

Declaration [src]

ggit_revision_walker_new (
  GgitRepository* repository,
  GError** error

Description [src]

Creates a new revision walker to iterate through repository.

This revision walker uses a custom memory pool and an internal commit cache, so it is relatively expensive to allocate.

For maximum performance, this revision walker should be reused for different walks.

This revision walker is not thread safe: it may only be used to walk a repository on a single thread; however, it is possible to have several revision walkers in several different threads walking the same repository.


repository GgitRepository

A GgitRepository.

 The data is owned by the caller of the function.
error GError **
  The return location for a GError*, or NULL.

Return value

Returns: GgitRevisionWalker

A new GgitRevisionWalker or NULL.

 The caller of the function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.
 The return value can be NULL.