Class UnsatisfiedReferenceDTO

  • public class UnsatisfiedReferenceDTO
    extends org.osgi.dto.DTO
    A representation of an unsatisfied reference.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      java.lang.String name
      The name of the declared reference.
      java.lang.String target
      The target property of the unsatisfied reference.
      org.osgi.framework.dto.ServiceReferenceDTO[] targetServices
      The target services.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class org.osgi.dto.DTO

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • name

        public java.lang.String name
        The name of the declared reference.

        This is declared in the name attribute of the reference element of the component description.

        See Also:
      • target

        public java.lang.String target
        The target property of the unsatisfied reference.

        This is the value of the component property whose name is the concatenation of the declared reference name and ".target". This must be null if no target property is set for the reference.

      • targetServices

        public org.osgi.framework.dto.ServiceReferenceDTO[] targetServices
        The target services.

        Each ServiceReferenceDTO in the array represents a target service for the reference. The array must be empty if there are no target services. The upper bound on the number of target services in the array is the upper bound on the cardinality of the reference.

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnsatisfiedReferenceDTO

        public UnsatisfiedReferenceDTO()