libgig  4.3.0
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NDLSDLS specific classes and definitions
 Cversion_tQuadtuple version number ("")
 Cdlsid_tEvery subject of an DLS file and the file itself can have an unique, computer generated ID
 Crange_tLower and upper limit of a range
 Csample_loop_tDefines Sample Loop Points
 CConnectionDefines a connection within the synthesis model
 CStorageAbstract base class for all classes using RIFF::Chunks for persistency
 CArticulationProvides access to the defined connections used for the synthesis model
 CArticulatorAbstract base class for classes that provide articulation information (thus for Instrument and Region class)
 CInfoOptional information for DLS files, instruments, samples, etc
 CResourceAbstract base class which encapsulates data structures which all DLS resources are able to provide
 CSamplerAbstract base class which provides mandatory informations about sample players in general
 CSampleEncapsulates sample waves used for playback
 CRegionDefines Region information of an Instrument
 CInstrumentProvides all neccessary information for the synthesis of a DLS Instrument
 CFileParses DLS Level 1 and 2 compliant files and provides abstract access to the data
 CExceptionWill be thrown whenever a DLS specific error occurs while trying to access a DLS File
 NgigGigasampler/GigaStudio specific classes and definitions
 Crange_tLower and upper limit of a range
 Cbuffer_tPointer address and size of a buffer
 Cleverage_ctrl_tDefines a controller that has a certain contrained influence on a particular synthesis parameter (used to define attenuation controller, EG1 controller and EG2 controller)
 Cdimension_def_tGeneral dimension definition
 Ccrossfade_tDefines the envelope of a crossfade
 Cplayback_state_tReflects the current playback state for a sample
 Ceg_opt_tDefines behavior options for envelope generators (gig format extension)
 CDimensionRegionEncapsulates articulation informations of a dimension region
 CSampleEncapsulates sample waves of Gigasampler/GigaStudio files used for playback
 CRegionDefines Region information of a Gigasampler/GigaStudio instrument
 CMidiRuleAbstract base class for all MIDI rules
 CMidiRuleCtrlTriggerMIDI rule for triggering notes by control change events
 CMidiRuleLegatoMIDI rule for instruments with legato samples
 CMidiRuleAlternatorMIDI rule to automatically cycle through specified sequences of different articulations
 CMidiRuleUnknownA MIDI rule not yet implemented by libgig
 CScriptReal-time instrument script (gig format extension)
 CScriptGroupGroup of instrument scripts (gig format extension)
 CInstrumentProvides access to a Gigasampler/GigaStudio instrument
 CGroupGroup of Gigasampler samples
 CFileProvides convenient access to Gigasampler/GigaStudio .gig files
 CExceptionWill be thrown whenever a gig specific error occurs while trying to access a Gigasampler File
 NKorgKORG sound format specific classes and definitions
 CKSFSample.KSF audio sample file
 CKMPRegionRegion of a .KMP multi sample file
 CKMPInstrument.KMP multi sample file
 CExceptionKorg format specific exception
 NRIFFRIFF specific classes and definitions
 Cprogress_tUsed for indicating the progress of a certain task
 CChunkOrdinary RIFF Chunk
 CListRIFF List Chunk
 CFileRIFF File
 CExceptionWill be thrown whenever an error occurs while handling a RIFF file
 NSerializationSerialization / deserialization framework
 CUIDUnique identifier referring to one specific native C++ object, member, fundamental variable, or any other native C++ data
 CDataTypeAbstract reflection of a native C++ data type
 CMemberAbstract reflection of a native C++ class/struct's member variable
 CObjectAbstract reflection of some native serialized C/C++ data
 CArchiveDestination container for serialization, and source container for deserialization
 CSyncerSynchronizes 2 archives with each other
 CExceptionWill be thrown whenever an error occurs during an serialization or deserialization process
 Nsf2SoundFont specific classes and definitions
 CRegionInstrument zone