Interface TransactionStarter

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    public interface TransactionStarter
    Implementations of this interface are able to run a piece of work within a transaction
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> T notSupported​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> work)
      The supplied piece of work must be run outside the context of a transaction.
      <T> T required​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> work)
      A transaction is required to run the supplied piece of work.
      <T> T requiresNew​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> work)
      A new transaction is required to run the supplied piece of work.
      <T> T supports​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> work)
      The supplied piece of work may run inside or outside the context of a transaction.
    • Method Detail

      • required

        <T> T required​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> work)
                throws TransactionException,
        A transaction is required to run the supplied piece of work. If no transaction is active then it must be started and associated with the work and then completed after the transactional work has finished.
        work -
        The value returned by the work
        TransactionException - if there is an error starting or completing the transaction
        TransactionRolledBackException - if the transaction rolled back due to a failure in one of the resources or an internal error in the TransactionControl service
        ScopedWorkException - if the supplied work throws an Exception
      • requiresNew

        <T> T requiresNew​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> work)
                   throws TransactionException,
        A new transaction is required to run the supplied piece of work. If an existing transaction is active then it must suspended and a new transaction started and associated with the work. After the work has completed the new transaction must also complete and any suspended transaction be resumed.
        work -
        The value returned by the work
        TransactionException - if there is an error starting or completing the transaction
        TransactionRolledBackException - if the transaction rolled back due to a failure
        ScopedWorkException - if the supplied work throws an Exception
      • notSupported

        <T> T notSupported​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> work)
                    throws TransactionException,
        The supplied piece of work must be run outside the context of a transaction. If an existing transaction is active then it must be suspended and a "no transaction" context associated with the work. After the work has completed any suspended transaction must be resumed.

        The "no transaction" context does not support resource enlistment, and will not commit or rollback any changes, however it does provide a post completion callback to any registered functions. This function is suitable for final cleanup, such as closing a connection

        work -
        The value returned by the work
        TransactionException - if there is an error starting or completing the transaction
        ScopedWorkException - if the supplied work throws an Exception
      • supports

        <T> T supports​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> work)
                throws TransactionException,
        The supplied piece of work may run inside or outside the context of a transaction. If an existing transaction or "no transaction" context is active then it will continue, otherwise a new "no transaction" context is associated with the work. After the work has completed any created transaction context must be completed.

        The "no transaction" context does not support resource enlistment, and will not commit or rollback any changes, however it does provide a post completion callback to any registered functions. This function is suitable for final cleanup, such as closing a connection

        work -
        The value returned by the work
        TransactionException - if there is an error starting or completing the transaction
        ScopedWorkException - if the supplied work throws an Exception