6 Addresses.");
Ipv6AddressHelper ipv6;
ipv6.SetBase (Ipv6Address ("2001:db8::"), Ipv6Prefix (64));
Ipv6InterfaceContainer ic = ipv6.Assign (ndc);

This method will add two global IPv6 addresses to the nodes. Note that, as usual for IPv6, all the nodes will also have a link-local address. Typically the first address on an interface will be the link-local one, with the global address(es) being the following ones.

Note that the global addresses will be derived from the MAC address. As a consequence, expect to have addresses similar to 2001:db8::200:ff:fe00:1.

It is possible to repeat the above to assign more than one global address to a node. However, due to the Ipv6AddressHelper singleton nature, one should first assign all the addresses of a network, then change the network base (SetBase), then do a new assignment.

Alternatively, it is possible to assign a specific address to a node:

Ptr<Node> n0 = CreateObject<Node> ();
NodeContainer net (n0);
CsmaHelper csma;
NetDeviceContainer ndc = csma.Install (net);

NS_LOG_INFO ("Specifically Assign an IPv6 Address.");
Ipv6AddressHelper ipv6;
Ptr<NetDevice> device = ndc.Get (0);
Ptr<Node> node = device->GetNode ();
Ptr<Ipv6> ipv6proto = node->GetObject<Ipv6> ();
int32_t ifIndex = 0;
ifIndex = ipv6proto->GetInterfaceForDevice (device);
Ipv6InterfaceAddress ipv6Addr = Ipv6InterfaceAddress (Ipv6Address ("2001:db8:f00d:cafe::42"), Ipv6Prefix (64));
ipv6proto->AddAddress (ifIndex, ipv6Addr);

Auto-generated IPv6 addresses

This is accomplished by relying on the RADVD protocol, implemented by the class Radvd. A helper class is available, which can be used to ease the most common tasks, e.g., setting up a prefix on an interface, if it is announced periodically, and if the router is the default router for that interface.

A fine grain configuration is possible though the RadvdInterface class, which allows to setup every parameter of the announced router advertisement on a given interface.

It is worth mentioning that the configurations must be set up before installing the application in the node.

Upon using this method, the nodes will acquire dynamically (i.e., during the simulation) one (or more) global address(es) according to the RADVD configuration. These addresses will be bases on the RADVD announced prefix and the node’s EUI-64.

Examples of RADVD use are shown in examples/ipv6/radvd.cc and examples/ipv6/radvd-two-prefix.cc.

Note that the router (i.e., the node with Radvd) will have to have a global address, while the nodes using the auto-generated addresses (SLAAC) will have to have a link-local address. This is accomplished using Ipv6AddressHelper::AssignWithoutAddress, e.g.:

Ipv6AddressHelper ipv6;
NetDeviceContainer tmp;
tmp.Add (d1.Get (0)); /* n0 */
Ipv6InterfaceContainer iic1 = ipv6.AssignWithoutAddress (tmp); /* n0 interface */
Random-generated IPv6 addresses

While IPv6 real nodes will use randomly generated addresses to protect privacy, ns-3 does NOT have this capability. This feature haven’t been so far considered as interesting for simulation.

Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

Nodes will perform DAD (it can be disabled using an Icmpv6L4Protocol attribute). Upon receiving a DAD, however, nodes will not react to it. As is: DAD reaction is incomplete so far. The main reason relies on the missing random-generated address capability. Moreover, since ns-3 nodes will usually be well-behaving, there shouldn’t be any Duplicate Address. This might be changed in the future, so as to avoid issues with real-world integrated simulations.

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) bits in IPv6

  • In IPv6, ECN bits are the last 2 bits of the Traffic class and occupy 10th and 11th bit in the header.

  • The IPv6 header class defines an EcnType enum with all four ECN codepoints (ECN_NotECT, ECN_ECT1, ECN_ECT0, ECN_CE) mentioned in RFC 3168, and also a setter and getter method to handle ECN values in the Traffic Class field.


The traffic control sublayer in ns-3 handles objects of class QueueDiscItem which are used to hold an ns3::Packet and an ns3::Header. This is done to facilitate the marking of packets for Explicit Congestion Notification. The Mark () method is implemented in Ipv6QueueDiscItem. It returns true if marking the packet is successful, i.e., it successfully sets the CE bit in the IPv6 header. The Mark () method will return false, however, if the IPv6 header indicates the ECN_NotECT codepoint.

Host and Router behaviour in IPv6 and ns-3

In IPv6 there is a clear distinction between routers and hosts. As one might expect, routers can forward packets from an interface to another interface, while hosts drop packets not directed to them.

Unfortunately, forwarding is not the only thing affected by this distinction, and forwarding itself might be fine-tuned, e.g., to forward packets incoming from an interface and drop packets from another interface.

In ns-3 a node is configured to be an host by default. There are two main ways to change this behaviour:

  • Using ns3::Ipv6InterfaceContainer SetForwarding(uint32_t i, bool router) where i is the interface index in the container.

  • Changing the ns3::Ipv6 attribute IpForward.

Either one can be used during the simulation.

A fine-grained setup can be accomplished by using ns3::Ipv6Interface SetForwarding (bool forward); which allows to change the behaviour on a per-interface-basis.

Note that the node-wide configuration only serves as a convenient method to enable/disable the ns3::Ipv6Interface specific setting. An Ipv6Interface added to a node with forwarding enabled will be set to be forwarding as well. This is really important when a node has interfaces added during the simulation.

According to the ns3::Ipv6Interface forwarding state, the following happens:

  • Forwarding OFF

  • The node will NOT reply to Router Solicitation

  • The node will react to Router Advertisement

  • The node will periodically send Router Solicitation

  • Routing protocols MUST DROP packets not directed to the node

  • Forwarding ON

  • The node will reply to Router Solicitation

  • The node will NOT react to Router Advertisement

  • The node will NOT send Router Solicitation

  • Routing protocols MUST forward packets

The behaviour is matching ip-sysctl.txt (http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt) with the difference that it’s not possible to override the behaviour using esoteric settings (e.g., forwarding but accept router advertisements, accept_ra=2, or forwarding but send router solicitations forwarding=2).

Consider carefully the implications of packet forwarding. As an example, a node will NOT send ICMPv6 PACKET_TOO_BIG messages from an interface with forwarding off. This is completely normal, as the Routing protocol will drop the packet before attempting to forward it.


Typically the helpers used in IPv6 setup are:

  • ns3::InternetStackHelper

  • ns3::Ipv6AddressHelper

  • ns3::Ipv6InterfaceContainer

The use is almost identical to the corresponding IPv4 case, e.g.:

NodeContainer n;
n.Create (4);

NS_LOG_INFO ("Create IPv6 Internet Stack");
InternetStackHelper internetv6;
internetv6.Install (n);

NS_LOG_INFO ("Create channels.");
CsmaHelper csma;
NetDeviceContainer d = csma.Install (n);

NS_LOG_INFO ("Create networks and assign IPv6 Addresses.");
Ipv6AddressHelper ipv6;
ipv6.SetBase (Ipv6Address ("2001:db8::"), Ipv6Prefix (64));
Ipv6InterfaceContainer iic = ipv6.Assign (d);

Additionally, a common task is to enable forwarding on one of the nodes and to setup a default route toward it in the other nodes, e.g.:

iic.SetForwarding (0, true);
iic.SetDefaultRouteInAllNodes (0);

This will enable forwarding on the node 0 and will setup a default route in ns3::Ipv6StaticRouting on all the other nodes. Note that this requires that Ipv6StaticRouting is present in the nodes.

The IPv6 routing helpers enable the user to perform specific tasks on the particular routing algorithm and to print the routing tables.


Many classes in the ns-3 IPv6 implementation contain attributes. The most useful ones are:

  • ns3::Ipv6

  • IpForward, boolean, default false. Globally enable or disable IP forwarding for all current and future IPv6 devices.

  • MtuDiscover, boolean, default true. If disabled, every interface will have its MTU set to 1280 bytes.

  • ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol

  • DefaultTtl, uint8_t, default 64. The TTL value set by default on all outgoing packets generated on this node.

  • SendIcmpv6Redirect, boolean, default true. Send the ICMPv6 Redirect when appropriate.

  • ns3::Icmpv6L4Protocol

  • DAD, boolean, default true. Always do DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) check.

  • ns3::NdiscCache

  • UnresolvedQueueSize, uint32_t, default 3. Size of the queue for packets pending an NA reply.


The IPv6 stack provides some useful trace sources:

  • ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol

  • Tx, Send IPv6 packet to outgoing interface.

  • Rx, Receive IPv6 packet from incoming interface.

  • Drop, Drop IPv6 packet.

  • ns3::Ipv6Extension

  • Drop, Drop IPv6 packet.

The latest trace source is generated when a packet contains an unknown option blocking its processing.

Mind that ns3::NdiscCache could drop packets as well, and they are not logged in a trace source (yet). This might generate some confusion in the sent/received packets counters.

Advanced Usage

IPv6 maximum transmission unit (MTU) and fragmentation

ns-3 NetDevices define the MTU according to the L2 simulated Device. IPv6 requires that the minimum MTU is 1280 bytes, so all NetDevices are required to support at least this MTU. This is the link-MTU.

In order to support different MTUs in a source-destination path, ns-3 IPv6 model can perform fragmentation. This can be either triggered by receiving a packet bigger than the link-MTU from the L4 protocols (UDP, TCP, etc.), or by receiving an ICMPv6 PACKET_TOO_BIG message. The model mimics RFC 1981, with the following notable exceptions:

  • L4 protocols are not informed of the Path MTU change

  • TCP can not change its Segment Size according to the Path-MTU.

Both limitations are going to be removed in due time.

The Path-MTU cache is currently based on the source-destination IPv6 addresses. Further classifications (e.g., flow label) are possible but not yet implemented.

The Path-MTU default validity time is 10 minutes. After the cache entry expiration, the Path-MTU information is removed and the next packet will (eventually) trigger a new ICMPv6 PACKET_TOO_BIG message. Note that 1) this is consistent with the RFC specification and 2) L4 protocols are responsible for retransmitting the packets.


The examples for IPv6 are in the directory examples/ipv6. These examples focus on the most interesting IPv6 peculiarities, such as fragmentation, redirect and so on.

Moreover, most TCP and UDP examples located in examples/udp, examples/tcp, etc. have a command-line option to use IPv6 instead of IPv4.


There are just a few pitfalls to avoid while using ns-3 IPv6.

Routing loops

Since the only (so far) routing scheme available for IPv6 is ns3::Ipv6StaticRouting, default router have to be setup manually. When there are two or more routers in a network (e.g., node A and node B), avoid using the helper function SetDefaultRouteInAllNodes for more than one router.

The consequence would be to install a default route to B in A and a default route pointing to A in B, generating a loop.

Global address leakage

Remember that addresses in IPv6 are global by definition. When using IPv6 with an emulation ns-3 capability, avoid at all costs address leakage toward the global Internet. It is advisable to setup an external firewall to prevent leakage.

2001:DB8::/32 addresses

IPv6 standard (RFC 3849) defines the 2001:DB8::/32 address class for the documentation. This manual uses this convention. The addresses in this class are, however, only usable in a document, and routers should discard them.


The IPv6 protocols has not yet been extensively validated against real implementations. The actual tests involve mainly performing checks of the .pcap trace files with Wireshark, and the results are positive.


NeighborCacheHelper provides a way to generate NDISC cache automatically. It generates needed NDISC cache before simulation start to avoid the delay and mesage overhead of neighbor discovery in simulations that are focused on other performance aspects. The state of entries generate by NeighborCacheHelper is STATIC_AUTOGENERATED, which is similar to PERMANENT, but they are not manually added or removed by user, they will be managed by NeighborCacheHelper when user need pre-generate cache. When user is generating neighbor caches globally, neighbor caches will update dynamically when IPv6 addresses are removed or added; when user is generating neighbor caches partially, NeighborCacheHelper will take care of address removal, for adding address user may rerun a reduced-scope PopulateNeighbor() again to pick up the new IP address or manually add an entry to keep the neighbor cache up-to-date, the reason is that: when PopulateNeighborCache() has previously been run with a scope less than global, the code does not know whether it was previously run with a scope of Channel, NetDeviceContainer, or Ip interface container. The source code for NeighborCache is located in src/internet/helper/neighbor-cache-helper A complete example is in src/internet/examples/neighbor-cache-example.cc.


The usages for generating NDISC cache is almost the same as generating ARP cache, see src/internet/doc/ipv4.rst

  • Populate neighbor ARP caches for a given Ipv6InterfaceContainer:

NeighborCacheHelper neighborCache;
neighborCache.PopulateNeighborCache (interfaces);    // interfaces is the Ipv6InterfaceContainer want to generate ARP caches