Class SearchEngine

    • Method Detail

      • getNextMatchPos

        public static final int getNextMatchPos​(String searchFor,
                                                String searchIn,
                                                boolean forward,
                                                boolean matchCase,
                                                boolean wholeWord)
        Searches searchIn for an occurrence of searchFor either forwards or backwards, matching case or not.

        Most clients will have no need to call this method directly.

        searchFor - The string to look for.
        searchIn - The string to search in.
        forward - Whether to search forward or backward in searchIn.
        matchCase - If true, do a case-sensitive search for searchFor.
        wholeWord - If true, searchFor occurrences embedded in longer words in searchIn don't count as matches.
        The starting position of a match, or -1 if no match was found.
      • getReplacementText

        public static String getReplacementText​(Matcher m,
                                                CharSequence template)
        Called internally by getMatches(). This method assumes that the specified matcher has just found a match, and that you want to get the string with which to replace that match.

        Escapes simply insert the escaped character, except for \n and \t, which insert a newline and tab respectively. Substrings of the form $\d+ are considered to be matched groups. To include a literal dollar sign in your template, escape it (i.e. \$).

        Most clients will have no need to call this method directly.

        m - The matcher.
        template - The template for the replacement string. For example, "foo" would yield the replacement string "foo", while "$1 is the greatest" would yield different values depending on the value of the first captured group in the match.
        The string to replace the match with.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - If template references an invalid group (less than zero or greater than the number of groups matched).
      • markAll

        public static final SearchResult markAll​(RTextArea textArea,
                                                 SearchContext context)
        Marks all instances of the specified text in this text area. This method is typically only called directly in response to search events of type SearchEvent.Type.MARK_ALL. "Mark all" behavior is automatically performed when find(JTextArea, SearchContext) or replace(RTextArea, SearchContext) is called.
        textArea - The text area in which to mark occurrences.
        context - The search context specifying the text to search for. It is assumed that context.getMarkAll() has already been checked and returns true.
        The results of the operation.