Class TokenMap

  • public class TokenMap
    extends Object
    A hash table for reserved words, etc. defined by a TokenMaker. This class is designed for the quick lookup of tokens, as it can compare Segments without the need to allocate a new string.

    The org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea package uses this class to help identify reserved words in programming languages. An instance of TokenMaker will create and initialize an instance of this class containing all reserved words, data types, and all other words that need to be syntax-highlighted for that particular language. When the token maker parses a line and identifies an individual token, it is looked up in the TokenMap to see if it should be syntax-highlighted.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs a new token map that is case-sensitive.
      TokenMap​(boolean ignoreCase)
      Constructs a new token map.
      TokenMap​(int size)
      Constructs a new token map that is case-sensitive.
      TokenMap​(int size, boolean ignoreCase)
      Constructs a new token map.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TokenMap

        public TokenMap()
        Constructs a new token map that is case-sensitive.
      • TokenMap

        public TokenMap​(int size)
        Constructs a new token map that is case-sensitive.
        size - The size of the token map.
      • TokenMap

        public TokenMap​(boolean ignoreCase)
        Constructs a new token map.
        ignoreCase - Whether or not this token map should ignore case when comparing tokens.
      • TokenMap

        public TokenMap​(int size,
                        boolean ignoreCase)
        Constructs a new token map.
        size - The size of the token map.
        ignoreCase - Whether or not this token map should ignore case when comparing tokens.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public int get​(Segment text,
                       int start,
                       int end)
        Returns the token type associated with the given text, if the given text is in this token map. If it isn't, -1 is returned.
        text - The segment from which to get the text to compare.
        start - The starting index in the segment of the text.
        end - The ending index in the segment of the text.
        The token type associated with the given text, or -1 if this token was not specified in this map.
      • get

        public int get​(char[] array1,
                       int start,
                       int end)
        Returns the token type associated with the given text, if the given text is in this token map. If it isn't, -1 is returned.
        array1 - An array of characters containing the text.
        start - The starting index in the array of the text.
        end - The ending index in the array of the text.
        The token type associated with the given text, or -1 if this token was not specified in this map.
      • isIgnoringCase

        protected boolean isIgnoringCase()
        Returns whether this token map ignores case when checking for tokens. This property is set in the constructor and cannot be changed, as this is an intrinsic property of a particular programming language.
        Whether or not this token maker is ignoring case.
      • put

        public void put​(String string,
                        int tokenType)
        Adds a string to this token map.
        string - The string to add.
        tokenType - The type of token the string is.