Class SmartHighlightPainter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Highlighter.HighlightPainter

    public class SmartHighlightPainter
    extends ChangeableHighlightPainter
    A "smart" highlight painter designed for use in RSyntaxTextArea. Adds the following features:
    • Rendered highlights don't "grow" when users append text to the "end" of them. This is implemented by assuming that the highlights themselves specify their end offset as one offset "too short". This behavior is baked into various RSTA highlights (mark all, mark occurrences, etc.).
    • Ability to paint a border line around highlights.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SmartHighlightPainter

        public SmartHighlightPainter()
        Creates a highlight painter that defaults to blue.
      • SmartHighlightPainter

        public SmartHighlightPainter​(Paint paint)
        paint - The color or paint to use for this painter.