Class RPrintUtilities

  • public abstract class RPrintUtilities
    extends Object
    A collection of static methods useful for printing text from Swing text components.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RPrintUtilities

        public RPrintUtilities()
    • Method Detail

      • printDocumentMonospaced

        public static int printDocumentMonospaced​(Graphics g,
                                                  Document doc,
                                                  int fontSize,
                                                  int pageIndex,
                                                  PageFormat pageFormat,
                                                  int tabSize)
        Prints a Document using a monospaced font, and does no word wrapping (ie, words will wrap mid-word to the next line). This method is expected to be called from Printable 'print(Graphics g)' functions.
        g - The graphics context to write to.
        doc - The javax.swing.text.Document to print.
        fontSize - the point size to use for the monospaced font.
        pageIndex - The page number to print.
        pageFormat - The format to print the page with.
        tabSize - The number of spaces to expand tabs to.
        See Also:
        printDocumentMonospacedWordWrap(java.awt.Graphics, javax.swing.text.Document, int, int, java.awt.print.PageFormat, int)
      • printDocumentMonospacedWordWrap

        public static int printDocumentMonospacedWordWrap​(Graphics g,
                                                          Document doc,
                                                          int fontSize,
                                                          int pageIndex,
                                                          PageFormat pageFormat,
                                                          int tabSize)
        Prints a Document using a monospaced font, word wrapping on the characters ' ', '\t', '\n', ',', '.', and ';'. This method is expected to be called from Printable 'print(Graphics g)' functions.
        g - The graphics context to write to.
        doc - The javax.swing.text.Document to print.
        fontSize - the point size to use for the monospaced font.
        pageIndex - The page number to print.
        pageFormat - The format to print the page with.
        tabSize - The number of spaces to expand tabs to.
        See Also:
        printDocumentMonospaced(java.awt.Graphics, javax.swing.text.Document, int, int, java.awt.print.PageFormat, int)
      • printDocumentWordWrap

        public static int printDocumentWordWrap​(Graphics g,
                                                JTextComponent textComponent,
                                                Font font,
                                                int pageIndex,
                                                PageFormat pageFormat,
                                                int tabSize)
        Prints a Document using the specified font, word wrapping on the characters ' ', '\t', '\n', ',', '.', and ';'. This method is expected to be called from Printable 'print(Graphics g)' functions.
        g - The graphics context to write to.
        textComponent - The javax.swing.text.JTextComponent whose text you're printing.
        font - The font to use for printing. If null, then textComponent's font is used.
        pageIndex - The page number to print.
        pageFormat - The format to print the page with.
        tabSize - The number of spaces to convert tabs to.