#!/usr/bin/env node // const commander = require('commander'); // (normal include) const commander = require('../'); // include commander in git clone of commander repo const program = new commander.Command(); // Example program using the command configuration option isDefault to specify the default command. program .command('build') .description('build web site for deployment') .action(() => { console.log('build'); }); program .command('deploy') .description('deploy web site to production') .action(() => { console.log('deploy'); }); program .command('serve', { isDefault: true }) .description('launch web server') .option('-p,--port ', 'web port') .action((options) => { console.log(`server on port ${options.port}`); }); program.parse(process.argv); // Try the following: // node defaultCommand.js build // node defaultCommand.js serve -p 8080 // node defaultCommand.js -p 443