

Description [src]

final class GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf : GObject.Object {
  /* No available fields */

A pixel buffer.

GdkPixbuf contains information about an image’s pixel data, its color space, bits per sample, width and height, and the rowstride (the number of bytes between the start of one row and the start of the next).

Creating new GdkPixbuf

The most basic way to create a pixbuf is to wrap an existing pixel buffer with a GdkPixbuf instance. You can use the gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data() function to do this.

Every time you create a new GdkPixbuf instance for some data, you will need to specify the destroy notification function that will be called when the data buffer needs to be freed; this will happen when a GdkPixbuf is finalized by the reference counting functions. If you have a chunk of static data compiled into your application, you can pass in NULL as the destroy notification function so that the data will not be freed.

The gdk_pixbuf_new() constructor function can be used as a convenience to create a pixbuf with an empty buffer; this is equivalent to allocating a data buffer using malloc() and then wrapping it with gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(). The gdk_pixbuf_new() function will compute an optimal rowstride so that rendering can be performed with an efficient algorithm.

As a special case, you can use the gdk_pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data() function to create a pixbuf from inline XPM image data.

You can also copy an existing pixbuf with the gdk_pixbuf_copy() function. This is not the same as just acquiring a reference to the old pixbuf instance: the copy function will actually duplicate the pixel data in memory and create a new GdkPixbuf instance for it.

Reference counting

GdkPixbuf structures are reference counted. This means that an application can share a single pixbuf among many parts of the code. When a piece of the program needs to use a pixbuf, it should acquire a reference to it by calling g_object_ref(); when it no longer needs the pixbuf, it should release the reference it acquired by calling g_object_unref(). The resources associated with a GdkPixbuf will be freed when its reference count drops to zero. Newly-created GdkPixbuf instances start with a reference count of one.

Image Data

Image data in a pixbuf is stored in memory in an uncompressed, packed format. Rows in the image are stored top to bottom, and in each row pixels are stored from left to right.

There may be padding at the end of a row.

The “rowstride” value of a pixbuf, as returned by gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(), indicates the number of bytes between rows.

NOTE: If you are copying raw pixbuf data with memcpy() note that the last row in the pixbuf may not be as wide as the full rowstride, but rather just as wide as the pixel data needs to be; that is: it is unsafe to do memcpy (dest, pixels, rowstride * height) to copy a whole pixbuf. Use gdk_pixbuf_copy() instead, or compute the width in bytes of the last row as:

last_row = width * ((n_channels * bits_per_sample + 7) / 8);

The same rule applies when iterating over each row of a GdkPixbuf pixels array.

The following code illustrates a simple put_pixel() function for RGB pixbufs with 8 bits per channel with an alpha channel.

static void
put_pixel (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
           int x,
       int y,
       guchar red,
       guchar green,
       guchar blue,
       guchar alpha)
  int n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf);

  // Ensure that the pixbuf is valid
  g_assert (gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace (pixbuf) == GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB);
  g_assert (gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample (pixbuf) == 8);
  g_assert (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf));
  g_assert (n_channels == 4);

  int width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
  int height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);

  // Ensure that the coordinates are in a valid range
  g_assert (x >= 0 && x < width);
  g_assert (y >= 0 && y < height);

  int rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);

  // The pixel buffer in the GdkPixbuf instance
  guchar *pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);

  // The pixel we wish to modify
  guchar *p = pixels + y * rowstride + x * n_channels;
  p[0] = red;
  p[1] = green;
  p[2] = blue;
  p[3] = alpha;

Loading images

The GdkPixBuf class provides a simple mechanism for loading an image from a file in synchronous and asynchronous fashion.

For GUI applications, it is recommended to use the asynchronous stream API to avoid blocking the control flow of the application.

Additionally, GdkPixbuf provides the GdkPixbufLoader API for progressive image loading.

Saving images

The GdkPixbuf class provides methods for saving image data in a number of file formats. The formatted data can be written to a file or to a memory buffer. GdkPixbuf can also call a user-defined callback on the data, which allows to e.g. write the image to a socket or store it in a database.





Creates a new GdkPixbuf structure and allocates a buffer for it.


Creates a new GdkPixbuf out of in-memory readonly image data.

since: 2.32


Creates a new GdkPixbuf out of in-memory image data.


Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from a file.


Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from a file.

since: 2.6


Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from a file.

since: 2.4


Creates a GdkPixbuf from a flat representation that is suitable for storing as inline data in a program.

deprecated: 2.32 


Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an resource.

since: 2.26


Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an resource.

since: 2.26


Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an input stream.

since: 2.14


Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an input stream.

since: 2.14


Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf creation operation started with gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_async().

since: 2.24


Creates a new pixbuf by parsing XPM data in memory.



Calculates the rowstride that an image created with those values would have.

since: 2.36.8


Parses an image file far enough to determine its format and size.

since: 2.4


Asynchronously parses an image file far enough to determine its format and size.

since: 2.32


Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf parsing operation started with gdk_pixbuf_get_file_info_async().

since: 2.32


Obtains the available information about the image formats supported by GdkPixbuf.

since: 2.2


Initalizes the gdk-pixbuf loader modules referenced by the loaders.cache file present inside that directory.

since: 2.40


Creates a new pixbuf by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream.

since: 2.24


Creates a new pixbuf by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream.

since: 2.24


Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf save operation started with gdk_pixbuf_save_to_stream_async().

since: 2.24

Instance methods


Takes an existing pixbuf and adds an alpha channel to it.


Takes an existing pixbuf and checks for the presence of an associated “orientation” option.

since: 2.12


Creates a transformation of the source image src by scaling by scale_x and scale_y then translating by offset_x and offset_y.


Creates a transformation of the source image src by scaling by scale_x and scale_y then translating by offset_x and offset_y, then alpha blends the rectangle (dest_x ,dest_y, dest_width, dest_height) of the resulting image with a checkboard of the colors color1 and color2 and renders it onto the destination image.


Creates a new pixbuf by scaling src to dest_width x dest_height and alpha blending the result with a checkboard of colors color1 and color2.


Creates a new GdkPixbuf with a copy of the information in the specified pixbuf.


Copies a rectangular area from src_pixbuf to dest_pixbuf.


Copies the key/value pair options attached to a GdkPixbuf to another GdkPixbuf.

since: 2.36


Clears a pixbuf to the given RGBA value, converting the RGBA value into the pixbuf’s pixel format.


Flips a pixbuf horizontally or vertically and returns the result in a new pixbuf.

since: 2.6


Queries the number of bits per color sample in a pixbuf.


Returns the length of the pixel data, in bytes.

since: 2.26


Queries the color space of a pixbuf.


Queries whether a pixbuf has an alpha channel (opacity information).


Queries the height of a pixbuf.


Queries the number of channels of a pixbuf.


Looks up key in the list of options that may have been attached to the pixbuf when it was loaded, or that may have been attached by another function using gdk_pixbuf_set_option().


Returns a GHashTable with a list of all the options that may have been attached to the pixbuf when it was loaded, or that may have been attached by another function using gdk_pixbuf_set_option().

since: 2.32


Queries a pointer to the pixel data of a pixbuf.


Queries a pointer to the pixel data of a pixbuf.

since: 2.26


Queries the rowstride of a pixbuf, which is the number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next row.


Queries the width of a pixbuf.


Creates a new pixbuf which represents a sub-region of src_pixbuf.


Provides a GBytes buffer containing the raw pixel data; the data must not be modified.

since: 2.32


Provides a read-only pointer to the raw pixel data.

since: 2.32


Adds a reference to a pixbuf.

deprecated: 2.0 


Removes the key/value pair option attached to a GdkPixbuf.

since: 2.36


Rotates a pixbuf by a multiple of 90 degrees, and returns the result in a new pixbuf.

since: 2.6


Modifies saturation and optionally pixelates src, placing the result in dest.


Saves pixbuf to a file in format type. By default, “jpeg”, “png”, “ico” and “bmp” are possible file formats to save in, but more formats may be installed. The list of all writable formats can be determined in the following way:


Saves pixbuf to a new buffer in format type, which is currently “jpeg”, “png”, “tiff”, “ico” or “bmp”.

since: 2.4


Vector version of gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer().

since: 2.4


Saves pixbuf in format type by feeding the produced data to a callback.

since: 2.4


Vector version of gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback().

since: 2.4


Saves pixbuf to an output stream.

since: 2.14


Saves pixbuf to an output stream asynchronously.

since: 2.24


Saves pixbuf to an output stream.

since: 2.36


Saves pixbuf to an output stream asynchronously.

since: 2.36


Vector version of gdk_pixbuf_save().


Creates a transformation of the source image src by scaling by scale_x and scale_y then translating by offset_x and offset_y, then renders the rectangle (dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height) of the resulting image onto the destination image replacing the previous contents.


Create a new pixbuf containing a copy of src scaled to dest_width x dest_height.


Attaches a key/value pair as an option to a GdkPixbuf.

since: 2.2


Removes a reference from a pixbuf.

deprecated: 2.0 

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.

Methods inherited from GIcon (3)

Checks if two icons are equal.


Serializes a GIcon into a GVariant. An equivalent GIcon can be retrieved back by calling g_icon_deserialize() on the returned value. As serialization will avoid using raw icon data when possible, it only makes sense to transfer the GVariant between processes on the same machine, (as opposed to over the network), and within the same file system namespace.

since: 2.38


Generates a textual representation of icon that can be used for serialization such as when passing icon to a different process or saving it to persistent storage. Use g_icon_new_for_string() to get icon back from the returned string.

since: 2.20

Methods inherited from GLoadableIcon (3)

Loads a loadable icon. For the asynchronous version of this function, see g_loadable_icon_load_async().


Loads an icon asynchronously. To finish this function, see g_loadable_icon_load_finish(). For the synchronous, blocking version of this function, see g_loadable_icon_load().


Finishes an asynchronous icon load started in g_loadable_icon_load_async().



The number of bits per sample.


The color space of the pixbuf.


Whether the pixbuf has an alpha channel.


The number of rows of the pixbuf.


The number of samples per pixel.

No description available.


A pointer to the pixel data of the pixbuf.


The number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next row.


The number of columns of the pixbuf.


Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.