Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /******************************************************************************
2  * $Id: ogr_api.h cd620a45272533ba0e9a819993a5768ca9764f43 2018-04-11 08:13:21 +0200 Juergen E. Fischer $
3  *
4  * Project: OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
5  * Purpose: C API for OGR Geometry, Feature, Layers, DataSource and drivers.
6  * Author: Frank Warmerdam,
7  *
8  ******************************************************************************
9  * Copyright (c) 2002, Frank Warmerdam
10  * Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org>
11  *
12  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
13  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
14  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
15  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
16  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
17  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
18  *
19  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
20  * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21  *
29  ****************************************************************************/
43 #include "cpl_progress.h"
44 #include "cpl_minixml.h"
45 #include "ogr_core.h"
49 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
50 /* Geometry related functions (ogr_geometry.h) */
51 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
52 #ifndef DEFINEH_OGRGeometryH
54 #define DEFINEH_OGRGeometryH
56 #ifdef DEBUG
57 typedef struct OGRGeometryHS *OGRGeometryH;
58 #else
60 typedef void *OGRGeometryH;
61 #endif
62 #endif /* DEFINEH_OGRGeometryH */
64 #ifndef DEFINED_OGRSpatialReferenceH
66 #define DEFINED_OGRSpatialReferenceH
69 #ifdef DEBUG
70 typedef struct OGRSpatialReferenceHS *OGRSpatialReferenceH;
71 typedef struct OGRCoordinateTransformationHS *OGRCoordinateTransformationH;
72 #else
74 typedef void *OGRSpatialReferenceH;
77 #endif
79 #endif /* DEFINED_OGRSpatialReferenceH */
81 struct _CPLXMLNode;
83 /* From base OGRGeometry class */
85 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_CreateFromWkb( const void*, OGRSpatialReferenceH,
86  OGRGeometryH *, int );
88  OGRGeometryH * );
89 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_CreateFromFgf( const void*, OGRSpatialReferenceH,
90  OGRGeometryH *, int, int * );
91 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_DestroyGeometry( OGRGeometryH );
93 OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL
95  double dfCenterX, double dfCenterY, double dfZ,
96  double dfPrimaryRadius, double dfSecondaryAxis, double dfRotation,
97  double dfStartAngle, double dfEndAngle,
98  double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
106  OGRwkbGeometryType eTargetType,
107  char** papszOptions ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
109 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetDimension( OGRGeometryH );
112 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetCoordinateDimension( OGRGeometryH, int );
113 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_Is3D( OGRGeometryH );
114 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_IsMeasured( OGRGeometryH );
115 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_Set3D( OGRGeometryH, int );
116 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetMeasured( OGRGeometryH, int );
118 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetEnvelope( OGRGeometryH, OGREnvelope * );
119 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetEnvelope3D( OGRGeometryH, OGREnvelope3D * );
120 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_ImportFromWkb( OGRGeometryH, const void*, int );
121 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_ExportToWkb( OGRGeometryH, OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char*);
122 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb( OGRGeometryH, OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char*);
123 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_WkbSize( OGRGeometryH hGeom );
124 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_ImportFromWkt( OGRGeometryH, char ** );
125 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_ExportToWkt( OGRGeometryH, char ** );
126 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkt( OGRGeometryH, char ** );
128 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_G_GetGeometryName( OGRGeometryH );
129 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_DumpReadable( OGRGeometryH, FILE *, const char * );
130 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_FlattenTo2D( OGRGeometryH );
131 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_CloseRings( OGRGeometryH );
135 char CPL_DLL *OGR_G_ExportToGMLEx( OGRGeometryH, char** papszOptions ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
141 char CPL_DLL *OGR_G_ExportToKML( OGRGeometryH, const char* pszAltitudeMode ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
144 char CPL_DLL *OGR_G_ExportToJsonEx( OGRGeometryH, char** papszOptions ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
154 OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL OGR_G_Simplify( OGRGeometryH hThis, double tolerance ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
156 OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL OGR_G_DelaunayTriangulation( OGRGeometryH hThis, double dfTolerance, int bOnlyEdges ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
158 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_Segmentize(OGRGeometryH hGeom, double dfMaxLength );
160 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_Equals( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH );
161 /*int CPL_DLL OGR_G_EqualsExact( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH, double );*/
163 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_Touches( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH );
164 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_Crosses( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH );
165 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_Within( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH );
176 /*OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL OGR_G_Polygonize( OGRGeometryH *, int);*/
177 /*OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL OGR_G_Polygonizer_getCutEdges( OGRGeometryH *, int);*/
178 /*OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL OGR_G_LineMerge( OGRGeometryH );*/
182 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_Distance( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH );
183 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_Distance3D( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH );
184 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_Length( OGRGeometryH );
185 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_Area( OGRGeometryH );
187 OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL OGR_G_Value( OGRGeometryH, double dfDistance ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
189 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_Empty( OGRGeometryH );
190 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_IsEmpty( OGRGeometryH );
191 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_IsValid( OGRGeometryH );
192 /*char CPL_DLL *OGR_G_IsValidReason( OGRGeometryH );*/
193 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_IsSimple( OGRGeometryH );
194 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_IsRing( OGRGeometryH );
199 /* backward compatibility (non-standard methods) */
200 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_Intersect( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH ) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. Use OGR_G_Intersects() instead");
201 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_Equal( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH ) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. Use OGR_G_Equals() instead");
202 OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL OGR_G_SymmetricDifference( OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH ) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. Use OGR_G_SymDifference() instead");
203 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetArea( OGRGeometryH ) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. Use OGR_G_Area() instead");
204 OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetBoundary( OGRGeometryH ) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. Use OGR_G_Boundary() instead");
207 /* Methods for getting/setting vertices in points, line strings and rings */
208 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetPointCount( OGRGeometryH );
209 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetPoints( OGRGeometryH hGeom,
210  void* pabyX, int nXStride,
211  void* pabyY, int nYStride,
212  void* pabyZ, int nZStride);
213 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetPointsZM( OGRGeometryH hGeom,
214  void* pabyX, int nXStride,
215  void* pabyY, int nYStride,
216  void* pabyZ, int nZStride,
217  void* pabyM, int nMStride);
218 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetX( OGRGeometryH, int );
219 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetY( OGRGeometryH, int );
220 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetZ( OGRGeometryH, int );
221 double CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetM( OGRGeometryH, int );
222 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetPoint( OGRGeometryH, int iPoint,
223  double *, double *, double * );
224 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetPointZM( OGRGeometryH, int iPoint,
225  double *, double *, double *, double * );
226 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetPointCount( OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nNewPointCount );
227 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetPoint( OGRGeometryH, int iPoint,
228  double, double, double );
229 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetPoint_2D( OGRGeometryH, int iPoint,
230  double, double );
231 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetPointM( OGRGeometryH, int iPoint,
232  double, double, double );
233 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetPointZM( OGRGeometryH, int iPoint,
234  double, double, double, double );
235 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_AddPoint( OGRGeometryH, double, double, double );
236 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_AddPoint_2D( OGRGeometryH, double, double );
237 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_AddPointM( OGRGeometryH, double, double, double );
238 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_AddPointZM( OGRGeometryH, double, double, double, double );
239 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetPoints( OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nPointsIn,
240  const void* pabyX, int nXStride,
241  const void* pabyY, int nYStride,
242  const void* pabyZ, int nZStride );
243 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetPointsZM( OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nPointsIn,
244  const void* pabyX, int nXStride,
245  const void* pabyY, int nYStride,
246  const void* pabyZ, int nZStride,
247  const void* pabyM, int nMStride );
248 void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SwapXY( OGRGeometryH hGeom );
250 /* Methods for getting/setting rings and members collections */
252 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetGeometryCount( OGRGeometryH );
256 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_G_RemoveGeometry( OGRGeometryH, int, int );
258 int CPL_DLL OGR_G_HasCurveGeometry( OGRGeometryH, int bLookForNonLinear );
260  double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees,
261  char** papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
263  char** papszOptions ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
265 OGRGeometryH CPL_DLL
266 OGRBuildPolygonFromEdges( OGRGeometryH hLinesAsCollection,
267  int bBestEffort,
268  int bAutoClose,
269  double dfTolerance,
274  int bGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER );
276 int CPL_DLL OGRGetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER(void);
279 void CPL_DLL OGRSetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(int bFlag);
280 int CPL_DLL OGRGetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(void);
282 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
283 /* Feature related (ogr_feature.h) */
284 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
286 #ifndef DEFINE_OGRFeatureH
288 #define DEFINE_OGRFeatureH
290 #ifdef DEBUG
291 typedef struct OGRFieldDefnHS *OGRFieldDefnH;
292 typedef struct OGRFeatureDefnHS *OGRFeatureDefnH;
293 typedef struct OGRFeatureHS *OGRFeatureH;
294 typedef struct OGRStyleTableHS *OGRStyleTableH;
295 #else
297 typedef void *OGRFieldDefnH;
299 typedef void *OGRFeatureDefnH;
301 typedef void *OGRFeatureH;
303 typedef void *OGRStyleTableH;
304 #endif
306 typedef struct OGRGeomFieldDefnHS *OGRGeomFieldDefnH;
307 #endif /* DEFINE_OGRFeatureH */
309 /* OGRFieldDefn */
312 void CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_Destroy( OGRFieldDefnH );
314 void CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_SetName( OGRFieldDefnH, const char * );
315 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_Fld_GetNameRef( OGRFieldDefnH );
322 int CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_GetWidth( OGRFieldDefnH );
323 void CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_SetWidth( OGRFieldDefnH, int );
324 int CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_GetPrecision( OGRFieldDefnH );
325 void CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_SetPrecision( OGRFieldDefnH, int );
326 void CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_Set( OGRFieldDefnH, const char *, OGRFieldType,
327  int, int, OGRJustification );
328 int CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_IsIgnored( OGRFieldDefnH hDefn );
329 void CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_SetIgnored( OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int );
330 int CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_IsNullable( OGRFieldDefnH hDefn );
331 void CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_SetNullable( OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int );
332 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_Fld_GetDefault( OGRFieldDefnH hDefn );
333 void CPL_DLL OGR_Fld_SetDefault( OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char* );
336 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_GetFieldTypeName( OGRFieldType );
337 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_GetFieldSubTypeName( OGRFieldSubType );
338 int CPL_DLL OGR_AreTypeSubTypeCompatible( OGRFieldType eType,
339  OGRFieldSubType eSubType );
341 /* OGRGeomFieldDefnH */
344 void CPL_DLL OGR_GFld_Destroy( OGRGeomFieldDefnH );
346 void CPL_DLL OGR_GFld_SetName( OGRGeomFieldDefnH, const char * );
347 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_GFld_GetNameRef( OGRGeomFieldDefnH );
354  OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS );
356 int CPL_DLL OGR_GFld_IsNullable( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn );
357 void CPL_DLL OGR_GFld_SetNullable( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn, int );
359 int CPL_DLL OGR_GFld_IsIgnored( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn );
360 void CPL_DLL OGR_GFld_SetIgnored( OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn, int );
362 /* OGRFeatureDefn */
365 void CPL_DLL OGR_FD_Destroy( OGRFeatureDefnH );
366 void CPL_DLL OGR_FD_Release( OGRFeatureDefnH );
367 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_FD_GetName( OGRFeatureDefnH );
370 int CPL_DLL OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( OGRFeatureDefnH, const char * );
372 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_FD_DeleteFieldDefn( OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int iField );
373 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_FD_ReorderFieldDefns( OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int* panMap );
377 void CPL_DLL OGR_FD_SetGeometryIgnored( OGRFeatureDefnH, int );
379 void CPL_DLL OGR_FD_SetStyleIgnored( OGRFeatureDefnH, int );
380 int CPL_DLL OGR_FD_Reference( OGRFeatureDefnH );
381 int CPL_DLL OGR_FD_Dereference( OGRFeatureDefnH );
384 int CPL_DLL OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldCount( OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn );
386  int i );
387 int CPL_DLL OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldIndex( OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn,
388  const char *pszName);
390 void CPL_DLL OGR_FD_AddGeomFieldDefn( OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn,
391  OGRGeomFieldDefnH hGFldDefn);
393  int iGeomField );
394 int CPL_DLL OGR_FD_IsSame( OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn,
395  OGRFeatureDefnH hOtherFDefn );
396 /* OGRFeature */
399 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_Destroy( OGRFeatureH );
407 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_Equal( OGRFeatureH, OGRFeatureH );
409 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetFieldCount( OGRFeatureH );
411 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetFieldIndex( OGRFeatureH, const char * );
413 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_IsFieldSet( OGRFeatureH, int );
414 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_UnsetField( OGRFeatureH, int );
416 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_IsFieldNull( OGRFeatureH, int );
417 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_IsFieldSetAndNotNull( OGRFeatureH, int );
418 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldNull( OGRFeatureH, int );
420 OGRField CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetRawFieldRef( OGRFeatureH, int );
422 int CPL_DLL OGR_RawField_IsUnset( const OGRField* );
423 int CPL_DLL OGR_RawField_IsNull( const OGRField* );
424 void CPL_DLL OGR_RawField_SetUnset( OGRField* );
425 void CPL_DLL OGR_RawField_SetNull( OGRField* );
427 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( OGRFeatureH, int );
429 double CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( OGRFeatureH, int );
430 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( OGRFeatureH, int );
431 const int CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetFieldAsIntegerList( OGRFeatureH, int, int * );
432 const GIntBig CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64List( OGRFeatureH, int, int * );
433 const double CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetFieldAsDoubleList( OGRFeatureH, int, int * );
434 char CPL_DLL **OGR_F_GetFieldAsStringList( OGRFeatureH, int );
435 GByte CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary( OGRFeatureH, int, int * );
436 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime( OGRFeatureH, int, int *, int *, int *,
437  int *, int *, int *, int * );
438 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTimeEx( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField,
439  int *pnYear, int *pnMonth, int *pnDay,
440  int *pnHour, int *pnMinute, float *pfSecond,
441  int *pnTZFlag );
443 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldInteger( OGRFeatureH, int, int );
444 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldInteger64( OGRFeatureH, int, GIntBig );
445 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldDouble( OGRFeatureH, int, double );
446 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldString( OGRFeatureH, int, const char * );
447 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldIntegerList( OGRFeatureH, int, int, const int * );
448 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldInteger64List( OGRFeatureH, int, int, const GIntBig * );
449 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldDoubleList( OGRFeatureH, int, int, const double * );
451 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldRaw( OGRFeatureH, int, OGRField * );
452 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldBinary( OGRFeatureH, int, int, GByte * );
453 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldDateTime( OGRFeatureH, int,
454  int, int, int, int, int, int, int );
455 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFieldDateTimeEx( OGRFeatureH, int,
456  int, int, int, int, int, float, int );
458 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetGeomFieldCount( OGRFeatureH hFeat );
460  int iField );
461 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetGeomFieldIndex( OGRFeatureH hFeat,
462  const char *pszName);
465  int iField );
467  int iField,
468  OGRGeometryH hGeom );
469 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetGeomField( OGRFeatureH hFeat,
470  int iField, OGRGeometryH hGeom );
472 GIntBig CPL_DLL OGR_F_GetFID( OGRFeatureH );
474 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_DumpReadable( OGRFeatureH, FILE * );
476 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetFromWithMap( OGRFeatureH, OGRFeatureH, int , const int * );
478 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetStyleString( OGRFeatureH );
479 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetStyleString( OGRFeatureH, const char * );
480 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly( OGRFeatureH, char * );
488 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetNativeData( OGRFeatureH );
489 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetNativeData( OGRFeatureH, const char* );
490 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType( OGRFeatureH );
491 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_SetNativeMediaType( OGRFeatureH, const char* );
493 void CPL_DLL OGR_F_FillUnsetWithDefault( OGRFeatureH hFeat,
494  int bNotNullableOnly,
495  char** papszOptions );
496 int CPL_DLL OGR_F_Validate( OGRFeatureH, int nValidateFlags, int bEmitError );
498 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
499 /* ogrsf_frmts.h */
500 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
502 #ifdef DEBUG
503 typedef struct OGRLayerHS *OGRLayerH;
504 typedef struct OGRDataSourceHS *OGRDataSourceH;
505 typedef struct OGRDriverHS *OGRSFDriverH;
506 #else
508 typedef void *OGRLayerH;
510 typedef void *OGRDataSourceH;
512 typedef void *OGRSFDriverH;
513 #endif
515 /* OGRLayer */
517 const char CPL_DLL* OGR_L_GetName( OGRLayerH );
522  double, double, double, double );
523 void CPL_DLL OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterEx( OGRLayerH, int iGeomField,
524  OGRGeometryH hGeom );
525 void CPL_DLL OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterRectEx( OGRLayerH, int iGeomField,
526  double dfMinX, double dfMinY,
527  double dfMaxX, double dfMaxY );
528 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter( OGRLayerH, const char * );
529 void CPL_DLL OGR_L_ResetReading( OGRLayerH );
560 #define OGR_FOR_EACH_FEATURE_BEGIN(hFeat, hLayer) \
561  { \
562  OGRFeatureH hFeat = CPL_NULLPTR; \
563  OGR_L_ResetReading(hLayer); \
564  while( true) \
565  { \
566  if( hFeat ) \
567  OGR_F_Destroy(hFeat); \
568  hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLayer); \
569  if( !hFeat ) \
570  break;
573 #define OGR_FOR_EACH_FEATURE_END(hFeat) \
574  } \
575  OGR_F_Destroy(hFeat); \
576  }
585 int CPL_DLL OGR_L_FindFieldIndex( OGRLayerH, const char *, int bExactMatch );
586 GIntBig CPL_DLL OGR_L_GetFeatureCount( OGRLayerH, int );
587 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_GetExtent( OGRLayerH, OGREnvelope *, int );
588 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_GetExtentEx( OGRLayerH, int iGeomField,
589  OGREnvelope *psExtent, int bForce );
590 int CPL_DLL OGR_L_TestCapability( OGRLayerH, const char * );
592 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_CreateGeomField( OGRLayerH hLayer,
593  OGRGeomFieldDefnH hFieldDefn, int bForce );
594 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_DeleteField( OGRLayerH, int iField );
595 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_ReorderFields( OGRLayerH, int* panMap );
596 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_ReorderField( OGRLayerH, int iOldFieldPos, int iNewFieldPos );
597 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_AlterFieldDefn( OGRLayerH, int iField, OGRFieldDefnH hNewFieldDefn, int nFlags );
602 int CPL_DLL OGR_L_Reference( OGRLayerH );
603 int CPL_DLL OGR_L_Dereference( OGRLayerH );
604 int CPL_DLL OGR_L_GetRefCount( OGRLayerH );
608 GIntBig CPL_DLL OGR_L_GetFeaturesRead( OGRLayerH );
610 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_L_GetFIDColumn( OGRLayerH );
611 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_L_GetGeometryColumn( OGRLayerH );
618 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_SetIgnoredFields( OGRLayerH, const char** );
619 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_Intersection( OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char**, GDALProgressFunc, void * );
620 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_Union( OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char**, GDALProgressFunc, void * );
621 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_SymDifference( OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char**, GDALProgressFunc, void * );
622 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_Identity( OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char**, GDALProgressFunc, void * );
623 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_Update( OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char**, GDALProgressFunc, void * );
624 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_Clip( OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char**, GDALProgressFunc, void * );
625 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_L_Erase( OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char**, GDALProgressFunc, void * );
627 /* OGRDataSource */
629 void CPL_DLL OGR_DS_Destroy( OGRDataSourceH );
630 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_DS_GetName( OGRDataSourceH );
631 int CPL_DLL OGR_DS_GetLayerCount( OGRDataSourceH );
633 OGRLayerH CPL_DLL OGR_DS_GetLayerByName( OGRDataSourceH, const char * );
636 OGRLayerH CPL_DLL OGR_DS_CreateLayer( OGRDataSourceH, const char *,
638  char ** );
639 OGRLayerH CPL_DLL OGR_DS_CopyLayer( OGRDataSourceH, OGRLayerH, const char *,
640  char ** );
641 int CPL_DLL OGR_DS_TestCapability( OGRDataSourceH, const char * );
642 OGRLayerH CPL_DLL OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL( OGRDataSourceH, const char *,
643  OGRGeometryH, const char * );
646 int CPL_DLL OGR_DS_Reference( OGRDataSourceH );
647 int CPL_DLL OGR_DS_Dereference( OGRDataSourceH );
648 int CPL_DLL OGR_DS_GetRefCount( OGRDataSourceH );
649 int CPL_DLL OGR_DS_GetSummaryRefCount( OGRDataSourceH );
660 /* OGRSFDriver */
662 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_Dr_GetName( OGRSFDriverH );
663 OGRDataSourceH CPL_DLL OGR_Dr_Open( OGRSFDriverH, const char *, int ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
664 int CPL_DLL OGR_Dr_TestCapability( OGRSFDriverH, const char * );
666  char ** ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
668  const char *, char ** ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
669 OGRErr CPL_DLL OGR_Dr_DeleteDataSource( OGRSFDriverH, const char * );
671 /* OGRSFDriverRegistrar */
673 OGRDataSourceH CPL_DLL OGROpen( const char *, int, OGRSFDriverH * ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
674 OGRDataSourceH CPL_DLL OGROpenShared( const char *, int, OGRSFDriverH * ) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
677 void CPL_DLL OGRRegisterDriver( OGRSFDriverH );
678 void CPL_DLL OGRDeregisterDriver( OGRSFDriverH );
680 int CPL_DLL OGRGetDriverCount(void);
681 OGRSFDriverH CPL_DLL OGRGetDriver( int );
682 OGRSFDriverH CPL_DLL OGRGetDriverByName( const char * );
684 int CPL_DLL OGRGetOpenDSCount(void);
685 OGRDataSourceH CPL_DLL OGRGetOpenDS( int iDS );
688 void CPL_DLL OGRRegisterAll(void);
692 void CPL_DLL OGRCleanupAll(void);
694 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
695 /* ogrsf_featurestyle.h */
696 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
698 #ifdef DEBUG
699 typedef struct OGRStyleMgrHS *OGRStyleMgrH;
700 typedef struct OGRStyleToolHS *OGRStyleToolH;
701 #else
703 typedef void *OGRStyleMgrH;
705 typedef void *OGRStyleToolH;
706 #endif
708 /* OGRStyleMgr */
711 void CPL_DLL OGR_SM_Destroy(OGRStyleMgrH hSM);
713 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_SM_InitFromFeature(OGRStyleMgrH hSM,
714  OGRFeatureH hFeat);
715 int CPL_DLL OGR_SM_InitStyleString(OGRStyleMgrH hSM,
716  const char *pszStyleString);
717 int CPL_DLL OGR_SM_GetPartCount(OGRStyleMgrH hSM,
718  const char *pszStyleString);
719 OGRStyleToolH CPL_DLL OGR_SM_GetPart(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, int nPartId,
720  const char *pszStyleString);
721 int CPL_DLL OGR_SM_AddPart(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, OGRStyleToolH hST);
722 int CPL_DLL OGR_SM_AddStyle(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, const char *pszStyleName,
723  const char *pszStyleString);
725 /* OGRStyleTool */
728 void CPL_DLL OGR_ST_Destroy(OGRStyleToolH hST);
733 void CPL_DLL OGR_ST_SetUnit(OGRStyleToolH hST, OGRSTUnitId eUnit,
734  double dfGroundPaperScale);
736 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_ST_GetParamStr(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, int *bValueIsNull);
737 int CPL_DLL OGR_ST_GetParamNum(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, int *bValueIsNull);
738 double CPL_DLL OGR_ST_GetParamDbl(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, int *bValueIsNull);
739 void CPL_DLL OGR_ST_SetParamStr(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, const char *pszValue);
740 void CPL_DLL OGR_ST_SetParamNum(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, int nValue);
741 void CPL_DLL OGR_ST_SetParamDbl(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, double dfValue);
742 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_ST_GetStyleString(OGRStyleToolH hST);
744 int CPL_DLL OGR_ST_GetRGBFromString(OGRStyleToolH hST, const char *pszColor,
745  int *pnRed, int *pnGreen, int *pnBlue,
746  int *pnAlpha);
748 /* OGRStyleTable */
751 void CPL_DLL OGR_STBL_Destroy( OGRStyleTableH hSTBL );
752 int CPL_DLL OGR_STBL_AddStyle( OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable,
753  const char *pszName,
754  const char *pszStyleString);
755 int CPL_DLL OGR_STBL_SaveStyleTable( OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable,
756  const char *pszFilename );
757 int CPL_DLL OGR_STBL_LoadStyleTable( OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable,
758  const char *pszFilename );
759 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_STBL_Find( OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable, const char *pszName );
760 void CPL_DLL OGR_STBL_ResetStyleStringReading( OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable );
761 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_STBL_GetNextStyle( OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable);
762 const char CPL_DLL *OGR_STBL_GetLastStyleName( OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable);
766 #endif /* ndef OGR_API_H_INCLUDED */
OGRSpatialReferenceH OGR_G_GetSpatialReference(OGRGeometryH)
Returns spatial reference system for geometry.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1948
Compute convex hull.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:3616
OGRFieldDefnH OGR_Fld_Create(const char *, OGRFieldType) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Create a new field definition.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:113
const char * OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(OGRFeatureH, int)
Fetch field value as a string.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:2650
OGRErr OGR_L_ReorderFields(OGRLayerH, int *panMap)
Reorder all the fields of a layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:748
void * OGRSFDriverH
Opaque type for a OGR driver (OGRSFDriver)
Definition: ogr_api.h:512
int OGRGetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(void)
Get flag to enable/disable returning non-linear geometries in the C API.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1851
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Difference(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Compute difference.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4282
void * OGRLayerH
Opaque type for a layer (OGRLayer)
Definition: ogr_api.h:508
void OGR_F_SetNativeData(OGRFeatureH, const char *)
Sets the native data for the feature.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6859
void OGR_FD_Destroy(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Destroy a feature definition object and release all memory associated with it.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:145
OGRErr OGR_L_ReorderField(OGRLayerH, int iOldFieldPos, int iNewFieldPos)
Reorder an existing field on a layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:824
int OGR_G_GetCoordinateDimension(OGRGeometryH)
Get the dimension of the coordinates in this geometry.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:908
void OGR_RawField_SetNull(OGRField *)
Mark a raw field as null.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:7008
Fetch a feature by its identifier.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:481
void OGR_FD_AddFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH, OGRFieldDefnH)
Add a new field definition to the passed feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:464
OGRErr OGR_G_ImportFromWkt(OGRGeometryH, char **)
Assign geometry from well known text data.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1583
OGRGeometryH OGR_L_GetSpatialFilter(OGRLayerH)
This function returns the current spatial filter for this layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1095
double OGR_G_Distance(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Compute distance between two geometries.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:3286
List of field subtypes.
Definition: ogr_core.h:622
OGRwkbGeometryType OGR_G_GetGeometryType(OGRGeometryH)
Fetch geometry type.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1839
Document node structure.
Definition: cpl_minixml.h:66
char * OGR_G_ExportToJson(OGRGeometryH) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Convert a geometry into GeoJSON format.
Definition: ogrgeojsonwriter.cpp:1412
Rewrite an existing feature.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:608
void OGR_G_CloseRings(OGRGeometryH)
Force rings to be closed.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4941
Definitions for CPL mini XML Parser/Serializer.
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_DelaunayTriangulation(OGRGeometryH hThis, double dfTolerance, int bOnlyEdges) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Return a Delaunay triangulation of the vertices of the geometry.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:5463
OGRFieldSubType OGR_Fld_GetSubType(OGRFieldDefnH)
Fetch subtype of this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:337
OGRErr OGR_L_CreateField(OGRLayerH, OGRFieldDefnH, int)
Create a new field on a layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:681
OGRErr OGR_G_ExportToWkt(OGRGeometryH, char **)
Convert a geometry into well known text format.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1767
OGRGeometryH OGRBuildPolygonFromEdges(OGRGeometryH hLinesAsCollection, int bBestEffort, int bAutoClose, double dfTolerance, OGRErr *peErr) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Build a ring from a bunch of arcs.
Definition: ograssemblepolygon.cpp:128
Feature factory.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:129
void OGR_F_SetNativeMediaType(OGRFeatureH, const char *)
Sets the native media type for the feature.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6916
OGRErr OGR_F_SetFromWithMap(OGRFeatureH, OGRFeatureH, int, const int *)
Set one feature from another.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:5915
void OGR_ST_SetParamDbl(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, double dfValue)
Set Style Tool parameter value from a double.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:2533
void OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(OGRFeatureH, int, int)
Set field to integer value.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:3506
void OGR_Fld_Destroy(OGRFieldDefnH)
Destroy a field definition.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:139
Delete feature from layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1556
int OGR_FD_GetFieldCount(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Fetch number of fields on the passed feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:303
void OGR_RawField_SetUnset(OGRField *)
Mark a raw field as unset.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6984
#define CPL_C_START
Macro to start a block of C symbols.
Definition: cpl_port.h:337
OGRFieldDefnH OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH, int)
Fetch field definition of the passed feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:384
void OGR_DS_Destroy(OGRDataSourceH)
Closes opened datasource and releases allocated resources.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:58
OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeometry(OGRFeatureH, OGRGeometryH)
Set feature geometry.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:472
Fetch the next available feature from this layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:541
Create geometry from GML.
Definition: gml2ogrgeometry.cpp:3697
OGRErr OGR_L_GetExtent(OGRLayerH, OGREnvelope *, int)
Fetch the extent of this layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:303
void OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(OGRFeatureH, int, double)
Set field to double value.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:3816
int OGR_FD_IsGeometryIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Determine whether the geometry can be omitted when fetching features.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1336
int OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(OGRFeatureDefnH, const char *)
Find field by name.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1279
int OGR_STBL_SaveStyleTable(OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable, const char *pszFilename)
Save a style table to a file.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1023
void OGR_Fld_SetNullable(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int)
Set whether this field can receive null values.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:1221
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_ApproximateArcAngles(double dfCenterX, double dfCenterY, double dfZ, double dfPrimaryRadius, double dfSecondaryAxis, double dfRotation, double dfStartAngle, double dfEndAngle, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Stroke arc to linestring.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:3945
OGRErr OGR_G_AddGeometry(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Add a geometry to a geometry container.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1374
int OGR_G_GetPointsZM(OGRGeometryH hGeom, void *pabyX, int nXStride, void *pabyY, int nYStride, void *pabyZ, int nZStride, void *pabyM, int nMStride)
Returns all points of line string.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:365
OGRDataSourceH OGR_Dr_Open(OGRSFDriverH, const char *, int) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Attempt to open file with this driver.
OGRErr OGR_G_TransformTo(OGRGeometryH, OGRSpatialReferenceH)
Transform geometry to new spatial reference system.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:667
OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly(OGRFeatureH, OGRGeometryH)
Set feature geometry.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:401
void OGR_G_SetPoints(OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nPointsIn, const void *pabyX, int nXStride, const void *pabyY, int nYStride, const void *pabyZ, int nZStride)
Assign all points in a point or a line string geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:569
OGRErr OGR_L_AlterFieldDefn(OGRLayerH, int iField, OGRFieldDefnH hNewFieldDefn, int nFlags)
Alter the definition of an existing field on a layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:856
void OGR_F_DumpReadable(OGRFeatureH, FILE *)
Dump this feature in a human readable form.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:5372
int OGR_G_Centroid(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Compute the geometry centroid.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:5080
void OGR_Fld_SetJustify(OGRFieldDefnH, OGRJustification)
Set the justification for this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:844
void OGR_DS_SetStyleTableDirectly(OGRDataSourceH, OGRStyleTableH)
Set style table (and take ownership)
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:359
void OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(OGRGeometryH, double, double)
Add a point to a geometry (line string or point).
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1106
void OGR_L_SetStyleTable(OGRLayerH, OGRStyleTableH)
Set style table.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1713
OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeomField(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, OGRGeometryH hGeom)
Set feature geometry of a specified geometry field.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:923
OGRGeometryH OGR_F_GetGeomFieldRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField)
Fetch an handle to feature geometry.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:755
void OGR_G_GetEnvelope3D(OGRGeometryH, OGREnvelope3D *)
Computes and returns the bounding envelope (3D) for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure...
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1333
void OGR_G_SetMeasured(OGRGeometryH, int)
Add or remove the M coordinate dimension.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1131
void OGR_Fld_SetIgnored(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int)
Set whether this field should be omitted when fetching features.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:1105
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_SymDifference(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Compute symmetric difference.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4408
char * OGR_G_ExportToKML(OGRGeometryH, const char *pszAltitudeMode) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Convert a geometry into KML format.
Definition: ogr2kmlgeometry.cpp:502
int OGRGetDriverCount(void)
Fetch the number of registered drivers.
int OGR_SM_InitStyleString(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, const char *pszStyleString)
Initialize style manager from the style string.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:336
int OGR_F_IsFieldNull(OGRFeatureH, int)
Test if a field is null.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1552
GIntBig OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64(OGRFeatureH, int)
Fetch field value as integer 64 bit.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:2077
int OGR_ST_GetRGBFromString(OGRStyleToolH hST, const char *pszColor, int *pnRed, int *pnGreen, int *pnBlue, int *pnAlpha)
Return the r,g,b,a components of a color encoded in #RRGGBB[AA] format.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:2631
OGRErr OGR_G_CreateFromWkb(const void *, OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRGeometryH *, int)
Create a geometry object of the appropriate type from its well known binary representation.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:274
Compute union using cascading.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4163
int OGR_G_Overlaps(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Test for overlap.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4904
int OGR_F_Equal(OGRFeatureH, OGRFeatureH)
Test if two features are the same.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:5699
int OGR_SM_AddPart(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, OGRStyleToolH hST)
Add a part (style tool) to the current style.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:565
void OGR_F_SetFieldString(OGRFeatureH, int, const char *)
Set field to string value.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:4131
OGRErr OGR_L_SymDifference(OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char **, GDALProgressFunc, void *)
Symmetrical difference of two layers.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:3098
const char * OGR_FD_GetName(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Get name of the OGRFeatureDefn passed as an argument.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:266
int OGR_F_GetGeomFieldIndex(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char *pszName)
Fetch the geometry field index given geometry field name.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1344
int OGR_STBL_LoadStyleTable(OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable, const char *pszFilename)
Load a style table from a file.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1075
void OGR_GFld_SetName(OGRGeomFieldDefnH, const char *)
Reset the name of this field.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:196
int OGR_FD_IsSame(OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn, OGRFeatureDefnH hOtherFDefn)
Test if the feature definition is identical to the other one.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1541
int OGR_G_Is3D(OGRGeometryH)
See whether this geometry has Z coordinates.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:955
OGRSpatialReferenceH OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(OGRLayerH)
Fetch the spatial reference system for this layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1049
void OGR_G_Empty(OGRGeometryH)
Clear geometry information.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1984
unsigned char GByte
Unsigned byte type.
Definition: cpl_port.h:215
int OGR_FD_IsStyleIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Determine whether the style can be omitted when fetching features.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1418
int OGR_F_GetGeomFieldCount(OGRFeatureH hFeat)
Fetch number of geometry fields on this feature This will always be the same as the geometry field co...
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1233
Returns a point guaranteed to lie on the surface.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:5122
OGRSTClassId OGR_ST_GetType(OGRStyleToolH hST)
Determine type of Style Tool.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1640
void OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter(OGRLayerH, OGRGeometryH)
Set a new spatial filter.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1148
void OGR_ST_SetUnit(OGRStyleToolH hST, OGRSTUnitId eUnit, double dfGroundPaperScale)
Set Style Tool units.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1704
Convert to line string.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:4151
OGRSTUnitId OGR_ST_GetUnit(OGRStyleToolH hST)
Get Style Tool units.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1666
OGRErr OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkt(OGRGeometryH, char **)
Convert a geometry into SFSQL 1.2 / ISO SQL/MM Part 3 well known text format.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1800
void OGR_F_SetFieldDateTimeEx(OGRFeatureH, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, int)
Set field to datetime.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:4970
OGRSFDriverH OGRGetDriverByName(const char *)
Fetch the indicated driver.
For datasources which support transactions, CommitTransaction commits a transaction.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:949
void OGR_G_GetPointZM(OGRGeometryH, int iPoint, double *, double *, double *, double *)
Fetch a point in line string or a point geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:488
const char * OGR_L_GetName(OGRLayerH)
Return the layer name.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1738
void OGR_G_AddPoint(OGRGeometryH, double, double, double)
Add a point to a geometry (line string or point).
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1063
void OGR_F_SetFieldInteger64(OGRFeatureH, int, GIntBig)
Set field to 64 bit integer value.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:3663
OGRDataSourceH OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource(OGRSFDriverH, const char *, char **) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
This function attempts to create a new data source based on the passed driver.
int OGR_Fld_IsIgnored(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn)
Return whether this field should be omitted when fetching features.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:1073
Enumeration to describe byte order.
Definition: ogr_core.h:489
void OGR_FD_Release(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Drop a reference, and destroy if unreferenced.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:180
void OGR_F_UnsetField(OGRFeatureH, int)
Clear a field, marking it as unset.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1495
OGRFeatureDefnH OGR_FD_Create(const char *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Create a new feature definition object to hold the field definitions.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:95
Export the envelope of a geometry as a gml:Box.
Definition: ogr2gmlgeometry.cpp:452
int OGR_G_IsEmpty(OGRGeometryH)
Test if the geometry is empty.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:2020
double OGR_G_Distance3D(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Returns the 3D distance between two geometries.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:3390
const char * OGR_L_GetFIDColumn(OGRLayerH)
This method returns the name of the underlying database column being used as the FID column...
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1607
void OGR_F_SetFieldNull(OGRFeatureH, int)
Clear a field, marking it as null.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1698
void OGR_F_SetStyleTable(OGRFeatureH, OGRStyleTableH)
Set style table.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6419
OGRErr OGR_FD_ReorderFieldDefns(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int *panMap)
Reorder the field definitions in the array of the feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:611
const char * OGR_STBL_GetLastStyleName(OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable)
Get the style name of the last style string fetched with OGR_STBL_GetNextStyle.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1334
void OGR_G_SetPointZM(OGRGeometryH, int iPoint, double, double, double, double)
Set the location of a vertex in a point or linestring geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1003
OGRErr OGR_DS_SyncToDisk(OGRDataSourceH)
Flush pending changes to disk.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:317
Duplicate feature.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:980
double OGR_G_GetZ(OGRGeometryH, int)
Fetch the z coordinate of a point from a geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:233
Compute boundary.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:3716
void OGR_G_Segmentize(OGRGeometryH hGeom, double dfMaxLength)
Modify the geometry such it has no segment longer then the given distance.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:807
const char * OGR_G_GetGeometryName(OGRGeometryH)
Fetch WKT name for geometry type.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1875
int OGR_FD_Dereference(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Decrements the reference count by one.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1159
OGRErr OGR_F_SetFID(OGRFeatureH, GIntBig)
Set the feature identifier.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:5465
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_CreateGeometry(OGRwkbGeometryType) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Create an empty geometry of desired type.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:604
void OGR_F_SetFieldRaw(OGRFeatureH, int, OGRField *)
Set field.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:5245
OGRGeometryH OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(OGRFeatureH)
Fetch an handle to feature geometry.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:628
OGRField * OGR_F_GetRawFieldRef(OGRFeatureH, int)
Fetch an handle to the internal field value given the index.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1818
void * OGRStyleMgrH
Style manager opaque type.
Definition: ogr_api.h:703
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_SimplifyPreserveTopology(OGRGeometryH hThis, double tolerance) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Simplify the geometry while preserving topology.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:5366
int OGR_STBL_AddStyle(OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable, const char *pszName, const char *pszStyleString)
Add a new style in the table.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:920
int OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTimeEx(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int *pnYear, int *pnMonth, int *pnDay, int *pnHour, int *pnMinute, float *pfSecond, int *pnTZFlag)
Fetch field value as date and time.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:3237
void OGR_G_Set3D(OGRGeometryH, int)
Add or remove the Z coordinate dimension.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1104
OGRErr OGR_L_SyncToDisk(OGRLayerH)
Flush pending changes to disk.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1530
OGRGeomFieldDefnH OGR_GFld_Create(const char *, OGRwkbGeometryType) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Create a new field geometry definition.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:103
void OGR_G_GetEnvelope(OGRGeometryH, OGREnvelope *)
Computes and returns the bounding envelope for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure...
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1297
OGRErr OGR_L_SetIgnoredFields(OGRLayerH, const char **)
Set which fields can be omitted when retrieving features from the layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1847
enum ogr_style_tool_class_id OGRSTClassId
OGRStyleTool derived class types (returned by GetType()).
int OGR_DS_GetLayerCount(OGRDataSourceH)
Get the number of layers in this data source.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:268
void OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterRectEx(OGRLayerH, int iGeomField, double dfMinX, double dfMinY, double dfMaxX, double dfMaxY)
Set a new rectangular spatial filter.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1238
void OGR_GFld_SetNullable(OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn, int)
Set whether this geometry field can receive null values.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:639
OGRLayerH OGR_DS_CopyLayer(OGRDataSourceH, OGRLayerH, const char *, char **)
Duplicate an existing layer.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:157
void OGR_F_SetFieldInteger64List(OGRFeatureH, int, int, const GIntBig *)
Set field to list of 64 bit integers value.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:4431
int OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(OGRFeatureH, const char *)
Fetch the field index given field name.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1190
int OGR_SM_AddStyle(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, const char *pszStyleName, const char *pszStyleString)
Add a style to the current style table.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:441
Make a copy of this object.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1911
void OGR_G_SetCoordinateDimension(OGRGeometryH, int)
Set the coordinate dimension.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1077
void * OGRFieldDefnH
Opaque type for a field definition (OGRFieldDefn)
Definition: ogr_api.h:297
void OGR_G_SetPoint(OGRGeometryH, int iPoint, double, double, double)
Set the location of a vertex in a point or linestring geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:817
int OGR_SM_GetPartCount(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, const char *pszStyleString)
Get the number of parts in a style.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:631
int OGR_ST_GetParamNum(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, int *bValueIsNull)
Get Style Tool parameter value as an integer.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:2344
void OGR_F_SetStyleString(OGRFeatureH, const char *)
Set feature style string.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6195
int OGR_RawField_IsNull(const OGRField *)
Returns whether a raw field is null.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6960
int OGR_Fld_GetPrecision(OGRFieldDefnH)
Get the formatting precision for this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:944
struct OGRGeomFieldDefnHS * OGRGeomFieldDefnH
Opaque type for a geometry field definition (OGRGeomFieldDefn)
Definition: ogr_api.h:306
OGRErr OGR_G_ExportToWkb(OGRGeometryH, OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *)
Convert a geometry well known binary format.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1491
OGRErr OGR_L_Union(OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char **, GDALProgressFunc, void *)
Union of two layers.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:2758
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_GetLinearGeometry(OGRGeometryH hGeom, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees, char **papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Return, possibly approximate, linear version of this geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1718
double OGR_ST_GetParamDbl(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, int *bValueIsNull)
Get Style Tool parameter value as a double.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:2396
int OGR_Dr_TestCapability(OGRSFDriverH, const char *)
Test if capability is available.
OGRDataSourceH OGROpen(const char *, int, OGRSFDriverH *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Open a file / data source with one of the registered drivers.
OGRStyleTableH OGR_DS_GetStyleTable(OGRDataSourceH)
Get style table.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:346
void OGR_F_SetFieldIntegerList(OGRFeatureH, int, int, const int *)
Set field to list of integers value.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:4284
GIntBig OGR_F_GetFID(OGRFeatureH)
Get feature identifier.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:5410
void * OGRCoordinateTransformationH
Opaque type for a coordinate transformation object.
Definition: ogr_api.h:76
int OGR_G_HasCurveGeometry(OGRGeometryH, int bLookForNonLinear)
Returns if this geometry is or has curve geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1681
OGRErr OGR_L_Clip(OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char **, GDALProgressFunc, void *)
Clip off areas that are not covered by the method layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:4006
OGRErr OGR_Dr_DeleteDataSource(OGRSFDriverH, const char *)
Delete a datasource.
enum ogr_style_tool_units_id OGRSTUnitId
List of units supported by OGRStyleTools.
const char * OGR_GFld_GetNameRef(OGRGeomFieldDefnH)
Fetch name of this field.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:235
OGRErr OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb(OGRGeometryH, OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *)
Convert a geometry into SFSQL 1.2 / ISO SQL/MM Part 3 well known binary format.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1529
List of well known binary geometry types.
Definition: ogr_core.h:317
int OGR_G_Crosses(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Test for crossing.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4680
void OGR_L_ResetReading(OGRLayerH)
Reset feature reading to start on the first feature.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1473
OGRGeomFieldDefnH OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn, int i)
Fetch geometry field definition of the passed feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:738
void OGR_G_SetPointsZM(OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nPointsIn, const void *pabyX, int nXStride, const void *pabyY, int nYStride, const void *pabyZ, int nZStride, const void *pabyM, int nMStride)
Assign all points in a point or a line string geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:667
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_ForceTo(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRwkbGeometryType eTargetType, char **papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Convert to another geometry type.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:4543
const char * OGR_ST_GetParamStr(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, int *bValueIsNull)
Get Style Tool parameter value as string.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:2291
int OGR_G_IsSimple(OGRGeometryH)
Returns TRUE if the geometry is simple.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:2199
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_ForceToMultiPolygon(OGRGeometryH) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Convert to multipolygon.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:962
void OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(OGRDataSourceH, OGRLayerH)
Release results of OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL().
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:238
OGRErr OGR_G_ImportFromWkb(OGRGeometryH, const void *, int)
Assign geometry from well known binary data.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1426
void OGR_L_SetStyleTableDirectly(OGRLayerH, OGRStyleTableH)
Set style table (and take ownership)
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1699
void OGR_F_Destroy(OGRFeatureH)
Destroy feature.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:220
int OGR_F_GetFieldCount(OGRFeatureH)
Fetch number of fields on this feature This will always be the same as the field count for the OGRFea...
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1090
void * OGRDataSourceH
Opaque type for a OGR datasource (OGRDataSource)
Definition: ogr_api.h:510
void OGR_G_AssignSpatialReference(OGRGeometryH, OGRSpatialReferenceH)
Assign spatial reference to this object.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:454
OGRErr OGR_FD_DeleteFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int iField)
Delete an existing field definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:533
const char * OGR_ST_GetStyleString(OGRStyleToolH hST)
Get the style string for this Style Tool.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:2583
int OGR_G_Touches(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Test for touching.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4575
int OGR_DS_TestCapability(OGRDataSourceH, const char *)
Test if capability is available.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:255
int OGR_GFld_IsIgnored(OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn)
Return whether this field should be omitted when fetching features.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:374
const char * OGR_Fld_GetDefault(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn)
Get default field value.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:538
OGRErr OGR_G_CreateFromFgf(const void *, OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRGeometryH *, int, int *)
Create a geometry object of the appropriate type from its FGF (FDO Geometry Format) binary representa...
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:2498
void OGR_Fld_Set(OGRFieldDefnH, const char *, OGRFieldType, int, int, OGRJustification)
Set defining parameters for a field in one call.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:1036
void OGR_GFld_Destroy(OGRGeomFieldDefnH)
Destroy a geometry field definition.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:149
OGRDataSourceH OGROpenShared(const char *, int, OGRSFDriverH *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Open a file / data source with one of the registered drivers if not already opened, or increment reference count of already opened data source previously opened with OGROpenShared()
int OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(OGRFeatureH, int)
Fetch field value as integer.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1956
double OGR_G_GetM(OGRGeometryH, int)
Fetch the m coordinate of a point from a geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:256
void * OGRSpatialReferenceH
Opaque type for a spatial reference system.
Definition: ogr_api.h:74
const char * OGR_Dr_GetName(OGRSFDriverH)
Fetch name of driver (file format).
Convert a geometry into GML format.
Definition: ogr2gmlgeometry.cpp:1166
OGRErr OGR_G_Transform(OGRGeometryH, OGRCoordinateTransformationH)
Apply arbitrary coordinate transformation to geometry.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:726
void OGR_GFld_SetSpatialRef(OGRGeomFieldDefnH, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS)
Set the spatial reference of this field.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:511
OGRErr OGR_G_AddGeometryDirectly(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Add a geometry directly to an existing geometry container.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1439
void OGR_ST_SetParamNum(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, int nValue)
Set Style Tool parameter value from an integer.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:2490
OGRwkbGeometryType OGR_L_GetGeomType(OGRLayerH)
Return the layer geometry type.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1770
Convert to polygon.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:792
double OGR_G_Area(OGRGeometryH)
Compute geometry area.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1607
int OGR_F_IsFieldSet(OGRFeatureH, int)
Test if a field has ever been assigned a value or not.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1417
char ** CSLConstList
Type of a constant null-terminated list of nul terminated strings.
Definition: cpl_port.h:1186
int OGR_G_Contains(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Test for containment.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4828
OGRErr OGR_L_Erase(OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char **, GDALProgressFunc, void *)
Remove areas that are covered by the method layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:4252
OGRErr OGR_G_RemoveGeometry(OGRGeometryH, int, int)
Remove a geometry from an exiting geometry container.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1513
OGRGeomFieldDefnH OGR_F_GetGeomFieldDefnRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField)
Fetch definition for this geometry field.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1294
int OGR_L_TestCapability(OGRLayerH, const char *)
Test if this layer supported the named capability.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1067
OGRwkbGeometryType OGR_FD_GetGeomType(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Fetch the geometry base type of the passed feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1011
void OGR_F_SetFieldStringList(OGRFeatureH, int, CSLConstList)
Set field to list of strings value.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:4711
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Simplify(OGRGeometryH hThis, double tolerance) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Compute a simplified geometry.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:5284
OGRStyleMgr factory.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:156
Compute union.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4079
OGRErr OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter(OGRLayerH, const char *)
Set a new attribute query.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:430
int OGR_Fld_IsDefaultDriverSpecific(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn)
Returns whether the default value is driver specific.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:604
OGRSFDriverH OGR_DS_GetDriver(OGRDataSourceH)
Returns the driver that the dataset was opened with.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:333
OGRErr OGR_FD_DeleteGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn, int iGeomField)
Delete an existing geometry field definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:891
OGRLayerH OGR_DS_GetLayer(OGRDataSourceH, int)
Fetch a layer by index.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:285
void OGR_GFld_SetIgnored(OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn, int)
Set whether this field should be omitted when fetching features.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:412
int OGR_G_GetGeometryCount(OGRGeometryH)
Fetch the number of elements in a geometry or number of geometries in container.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1243
int OGR_G_GetPoints(OGRGeometryH hGeom, void *pabyX, int nXStride, void *pabyY, int nYStride, void *pabyZ, int nZStride)
Returns all points of line string.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:297
OGRLayerH OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(OGRDataSourceH, const char *)
Fetch a layer by name.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:194
OGRJustification OGR_Fld_GetJustify(OGRFieldDefnH)
Get the justification for this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:808
Convert a geometry into GML format.
Definition: ogr2gmlgeometry.cpp:1197
GIntBig OGR_L_GetFeatureCount(OGRLayerH, int)
Fetch the feature count in this layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:194
Core portability services for cross-platform OGR code.
OGRErr OGR_L_Identity(OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char **, GDALProgressFunc, void *)
Identify the features of this layer with the ones from the identity layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:3448
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Intersection(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Compute intersection.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:3960
OGRErr OGR_L_Update(OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char **, GDALProgressFunc, void *)
Update this layer with features from the update layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:3747
void OGR_G_SetPointCount(OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nNewPointCount)
Set number of points in a geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:113
Display justification for field values.
Definition: ogr_core.h:642
const char * OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(OGRFeatureH)
Returns the native media type for the feature.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6803
OGRStyleTableH OGR_F_GetStyleTable(OGRFeatureH)
Return style table.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6392
OGRStyleTable factory.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:785
void OGR_Fld_SetName(OGRFieldDefnH, const char *)
Reset the name of this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:179
void OGR_Fld_SetPrecision(OGRFieldDefnH, int)
Set the formatting precision for this field in characters.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:980
OGRFeatureDefnH OGR_F_GetDefnRef(OGRFeatureH)
Fetch feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:328
char * OGR_G_ExportToJsonEx(OGRGeometryH, char **papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Convert a geometry into GeoJSON format.
Definition: ogrgeojsonwriter.cpp:1445
double OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble(OGRFeatureH, int)
Fetch field value as a double.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:2190
int OGR_FD_Reference(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Increments the reference count by one.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1125
void OGR_G_AddPointM(OGRGeometryH, double, double, double)
Add a point to a geometry (line string or point).
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1149
void OGR_DS_SetStyleTable(OGRDataSourceH, OGRStyleTableH)
Set style table.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:373
const double * OGR_F_GetFieldAsDoubleList(OGRFeatureH, int, int *)
Fetch field value as a list of doubles.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:2904
OGRSpatialReferenceH OGR_GFld_GetSpatialRef(OGRGeomFieldDefnH)
Fetch spatial reference system of this field.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:454
List of feature field types.
Definition: ogr_core.h:594
char ** OGR_F_GetFieldAsStringList(OGRFeatureH, int)
Fetch field value as a list of strings.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:2989
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Value(OGRGeometryH, double dfDistance) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Fetch point at given distance along curve.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1787
const char * OGR_DS_GetName(OGRDataSourceH)
Returns the name of the data source.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:305
GByte * OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary(OGRFeatureH, int, int *)
Fetch field value as binary.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:3062
int OGR_FD_GetReferenceCount(OGRFeatureDefnH)
Fetch current reference count.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1194
void OGRRegisterAll(void)
Register all drivers.
Definition: ogrregisterall.cpp:38
void OGR_G_SetPointM(OGRGeometryH, int iPoint, double, double, double)
Set the location of a vertex in a point or linestring geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:939
OGRErr OGR_L_Intersection(OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, OGRLayerH, char **, GDALProgressFunc, void *)
Intersection of two layers.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:2321
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_GetCurveGeometry(OGRGeometryH hGeom, char **papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Return curve version of this geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1758
void OGR_STBL_ResetStyleStringReading(OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable)
Reset the next style pointer to 0.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1243
void OGR_F_SetFieldBinary(OGRFeatureH, int, int, GByte *)
Set field to binary data.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:4796
const int * OGR_F_GetFieldAsIntegerList(OGRFeatureH, int, int *)
Fetch field value as a list of integers.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:2735
void * OGRGeometryH
Opaque type for a geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.h:60
void OGR_G_GetPoint(OGRGeometryH, int iPoint, double *, double *, double *)
Fetch a point in line string or a point geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:418
void OGR_ST_Destroy(OGRStyleToolH hST)
Destroy Style Tool.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1403
const char * OGR_GetFieldTypeName(OGRFieldType)
Fetch human readable name for a field type.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:683
int OGR_F_Validate(OGRFeatureH, int nValidateFlags, int bEmitError)
Validate that a feature meets constraints of its schema.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6680
void * OGRFeatureH
Opaque type for a feature (OGRFeature)
Definition: ogr_api.h:301
void OGR_F_SetStyleTableDirectly(OGRFeatureH, OGRStyleTableH)
Set style table and take ownership.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6405
double OGR_G_Length(OGRGeometryH)
Compute length of a geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1559
OGRSFDriverH OGRGetDriver(int)
Fetch the indicated driver.
void OGR_STBL_Destroy(OGRStyleTableH hSTBL)
Destroy Style Table.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:826
OGRErr OGR_F_SetFrom(OGRFeatureH, OGRFeatureH, int)
Set one feature from another.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:5774
void OGRCleanupAll(void)
Clean-up all drivers (including raster ones starting with GDAL 2.0.
OGRLayerH OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(OGRDataSourceH, const char *, OGRGeometryH, const char *)
Execute an SQL statement against the data store.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:214
void OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterRect(OGRLayerH, double, double, double, double)
Set a new rectangular spatial filter.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1218
void OGR_FD_AddGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn, OGRGeomFieldDefnH hGFldDefn)
Add a new field definition to the passed feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:817
int OGR_L_FindFieldIndex(OGRLayerH, const char *, int bExactMatch)
Find the index of field in a layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1011
int OGR_AreTypeSubTypeCompatible(OGRFieldType eType, OGRFieldSubType eSubType)
Return if type and subtype are compatible.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:765
OGRFeature field attribute value union.
Definition: ogr_core.h:683
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_CreateFromGML(const char *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Create geometry from GML.
Definition: gml2ogrgeometry.cpp:3735
const char * OGR_GetFieldSubTypeName(OGRFieldSubType)
Fetch human readable name for a field subtype.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:746
int OGR_G_WkbSize(OGRGeometryH hGeom)
Returns size of related binary representation.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1265
int OGR_RawField_IsUnset(const OGRField *)
Returns whether a raw field is unset.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6939
OGRErr OGR_G_CreateFromWkt(char **, OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRGeometryH *)
Create a geometry object of the appropriate type from its well known text representation.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:496
OGRStyleTableH OGR_L_GetStyleTable(OGRLayerH)
Get style table.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1686
OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeomFieldDirectly(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, OGRGeometryH hGeom)
Set feature geometry of a specified geometry field.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:845
int OGR_G_Within(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Test for containment.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4754
OGRStyleToolH OGR_SM_GetPart(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, int nPartId, const char *pszStyleString)
Fetch a part (style tool) from the current style.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:710
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_ForceToMultiLineString(OGRGeometryH) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Convert to multilinestring.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:1294
const char * OGR_F_GetStyleString(OGRFeatureH)
Fetch style string for this feature.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6143
void OGR_F_SetFieldDoubleList(OGRFeatureH, int, int, const double *)
Set field to list of doubles value.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:4563
OGRFeatureDefnH OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(OGRLayerH)
Fetch the schema information for this layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:993
Take away ownership of geometry.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:556
OGRErr OGRReleaseDataSource(OGRDataSourceH)
Drop a reference to this datasource, and if the reference count drops to zero close (destroy) the dat...
int OGR_GFld_IsNullable(OGRGeomFieldDefnH hDefn)
Return whether this geometry field can receive null values.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:593
void OGR_FD_SetGeometryIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH, int)
Set whether the geometry can be omitted when fetching features.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1384
int OGR_Fld_IsNullable(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn)
Return whether this field can receive null values.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:1175
#define CPL_C_END
Macro to end a block of C symbols.
Definition: cpl_port.h:339
void OGR_F_SetFieldDateTime(OGRFeatureH, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
Set field to datetime.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:4929
long long GIntBig
Large signed integer type (generally 64-bit integer type).
Definition: cpl_port.h:248
OGRLayerH OGR_DS_CreateLayer(OGRDataSourceH, const char *, OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRwkbGeometryType, char **)
This function attempts to create a new layer on the data source with the indicated name...
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:127
const char * OGR_L_GetGeometryColumn(OGRLayerH)
This method returns the name of the underlying database column being used as the geometry column...
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1637
OGRErr OGR_L_RollbackTransaction(OGRLayerH)
For datasources which support transactions, RollbackTransaction will roll back a datasource to its st...
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:976
int OGR_G_CoordinateDimension(OGRGeometryH)
Get the dimension of the coordinates in this geometry.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:934
void OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterEx(OGRLayerH, int iGeomField, OGRGeometryH hGeom)
Set a new spatial filter.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:1166
void OGR_ST_SetParamStr(OGRStyleToolH hST, int eParam, const char *pszValue)
Set Style Tool parameter value from a string.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:2446
Create and write a new feature within a layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:647
void OGR_SM_Destroy(OGRStyleMgrH hSM)
Destroy Style Manager.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:188
Polygonizes a set of sparse edges.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:5596
double OGR_G_GetY(OGRGeometryH, int)
Fetch the x coordinate of a point from a geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:210
int OGR_G_IsMeasured(OGRGeometryH)
See whether this geometry is measured.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:976
OGRStyleTool factory.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1367
int OGR_Fld_GetWidth(OGRFieldDefnH)
Get the formatting width for this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:876
int OGR_F_IsFieldSetAndNotNull(OGRFeatureH, int)
Test if a field is set and not null.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1615
void OGR_G_SetPoint_2D(OGRGeometryH, int iPoint, double, double)
Set the location of a vertex in a point or linestring geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:878
int OGR_G_Equals(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Returns TRUE if two geometries are equivalent.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:1192
OGRwkbGeometryType OGR_GFld_GetType(OGRGeomFieldDefnH)
Fetch geometry type of this field.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:278
int OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldCount(OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn)
Fetch number of geometry fields on the passed feature definition.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:651
void OGR_Fld_SetType(OGRFieldDefnH, OGRFieldType)
Set the type of this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:303
void OGR_G_AddPointZM(OGRGeometryH, double, double, double, double)
Add a point to a geometry (line string or point).
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1194
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Buffer(OGRGeometryH, double, int) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Compute buffer of geometry.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:3842
int OGRErr
Simple container for a bounding region.
Definition: ogr_core.h:290
const char * OGR_SM_InitFromFeature(OGRStyleMgrH hSM, OGRFeatureH hFeat)
Initialize style manager from the style string of a feature.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:281
void OGR_Fld_SetDefault(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char *)
Set default field value.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:500
void OGR_Fld_SetSubType(OGRFieldDefnH, OGRFieldSubType)
Set the subtype of this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:393
void OGR_FD_SetStyleIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH, int)
Set whether the style can be omitted when fetching features.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1452
int OGR_G_IsRing(OGRGeometryH)
Test if the geometry is a ring.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:2272
const char * OGR_F_GetNativeData(OGRFeatureH)
Returns the native data for the feature.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6752
void * OGRFeatureDefnH
Opaque type for a feature definition (OGRFeatureDefn)
Definition: ogr_api.h:299
void OGR_G_DumpReadable(OGRGeometryH, FILE *, const char *)
Dump geometry in well known text format to indicated output file.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:381
void OGR_G_DestroyGeometry(OGRGeometryH)
Destroy geometry object.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:647
int OGR_G_Disjoint(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Test for disjointness.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:4501
OGRErr OGR_L_DeleteField(OGRLayerH, int iField)
Delete an existing field on a layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:716
Convert to multipoint.
Definition: ogrgeometryfactory.cpp:1054
char * OGR_G_ExportToGMLEx(OGRGeometryH, char **papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Convert a geometry into GML format.
Definition: ogr2gmlgeometry.cpp:1269
void OGR_FD_SetGeomType(OGRFeatureDefnH, OGRwkbGeometryType)
Assign the base geometry type for the passed layer (the same as the feature definition).
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:1086
const char * OGR_STBL_Find(OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable, const char *pszName)
Get a style string by name.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1131
const char * OGR_STBL_GetNextStyle(OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable)
Get the next style string from the table.
Definition: ogrfeaturestyle.cpp:1296
void OGR_Fld_SetWidth(OGRFieldDefnH, int)
Set the formatting width for this field in characters.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:908
OGRErr OGR_L_SetNextByIndex(OGRLayerH, GIntBig)
Move read cursor to the nIndex&#39;th feature in the current resultset.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:524
const GIntBig * OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64List(OGRFeatureH, int, int *)
Fetch field value as a list of 64 bit integers.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:2821
void * OGRStyleTableH
Opaque type for a style table (OGRStyleTable)
Definition: ogr_api.h:303
void OGR_F_FillUnsetWithDefault(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int bNotNullableOnly, char **papszOptions)
Fill unset fields with default values that might be defined.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6524
OGRFieldType OGR_Fld_GetType(OGRFieldDefnH)
Fetch type of this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:251
OGRErr OGR_L_CreateGeomField(OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRGeomFieldDefnH hFieldDefn, int bForce)
Create a new geometry field on a layer.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:892
For datasources which support transactions, StartTransaction creates a transaction.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:922
void OGR_GFld_SetType(OGRGeomFieldDefnH, OGRwkbGeometryType)
Set the geometry type of this field.
Definition: ogrgeomfielddefn.cpp:335
void OGRSetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(int bFlag)
Set flag to enable/disable returning non-linear geometries in the C API.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1831
int OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime(OGRFeatureH, int, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *)
Fetch field value as date and time.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:3193
int OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldIndex(OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn, const char *pszName)
Find geometry field by name.
Definition: ogrfeaturedefn.cpp:948
const char * OGR_Fld_GetNameRef(OGRFieldDefnH)
Fetch name of this field.
Definition: ogrfielddefn.cpp:213
OGRDataSourceH OGR_Dr_CopyDataSource(OGRSFDriverH, OGRDataSourceH, const char *, char **) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
This function creates a new datasource by copying all the layers from the source datasource.
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_GetGeometryRef(OGRGeometryH, int)
Fetch geometry from a geometry container.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:1308
OGRGeometryH OGR_G_CreateGeometryFromJson(const char *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
Create a OGR geometry from a GeoJSON geometry object.
void OGR_G_SwapXY(OGRGeometryH hGeom)
Swap x and y coordinates.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:5631
OGRErr OGR_L_GetExtentEx(OGRLayerH, int iGeomField, OGREnvelope *psExtent, int bForce)
Fetch the extent of this layer, on the specified geometry field.
Definition: ogrlayer.cpp:320
void * OGRStyleToolH
Style tool opaque type.
Definition: ogr_api.h:705
int OGR_G_Intersects(OGRGeometryH, OGRGeometryH)
Do these features intersect?
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:558
int OGR_G_GetDimension(OGRGeometryH)
Get the dimension of this geometry.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:838
int OGR_G_IsValid(OGRGeometryH)
Test if the geometry is valid.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:2127
void OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly(OGRFeatureH, char *)
Set feature style string.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:6241
OGRFieldDefnH OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef(OGRFeatureH, int)
Fetch definition for this field.
Definition: ogrfeature.cpp:1145
double OGR_G_GetX(OGRGeometryH, int)
Fetch the x coordinate of a point from a geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:187
OGRErr OGR_DS_DeleteLayer(OGRDataSourceH, int)
Delete the indicated layer from the datasource.
Definition: ogrdatasource.cpp:175
Qualifier to warn when the return value of a function is not used.
Definition: cpl_port.h:931
int OGR_G_GetPointCount(OGRGeometryH)
Fetch number of points from a geometry.
Definition: ogr_api.cpp:74
void OGR_G_FlattenTo2D(OGRGeometryH)
Convert geometry to strictly 2D.
Definition: ogrgeometry.cpp:2763

Generated for GDAL by doxygen 1.8.13.