Tool 197: WHOIS client guessing server


  This tool is a whois client.
  It obtains information about an object (generally a domain name).
  It tries to guess the best whois server.
  For example: netwox 197 --query
  Parameter --dst-ip is the address of remote host/server.
  Parameter --dst-port is the port number where to connect.
  Optional parameter --src-ip defines the local IP address to use.
  Optional parameter --src-port defines the local port number to use.
  Optional parameter --ip4opts permits to add IP4 options encoded as
  Optional parameter --ip6exts permits to add IP6 options encoded as
  mixed (first byte is the next header number).
  Optional parameters --device, --src-eth and --dst-eth permits to
  create a virtual client using fake addresses (in this case, tool have
  to be run with admin privilege in order to sniff and spoof at
  Ethernet level).


  netwox 197 -q hostname [-T uint32]


parameter description example
-q|--query hostname information to query
-T|--timeout uint32 timeout in milliseconds 60000


  netwox 197 -q ""

  netwox 197 --query ""