$book = '..'?>
include "$book/mh.php"; includeHeader('redmerc.html', 'altmhpr.html'); ?>The rcvpack program isn't used very much. The file, >, mbox, or mmdf (nmh) actions do the same thing more efficiently. For example, both of these entries append the message to a file named autoproc.log in the home directory:
From autoproc > R autoproc.log From autoproc ^ R "/x/y/rcvpack autoproc.log"rcvpack is useful on systems with MH before version 6.8, and the sendmail MTA, if users want to run msh on new mail. On those systems, the file or > action is usually set to write mailboxes in mailbox format. But the MH rcvpack always uses MMDF format; that's what msh needs. In MH 6.8 and after, slocal supports the mbox action for writing MMDF format; on those systems, you won't need rcvpack from a .maildelivery file.
Under nmh, rcvpack has both -mbox and -mmdf options to write mailbox and MMDF formats, respectively. includeFooter('$Date: 2006-05-31 15:13:43 -0700 (Wed, 31 May 2006) $', 'OReilly: 1991, 1992, 1995; Jerry: 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004'); ?>