Interface ActiveLineRangeListener

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ActiveLineRangeListener
    extends EventListener
    Listens for "active line range" events from an RSyntaxTextArea. If a text area contains some semantic knowledge of the programming language being edited, it may broadcast ActiveLineRangeEvents whenever the caret moves into a new "block" of code. Listeners can listen for these events and respond accordingly.

    See the RSTALanguageSupport project at for some LanguageSupport implementations that may broadcast these events. Note that if an RSTA/LanguageSupport does not support broadcasting these events, the listener will simply never receive any notifications.

    • Method Detail

      • activeLineRangeChanged

        void activeLineRangeChanged​(ActiveLineRangeEvent e)
        Called whenever the "active line range" changes.
        e - Information about the line range change. If there is no longer an "active line range," the "minimum" and "maximum" line values should both be -1.