AbstractJFlexCTokenMaker |
Base class for JFlex-based token makers using C-style syntax.
AbstractJFlexTokenMaker |
Base class for JFlex-generated token makers.
AbstractTokenMaker |
An abstract implementation of the
TokenMaker interface.
AbstractTokenMakerFactory |
ActiveLineRangeEvent |
CodeTemplateManager |
Manages "code templates."
DocumentRange |
A range of text in a document.
ErrorStrip |
A component to sit alongside an RSyntaxTextArea that displays
colored markers for locations of interest (parser errors, marked
occurrences, etc.).
FileLocation |
Holds the location of a local or remote file.
FoldingAwareIconRowHeader |
A row header component that takes code folding into account when painting
HtmlOccurrenceMarker |
Marks occurrences of the current token for HTML.
PopupWindowDecorator |
A hook allowing hosting applications to decorate JWindows created by the
AutoComplete library.
RSyntaxDocument |
RSyntaxTextArea |
An extension of RTextArea that adds syntax highlighting
of certain programming languages to its list of features.
RSyntaxTextAreaDefaultInputMap |
The default input map for an RSyntaxTextArea .
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit |
An extension of RTextAreaEditorKit that adds functionality for
programming-specific stuff.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.BeginWordAction |
Positions the caret at the beginning of the word.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.ChangeFoldStateAction |
Expands or collapses the nearest fold.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.CloseCurlyBraceAction |
Action that (optionally) aligns a closing curly brace with the line
containing its matching opening curly brace.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.CloseMarkupTagAction |
(Optionally) completes a closing markup tag.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.CollapseAllCommentFoldsAction |
Collapses all comment folds.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.CollapseAllFoldsAction |
Collapses all folds.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.CopyAsRtfAction |
Action for copying text as RTF.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.DecreaseFontSizeAction |
Action for decreasing the font size of all fonts in the text area.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.DecreaseIndentAction |
Action for when un-indenting lines (either the current line if there is
selection, or all selected lines if there is one).
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.DeletePrevWordAction |
Deletes the previous word, but differentiates symbols from "words" to
match the behavior of code editors.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.DumbCompleteWordAction |
Overridden to use the programming language RSTA is displaying when
computing words to complete.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.EndWordAction |
Positions the caret at the end of the word.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.ExpandAllFoldsAction |
Expands all folds.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.GoToMatchingBracketAction |
Action for moving the caret to the "matching bracket" of the bracket
at the caret position (either before or after).
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.GoToMatchingBracketAction.EndAction |
Moves the caret to the end of the document, taking into account code
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.IncreaseFontSizeAction |
Action for increasing the font size of all fonts in the text area.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.InsertBreakAction |
Action for when the user presses the Enter key.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.InsertTabAction |
Action for inserting tabs.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.NextWordAction |
Action to move the selection and/or caret.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.PossiblyInsertTemplateAction |
Action for when the user tries to insert a template (that is,
they've typed a template ID and pressed the trigger character
(a space) in an attempt to do the substitution).
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.PreviousWordAction |
Action to move the selection and/or caret.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.SelectWordAction |
Selects the word around the caret.
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.ToggleCommentAction |
Action that toggles whether the currently selected lines are
RSyntaxTextAreaEditorKit.ToggleCurrentFoldAction |
Toggles the fold at the current caret position or line.
RSyntaxTextAreaHighlighter |
RSyntaxTextAreaUI |
UI used by RSyntaxTextArea .
RSyntaxUtilities |
Utility methods used by RSyntaxTextArea and its associated
RtfGenerator |
Generates RTF text via a simple Java API.
SelectRegionLinkGeneratorResult |
A link generator result that selects a region of text in the text area.
SquiggleUnderlineHighlightPainter |
Highlight painter that paints a squiggly underline underneath text, similar
to what popular IDE's such as Visual Studio and Eclipse do to indicate
errors, warnings, etc.
Style |
The color and style information for a token type.
SyntaxScheme |
The set of colors and styles used by an RSyntaxTextArea to
color tokens.
SyntaxView |
The javax.swing.text.View object used by RSyntaxTextArea
when word wrap is disabled.
TextEditorPane |
An extension of RSyntaxTextArea
that adds information about the file being edited, such as:
Its name and location.
Theme |
A theme is a set of fonts and colors to use to style RSyntaxTextArea.
TokenImpl |
The default implementation of Token .
TokenMakerBase |
Base class for token makers.
TokenMakerFactory |
A factory that maps syntax styles to TokenMaker s capable of splitting
text into tokens for those syntax styles.
TokenMap |
A hash table for reserved words, etc.
TokenUtils |
Utility methods for dealing with tokens.
TokenUtils.TokenSubList |
WrappedSyntaxView |
WrappedSyntaxView2 |
Replacement for the old WrappedSyntaxView class, designed to
be faster with large wrapped documents.
XmlOccurrenceMarker |
Marks occurrences of the current token for XML.