GEGL image processing
Floating point handling and processing and output of larger 8bit, 16bit integer and 32bit floating point per component buffers larger than RAM.
C based, object oriented API with introspection support for dynamic languages like python, ruby, javascript and php.
Iterative chunk-wise processing.
Processes subregions and dependencies.
Subgraph caches to aid performance of non-destructive editing.
Multi-threaded processing.
OpenCL acceleration, capable of hybrid cpu/gpu processing.
Experimental mipmap preview rendering, do zoomed out preview rendering touching only 25% 6.25% of the pixels.
Storage of all babl supported formats.
Sparse swapped buffers (larger than RAM images).
linear buffers (allocated internally or from external allocation).
On demand tiled mipmapping.
Thread-safe reading/writing.
External tile-backends (allow wrapping other tiled buffer systems to use them through the GeglBuffer API).
Most operations operate in scRGB (using 32bit floating point/HDR linear light RGBA), operations use babl formats to specify whether data should be linearized for processing.
Bounding box based hit detection.
XML serialization format (not-finalized)