Class RSyntaxDocument

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Iterable<Token>, Document, SyntaxConstants

    public class RSyntaxDocument
    extends RDocument
    implements Iterable<Token>, SyntaxConstants
    The document used by RSyntaxTextArea. This document is like javax.swing.text.PlainDocument except that it also keeps track of syntax highlighting in the document. It has a "style" attribute associated with it that determines how syntax highlighting is done (i.e., what language is being highlighted).

    Instances of RSyntaxTextArea will only accept instances of RSyntaxDocument, since it is this document that keeps track of syntax highlighting. All others will cause an exception to be thrown.

    To change the language being syntax highlighted at any time, you merely have to call setSyntaxStyle(java.lang.String). Other than that, this document can be treated like any other save one caveat: all DocumentEvents of type CHANGE use their offset and length values to represent the first and last lines, respectively, that have had their syntax coloring change. This is really a hack to increase the speed of the painting code and should really be corrected, but oh well.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • lastTokensOnLines

        protected transient DynamicIntArray lastTokensOnLines
        Array of values representing the "last token type" on each line. This is used in cases such as multi-line comments: if the previous line ended with an (unclosed) multi-line comment, we can use this knowledge and start the current line's syntax highlighting in multi-line comment state.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RSyntaxDocument

        public RSyntaxDocument​(String syntaxStyle)
        Constructs a plain text document. A default root element is created, and the tab size set to 5.
        syntaxStyle - The syntax highlighting scheme to use.
      • RSyntaxDocument

        public RSyntaxDocument​(TokenMakerFactory tmf,
                               String syntaxStyle)
        Constructs a plain text document. A default root element is created, and the tab size set to 5.
        tmf - The TokenMakerFactory for this document. If this is null, a default factory is used.
        syntaxStyle - The syntax highlighting scheme to use.
    • Method Detail

      • fireInsertUpdate

        protected void fireInsertUpdate​(DocumentEvent e)
        Alerts all listeners to this document of an insertion. This is overridden so we can update our syntax highlighting stuff.

        The syntax highlighting stuff has to be here instead of in insertUpdate because insertUpdate is not called by the undo/redo actions, but this method is.

        fireInsertUpdate in class AbstractDocument
        e - The change.
      • fireRemoveUpdate

        protected void fireRemoveUpdate​(DocumentEvent chng)
        This method is called AFTER the content has been inserted into the document and the element structure has been updated.

        The syntax-highlighting updates need to be done here (as opposed to an override of postRemoveUpdate) as this method is called in response to undo/redo events, whereas postRemoveUpdate is not.

        Now that the text is actually inserted into the content and element structure, we can update our token elements and "last tokens on lines" structure.

        fireRemoveUpdate in class AbstractDocument
        chng - The change that occurred.
        See Also:
      • getClosestStandardTokenTypeForInternalType

        public int getClosestStandardTokenTypeForInternalType​(int type)
        Returns the closest "standard" token type for a given "internal" token type (e.g. one whose value is < 0).
        type - The token type.
        The closest "standard" token type. If a mapping is not defined for this language, then type is returned.
      • getCompleteMarkupCloseTags

        public boolean getCompleteMarkupCloseTags()
        Returns whether closing markup tags should be automatically completed. This method only returns true if getLanguageIsMarkup() also returns true.
        Whether markup closing tags should be automatically completed.
        See Also:
      • getCurlyBracesDenoteCodeBlocks

        public boolean getCurlyBracesDenoteCodeBlocks​(int languageIndex)
        Returns whether the current programming language uses curly braces ('{' and '}') to denote code blocks.
        languageIndex - The language index at the offset in question. Since some TokenMakers effectively have nested languages (such as JavaScript in HTML), this parameter tells the TokenMaker what sub-language to look at.
        Whether curly braces denote code blocks.
      • getLanguageIsMarkup

        public boolean getLanguageIsMarkup()
        Returns whether the current language is a markup language, such as HTML, XML or PHP.
        Whether the current language is a markup language.
      • getLastTokenTypeOnLine

        public int getLastTokenTypeOnLine​(int line)
        Returns the token type of the last token on the given line.
        line - The line to inspect.
        The token type of the last token on the specified line. If the line is invalid, an exception is thrown.
      • getLineCommentStartAndEnd

        public String[] getLineCommentStartAndEnd​(int languageIndex)
        Returns the text to place at the beginning and end of a line to "comment" it in this programming language.
        The start and end strings to add to a line to "comment" it out. A null value for either means there is no string to add for that part. A value of null for the array means this language does not support commenting/uncommenting lines.
      • getShouldIndentNextLine

        public boolean getShouldIndentNextLine​(int line)
        This method returns whether auto indentation should be done if Enter is pressed at the end of the specified line.
        line - The line to check.
        Whether an extra indentation should be done.
      • getSyntaxStyle

        public String getSyntaxStyle()
        Returns the syntax style being used.
        The syntax style.
        See Also:
      • getTokenListForLine

        public final Token getTokenListForLine​(int line)
        Returns a token list for the specified segment of text representing the specified line number. This method is basically a wrapper for tokenMaker.getTokenList that takes into account the last token on the previous line to assure token accuracy.
        line - The line number of text in the document, >= 0.
        A token list representing the specified line.
      • isIdentifierChar

        public boolean isIdentifierChar​(int languageIndex,
                                        char ch)
        Returns whether a character could be part of an "identifier" token in a specific language. This is used to identify such things as the bounds of the "word" to select on double-clicking.
        languageIndex - The language index the character was found in.
        ch - The character.
        Whether the character could be part of an "identifier" token.
      • iterator

        public Iterator<Token> iterator()
        Returns an iterator over the paintable tokens in this document. Results are undefined if this document is modified while the iterator is being iterated through, so this should only be used on the EDT.

        The remove() method of the returned iterator will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Iterable<Token>
        An iterator.
      • setSyntaxStyle

        public void setSyntaxStyle​(TokenMaker tokenMaker)
        Sets the syntax style being used for syntax highlighting in this document. You should call this method if you've created a custom token maker for a language not normally supported by RSyntaxTextArea.
        tokenMaker - The new token maker to use.
        See Also:
      • setTokenMakerFactory

        public void setTokenMakerFactory​(TokenMakerFactory tmf)
        Sets the token maker factory used by this document.
        tmf - The TokenMakerFactory for this document. If this is null, a default factory is used.