Tool 214: Traceroute discovery: graph of network topology


  This tool sends traceroute queries to a remote network, and creates
  a graph of remote computers. It traceroutes common TCP/UDP ports,
  and ICMP. Setting min-ttl and max-ttl correctly will speed up
  the scan.
  Parameter --spoofip indicates how to generate link layer for spoofing.
  Values 'best', 'link' or 'raw' are common choices for --spoofip. Here
  is the list of accepted values:
   - 'raw' means to spoof at IP4/IP6 level (it uses system IP stack). If
     a firewall is installed, or on some systems, this might not work.
   - 'linkf' means to spoof at link level (currently, only Ethernet is
     supported). The 'f' means to Fill source Ethernet address.
     However, if source IP address is spoofed, it might be impossible
     to Fill it. So, linkf will not work: use linkb or linkfb instead.
   - 'linkb' means to spoof at link level. The 'b' means to left a Blank
     source Ethernet address (0:0:0:0:0:0, do not try to Fill it).
   - 'linkfb' means to spoof at link level. The 'f' means to try to Fill
     source Ethernet address, but if it is not possible, it is left
   - 'rawlinkf' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkf'
   - 'rawlinkb' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkb'
   - 'rawlinkfb' means to try 'raw', then try 'linkfb'
   - 'linkfraw' means to try 'linkf', then try 'raw'
   - 'linkbraw' means to try 'linkb', then try 'raw'
   - 'linkfbraw' means to try 'linkfb', then try 'raw'
   - 'link' is an alias for 'linkfb'
   - 'rawlink' is an alias for 'rawlinkfb'
   - 'linkraw' is an alias for 'linkfbraw'
   - 'best' is an alias for 'linkraw'. It should work in all cases.
  This tool may need to be run with admin privilege in order to sniff
  and spoof.


  netwox 214 -i ips [-p ports] [-P ports] [-c|+c] [-s spoofip] [-T uint32] [-t uint32] [-m uint32] [-r|+r] [-v|+v]


parameter description example
-i|--ips ips list/range of IP addresses all
-p|--tcpports ports list of open tcp ports to scan 21,22,23,25,53,79,80,88,110,113,119,139,143,389,443,445,1080,2401,6000
-P|--udpports ports list of closed udp ports to scan 1,53,67,68,123,137,138,161,162,177,514
-c|--icmp|+c|--no-icmp if icmp is also scanned This boolean is set.
Use + or --no- to unset it.
-s|--spoofip spoofip IP spoof initialization type best
-T|--min-ttl uint32 min ttl 1
-t|--max-ttl uint32 max ttl 30
-m|--max-ms uint32 max millisecond wait 1000
-r|--resolve|+r|--no-resolve resolve hostname  
-v|--verbose|+v|--no-verbose display intermediary results  


  netwox 214 -i "all"

  netwox 214 --ips "all"