Class TokenMakerBase

    • Field Detail

      • firstToken

        protected TokenImpl firstToken
        The first token in the returned linked list.
      • currentToken

        protected TokenImpl currentToken
        Used in the creation of the linked list.
      • previousToken

        protected TokenImpl previousToken
        Used in the creation of the linked list.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TokenMakerBase

        public TokenMakerBase()
    • Method Detail

      • addNullToken

        public void addNullToken()
        Adds a null token to the end of the current linked list of tokens. This should be put at the end of the linked list whenever the last token on the current line is NOT a multi-line token.
        Specified by:
        addNullToken in interface TokenMaker
      • addToken

        public void addToken​(Segment segment,
                             int start,
                             int end,
                             int tokenType,
                             int startOffset)
        Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens.
        segment - Segment to get text from.
        start - Start offset in segment of token.
        end - End offset in segment of token.
        tokenType - The token's type.
        startOffset - The offset in the document at which this token occurs.
      • addToken

        public void addToken​(char[] array,
                             int start,
                             int end,
                             int tokenType,
                             int startOffset)
        Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens.
        Specified by:
        addToken in interface TokenMaker
        array - The character array from which to get the text.
        start - Start offset in segment of token.
        end - End offset in segment of token.
        tokenType - The token's type.
        startOffset - The offset in the document at which this token occurs.
      • addToken

        public void addToken​(char[] array,
                             int start,
                             int end,
                             int tokenType,
                             int startOffset,
                             boolean hyperlink)
        Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens.
        array - The character array.
        start - The starting offset in the array.
        end - The ending offset in the array.
        tokenType - The token's type.
        startOffset - The offset in the document at which this token occurs.
        hyperlink - Whether this token is a hyperlink.
      • createOccurrenceMarker

        protected OccurrenceMarker createOccurrenceMarker()
        Returns the occurrence marker to use for this token maker. Subclasses can override to use different implementations.
        The occurrence marker to use.
      • getClosestStandardTokenTypeForInternalType

        public int getClosestStandardTokenTypeForInternalType​(int type)
        Returns the closest "standard" token type for a given "internal" token type (e.g. one whose value is < 0).

        The default implementation returns type always, which denotes that a mapping from internal token types to standard token types is not defined; subclasses can override.

        Specified by:
        getClosestStandardTokenTypeForInternalType in interface TokenMaker
        type - The token type.
        The closest "standard" token type.
      • getCurlyBracesDenoteCodeBlocks

        public boolean getCurlyBracesDenoteCodeBlocks​(int languageIndex)
        Returns whether this programming language uses curly braces ('{' and '}') to denote code blocks. The default implementation returns false; subclasses can override this method if necessary.
        Specified by:
        getCurlyBracesDenoteCodeBlocks in interface TokenMaker
        languageIndex - The language index at the offset in question. Since some TokenMakers effectively have nested languages (such as JavaScript in HTML), this parameter tells the TokenMaker what sub-language to look at.
        Whether curly braces denote code blocks.
      • getInsertBreakAction

        public Action getInsertBreakAction()
        Returns an action to handle "insert break" key presses (i.e. Enter). The default implementation returns null. Subclasses can override.
        Specified by:
        getInsertBreakAction in interface TokenMaker
        The default implementation always returns null.
      • getLanguageIndex

        protected int getLanguageIndex()
        Returns the current language index.
        The current language index.
        See Also:
      • getLastTokenTypeOnLine

        public int getLastTokenTypeOnLine​(Segment text,
                                          int initialTokenType)
        Returns the last token on this line's type if the token is "unfinished", or TokenTypes.NULL if it was finished. For example, if C-style syntax highlighting is being implemented, and text contained a line of code that contained the beginning of a comment but no end-comment marker ("*\/"), then this method would return TokenTypes.COMMENT_MULTILINE for that line. This is useful for doing syntax highlighting.
        Specified by:
        getLastTokenTypeOnLine in interface TokenMaker
        text - The line of tokens to examine.
        initialTokenType - The token type to start with (i.e., the value of getLastTokenTypeOnLine for the line before text).
        The last token on this line's type, or TokenTypes.NULL if the line was completed.
      • getLineCommentStartAndEnd

        public String[] getLineCommentStartAndEnd​(int languageIndex)
        Returns the text to place at the beginning and end of a line to "comment" it in this programming language.
        Specified by:
        getLineCommentStartAndEnd in interface TokenMaker
        languageIndex - The language index at the offset in question. Since some TokenMakers effectively have nested languages (such as JavaScript in HTML), this parameter tells the TokenMaker what sub-language to look at.
        The start and end strings to add to a line to "comment" it out. A null value for either means there is no string to add for that part. A value of null for the array means this language does not support commenting/uncommenting lines.
      • getMarkOccurrencesOfTokenType

        public boolean getMarkOccurrencesOfTokenType​(int type)
        Returns whether tokens of the specified type should have "mark occurrences" enabled for the current programming language. The default implementation returns true if type is TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER. Subclasses can override this method to support other token types, such as TokenTypes.VARIABLE.
        Specified by:
        getMarkOccurrencesOfTokenType in interface TokenMaker
        type - The token type.
        Whether tokens of this type should have "mark occurrences" enabled.
      • getOccurrenceMarker

        public OccurrenceMarker getOccurrenceMarker()
        Returns the object in charge of marking all occurrences of the token at the current caret position, if it is a relevant token. If null is returned, a default OccurrenceMarker is used.
        Specified by:
        getOccurrenceMarker in interface TokenMaker
        The occurrence marker for this language, or null for none.
      • getShouldIndentNextLineAfter

        public boolean getShouldIndentNextLineAfter​(Token token)
        The default implementation returns false always. Languages that wish to better support auto-indentation can override this method.
        Specified by:
        getShouldIndentNextLineAfter in interface TokenMaker
        token - The token the previous line ends with.
        Whether the next line should be indented.
      • isIdentifierChar

        public boolean isIdentifierChar​(int languageIndex,
                                        char ch)
        Returns whether a character could be part of an "identifier" token in a specific language. The default implementation returns true for letters, numbers, and certain symbols.
        Specified by:
        isIdentifierChar in interface TokenMaker
        languageIndex - The language index the character was found in.
        ch - The character.
        Whether the character could be part of an "identifier" token.
      • isMarkupLanguage

        public boolean isMarkupLanguage()
        The default implementation returns false always. Subclasses that are highlighting a markup language should override this method to return true.
        Specified by:
        isMarkupLanguage in interface TokenMaker
        false always.
      • setLanguageIndex

        protected void setLanguageIndex​(int languageIndex)
        Sets the language index to assign to tokens moving forward. This property is used to designate tokens as being in "secondary" languages (such as CSS or JavaScript in HTML).
        languageIndex - The new language index. A value of 0 denotes the "main" language, any positive value denotes a specific secondary language. Negative values will be treated as 0.
        See Also: