#!/usr/bin/env node // This is used as an example in the README for extra argument features. // const commander = require('commander'); // (normal include) const commander = require('../'); // include commander in git clone of commander repo const program = new commander.Command(); program .addArgument(new commander.Argument('', 'drink cup size').choices(['small', 'medium', 'large'])) .addArgument(new commander.Argument('[timeout]', 'timeout in seconds').default(60, 'one minute')) .action((drinkSize, timeout) => { console.log(`Drink size: ${drinkSize}`); console.log(`Timeout (s): ${timeout}`); }); program.parse(); // Try the following: // node arguments-extra.js --help // node arguments-extra.js huge // node arguments-extra.js small // node arguments-extra.js medium 30