Analyses networks
gnmanalyse [--help][-q][-quiet][--long-usage] [dijkstra start_gfid end_gfid [[-alo NAME=VALUE] ...]]] [kpaths start_gfid end_gfid k [[-alo NAME=VALUE] ...]]] [resource [[-alo NAME=VALUE] ...]]] [-ds ds_name][-f ds_format][-l layer_name] [[-dsco NAME=VALUE] ...][-lco NAME=VALUE] gnm_name
The gnmanalyse program provides analysing capabilities of geographical networks in GDAL. The results of calculations are return in an OGRLayer format or as a console text output if such layer is undefined. All calculations are made considering the blocking state of features.
Calculates the best path between two points using Dijkstra algorithm from start_gfid point to end_gfid point.
Calculates K shortest paths between two points using Yen's algorithm (which internally uses Dijkstra algorithm for single path calculating) from start_gfid point to end_gfid point.
Calculates the "resource distribution". The connected components search is performed using breadth-first search and starting from that features which are marked by rules as 'EMITTERS'.
The name&path of the dataset to save the layer with resulting paths. Not need to be existed dataset.
Define this to set the format of newly created dataset.
The name of the resulting layer. If the layer exist already - it will be rewritten.
The network to work with (path and name).