#!/usr/bin/env node // const { Command } = require('commander'); // (normal include) const { Command } = require('../'); // include commander in git clone of commander repo const program = new Command(); program .enablePositionalOptions() .option('-p, --progress'); program .command('upload ') .option('-p, --port ', 'port number', 80) .action((file, options) => { if (program.opts().progress) console.log('Starting upload...'); console.log(`Uploading ${file} to port ${options.port}`); if (program.opts().progress) console.log('Finished upload'); }); program.parse(); // Try the following: // node positional-options.js upload test.js // node positional-options.js -p upload test.js // node positional-options.js upload -p 8080 test.js // node positional-options.js -p upload -p 8080 test.js