// const { Command } = require('commander'); // (normal include) const { Command } = require('../'); // include commander in git clone of commander repo const program = new Command(); // This is used as an example in the README for the Quick Start. program .name('string-util') .description('CLI to some JavaScript string utilities') .version('0.8.0'); program.command('split') .description('Split a string into substrings and display as an array.') .argument('', 'string to split') .option('--first', 'display just the first substring') .option('-s, --separator ', 'separator character', ',') .action((str, options) => { const limit = options.first ? 1 : undefined; console.log(str.split(options.separator, limit)); }); program.command('join') .description('Join the command-arguments into a single string') .argument('', 'one or more strings') .option('-s, --separator ', 'separator character', ',') .action((strings, options) => { console.log(strings.join(options.separator)); }); program.parse(); // Try the following: // node string-util // node string-util help split // node string-util split --separator=/ a/b/c // node string-util split --first a,b,c // node string-util join a b c d