// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 GNOME Foundation // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-3.0-or-later (function() { const QUERY_TYPES = [ "alias", "bitfield", "callback", "class", "constant", "content", "ctor", "domain", "enum", "function_macro", "function", "interface", "method", "property", "record", "signal", "type_func", "union", "vfunc", ]; const QUERY_PATTERN = new RegExp("^(" + QUERY_TYPES.join('|') + ")\\s*:\\s*", 'i'); const fzy = window.fzy; const searchParams = getSearchParams(); const refs = { input: null, form: null, search: null, main: null, toc: null, }; let searchIndex = undefined; let searchResults = []; // Exports window.onInitSearch = onInitSearch; /* Event handlers */ function onInitSearch() { fetchJSON('index.json', onDidLoadSearchIndex); } function onDidLoadSearchIndex(data) { searchIndex = new SearchIndex(data) refs.input = document.querySelector("#search-input"); refs.form = document.querySelector("#search-form"); refs.search = document.querySelector("#search"); refs.main = document.querySelector("#main"); refs.toc = document.querySelector("#toc"); attachInputHandlers(); if (searchParams.q) { search(searchParams.q); } } function getNakedUrl() { return window.location.href.split("?")[0].split("#")[0]; } function onDidSearch() { const query = refs.input.value; if (query) { search(query); } else { hideSearchResults(); } } function onDidSubmit(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if (searchResults.length == 1) { window.location.href = searchResults[0].href; } } function attachInputHandlers() { if (refs.input.value === "") { refs.input.value === searchParams.q || ""; } refs.input.addEventListener('keyup', debounce(500, onDidSearch)) refs.form.addEventListener('submit', onDidSubmit) } /* Searching */ function searchQuery(query) { const q = matchQuery(query); const docs = searchIndex.searchDocs(q.term, q.type); const results = docs.map(function(doc) { return { name: doc.name, type: doc.type, text: getLabelForDocument(doc, searchIndex.meta), href: getLinkForDocument(doc), summary: doc.summary, }; }); return results; } function search(query) { searchResults = searchQuery(query) showResults(query, searchResults); } /* Rendering */ function showSearchResults() { addClass(refs.main, "hidden"); if (refs.toc) { addClass(refs.toc, "hidden"); } removeClass(refs.search, "hidden"); } function hideSearchResults() { addClass(refs.search, "hidden"); removeClass(refs.main, "hidden"); if (refs.toc) { removeClass(refs.toc, "hidden"); } } function renderResults(query, results) { let html = ""; html += "

Results for "" + query + "" (" + results.length + ")

" + "
" if (results.length === 0) { html += "No results found."; } else { html += "" + ""; results.forEach(function(item) { html += "" + "" + "" + ""; }); html += "
" + "" + item.text + "" + "" + item.summary + "
"; } html += "
"; return html; } function showResults(query, results) { if (window.history && typeof window.history.pushState === "function") { let baseUrl = getNakedUrl(); let extra = "?q=" + encodeURIComponent(refs.input.value); window.history.replaceState(refs.input.value, "", baseUrl + extra + window.location.hash); } window.title = "Results for: " + query; window.scroll({ top: 0 }) refs.search.innerHTML = renderResults(query, results); showSearchResults(search); } /* Search data instance */ function SearchIndex(searchIndex) { this.symbols = searchIndex.symbols; this.meta = searchIndex.meta; } SearchIndex.prototype.searchDocs = function searchDocs(term, type) { const filteredSymbols = !type ? this.symbols : this.symbols.filter(s => s.type === type); const results = fzy.filter(term, filteredSymbols, doc => getTextForDocument(doc, this.meta)) return results.map(i => i.item) } /* Search metadata selectors */ function getLinkForDocument(doc) { switch (doc.type) { case "alias": return "alias." + doc.name + ".html"; case "bitfield": return "flags." + doc.name + ".html"; case "callback": return "callback." + doc.name + ".html"; case "class": return "class." + doc.name + ".html"; case "class_method": return "class_method." + doc.struct_for + "." + doc.name + ".html"; case "constant": return "const." + doc.name + ".html"; case "content": return doc.href; case "ctor": return "ctor." + doc.type_name + "." + doc.name + ".html"; case "domain": return "error." + doc.name + ".html"; case "enum": return "enum." + doc.name + ".html"; case "function": return "func." + doc.name + ".html"; case "function_macro": return "func." + doc.name + ".html"; case "interface": return "iface." + doc.name + ".html"; case "method": return "method." + doc.type_name + "." + doc.name + ".html"; case "property": return "property." + doc.type_name + "." + doc.name + ".html"; case "record": return "struct." + doc.name + ".html"; case "signal": return "signal." + doc.type_name + "." + doc.name + ".html"; case "type_func": return "type_func." + doc.type_name + "." + doc.name + ".html"; case "union": return "union." + doc.name + ".html"; case "vfunc": return "vfunc." + doc.type_name + "." + doc.name + ".html"; } return null; } function getLabelForDocument(doc, meta) { switch (doc.type) { case "alias": case "bitfield": case "callback": case "class": case "domain": case "enum": case "interface": case "record": case "union": return "" + doc.ctype + ""; case "class_method": case "constant": case "ctor": case "function": case "function_macro": case "method": case "type_func": return "" + doc.ident + ""; // NOTE: meta.ns added for more consistent results, otherwise // searching for "Button" would return all signals, properties // and vfuncs (eg "Button.clicked") before the actual object // (eg "GtkButton") because "Button" matches higher with starting // sequences. case "property": return "" + meta.ns + doc.type_name + ":" + doc.name + ""; case "signal": return "" + meta.ns + doc.type_name + "::" + doc.name + ""; case "vfunc": return "" + meta.ns + doc.type_name + "." + doc.name + ""; case "content": return doc.name; } return null; } function getTextForDocument(doc, meta) { switch (doc.type) { case "alias": case "bitfield": case "callback": case "class": case "domain": case "enum": case "interface": case "record": case "union": return doc.ctype; case "class_method": case "constant": case "ctor": case "function": case "function_macro": case "method": case "type_func": return doc.ident; // NOTE: meta.ns added for more consistent results, otherwise // searching for "Button" would return all signals, properties // and vfuncs (eg "Button.clicked") before the actual object // (eg "GtkButton") because "Button" matches higher with starting // sequences. case "property": return meta.ns + doc.type_name + ":" + doc.name; case "signal": return meta.ns + doc.type_name + "::" + doc.name; case "vfunc": return meta.ns + doc.type_name + "." + doc.name; case "content": return doc.name; } return null; } // Helpers function fetchJSON(url, callback) { const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', url, true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { const status = request.status; if (status === 0 || (status >= 200 && status < 400)) { callback(JSON.parse(request.responseText)); } } } request.send(null); } function getSearchParams() { const params = {}; window.location.search.substring(1).split('&') .map(function(s) { const pair = s.split('='); params[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = typeof pair[1] === 'undefined' ? null : decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')); }); return params; } function matchQuery(input) { let type = null let term = input const matches = term.match(QUERY_PATTERN); if (matches) { type = matches[1]; term = term.substring(matches[0].length); } // Remove all spaces, fzy will handle things gracefully. term = term.replace(/\s+/g, '') return { type: type, term: term } } function debounce(delay, fn) { let timeout; let savedArgs return function() { const self = this; savedArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(self, savedArgs) timeout = undefined }, delay) } } })()