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gdal.h File Reference

Public (C callable) GDAL entry points. More...

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struct  GDALRasterIOExtraArg
 Structure to pass extra arguments to RasterIO() method. More...
struct  GDAL_GCP
 Ground Control Point. More...
struct  GDALRPCInfo
 Structure to store Rational Polynomial Coefficients / Rigorous Projection Model. More...
struct  GDALColorEntry
 Color tuple. More...


 Macro to initialize an instance of GDALRasterIOExtraArg structure. More...
 Metadata item for dataset that indicates the spatial interpretation of a pixel.
#define GDALMD_AOP_AREA   "Area"
 Value for GDALMD_AREA_OR_POINT that indicates that a pixel represents an area.
#define GDALMD_AOP_POINT   "Point"
 Value for GDALMD_AREA_OR_POINT that indicates that a pixel represents a point.
 Long name of the driver.
 URL (relative to to the help page of the driver.
 MIME type handled by the driver. More...
 Extension handled by the driver. More...
 Connection prefix to provide as the file name of the open function. More...
 List of (space separated) extensions handled by the driver. More...
 XML snippet with creation options. More...
 XML snippet with open options. More...
 List of (space separated) raster data types support by the Create()/CreateCopy() API. More...
 List of (space separated) vector field types support by the CreateField() API. More...
 List of (space separated) vector field sub-types support by the CreateField() API. More...
 Capability set by a driver that exposes Subdatasets. More...
 Capability set by a driver that implements the Open() API. More...
 Capability set by a driver that implements the Create() API. More...
 Capability set by a driver that implements the CreateCopy() API. More...
 Capability set by a driver that can read/create datasets through the VSI*L API. More...
 Capability set by a driver having raster capability. More...
 Capability set by a driver having vector capability. More...
 Capability set by a driver having vector capability. More...
 Capability set by a driver that can create fields with NOT NULL constraint. More...
 Capability set by a driver that can create fields with DEFAULT values. More...
 Capability set by a driver that can create geometry fields with NOT NULL constraint. More...
 Capability set by a non-spatial driver having no support for geometries. More...
 Capability set by drivers which support feature styles. More...
#define GDAL_OF_READONLY   0x00
 Open in read-only mode. More...
#define GDAL_OF_UPDATE   0x01
 Open in update mode. More...
#define GDAL_OF_ALL   0x00
 Allow raster and vector drivers to be used. More...
#define GDAL_OF_RASTER   0x02
 Allow raster drivers to be used. More...
#define GDAL_OF_VECTOR   0x04
 Allow vector drivers to be used. More...
#define GDAL_OF_GNM   0x08
 Allow gnm drivers to be used. More...
#define GDAL_OF_SHARED   0x20
 Open in shared mode. More...
#define GDAL_OF_VERBOSE_ERROR   0x40
 Emit error message in case of failed open. More...
#define GDAL_OF_INTERNAL   0x80
 Open as internal dataset. More...
 Let GDAL decide if a array-based or hashset-based storage strategy for cached blocks must be used. More...
 Use a array-based storage strategy for cached blocks. More...
 Use a hashset-based storage strategy for cached blocks. More...
 Name of driver metadata item for layer creation option list.
#define SRCVAL(papoSource, eSrcType, ii)
 SRCVAL - Macro which may be used by pixel functions to obtain a pixel from a source buffer. More...
#define GMF_ALL_VALID   0x01
 Flag returned by GDALGetMaskFlags() to indicate that all pixels are valid.
#define GMF_PER_DATASET   0x02
 Flag returned by GDALGetMaskFlags() to indicate that the mask band is valid for all bands.
#define GMF_ALPHA   0x04
 Flag returned by GDALGetMaskFlags() to indicate that the mask band is an alpha band.
#define GMF_NODATA   0x08
 Flag returned by GDALGetMaskFlags() to indicate that the mask band is computed from nodata values.
 Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when the driver does not implement GetDataCoverageStatus(). More...
 Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when there is (potentially) data in the queried window. More...
 Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when there is nodata in the queried window. More...
#define GDAL_CHECK_VERSION(pszCallingComponentName)   GDALCheckVersion(GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR, GDAL_VERSION_MINOR, pszCallingComponentName)
 Helper macro for GDALCheckVersion() More...


typedef void * GDALMajorObjectH
 Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALMajorObject class.
typedef void * GDALDatasetH
 Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALDataset class.
typedef void * GDALRasterBandH
 Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALRasterBand class.
typedef void * GDALDriverH
 Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALDriver class.
typedef void * GDALColorTableH
 Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALColorTable class.
typedef void * GDALRasterAttributeTableH
 Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALRasterAttributeTable class.
typedef void * GDALAsyncReaderH
 Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALAsyncReader class.
typedef GIntBig GSpacing
 Type to express pixel, line or band spacing. More...
typedef CPLErr(* GDALDerivedPixelFunc) (void **papoSources, int nSources, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eSrcType, GDALDataType eBufType, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace)
 Type of functions to pass to GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc. More...


enum  GDALDataType {
  GDT_Unknown = 0, GDT_Byte = 1, GDT_UInt16 = 2, GDT_Int16 = 3,
  GDT_UInt32 = 4, GDT_Int32 = 5, GDT_Float32 = 6, GDT_Float64 = 7,
  GDT_CInt16 = 8, GDT_CInt32 = 9, GDT_CFloat32 = 10, GDT_CFloat64 = 11,
  GDT_TypeCount = 12
enum  GDALAsyncStatusType {
  GARIO_TypeCount = 4
 status of the asynchronous stream
enum  GDALAccess { GA_ReadOnly = 0, GA_Update = 1 }
enum  GDALRWFlag { GF_Read = 0, GF_Write = 1 }
enum  GDALRIOResampleAlg {
  GRIORA_NearestNeighbour = 0, GRIORA_Bilinear = 1, GRIORA_Cubic = 2, GRIORA_CubicSpline = 3,
  GRIORA_Lanczos = 4, GRIORA_Average = 5, GRIORA_Mode = 6, GRIORA_Gauss = 7
 RasterIO() resampling method. More...
enum  GDALColorInterp {
  GCI_Undefined =0, GCI_GrayIndex =1, GCI_PaletteIndex =2, GCI_RedBand =3,
  GCI_GreenBand =4, GCI_BlueBand =5, GCI_AlphaBand =6, GCI_HueBand =7,
  GCI_SaturationBand =8, GCI_LightnessBand =9, GCI_CyanBand =10, GCI_MagentaBand =11,
  GCI_YellowBand =12, GCI_BlackBand =13, GCI_YCbCr_YBand =14, GCI_YCbCr_CbBand =15,
  GCI_YCbCr_CrBand =16, GCI_Max =16
enum  GDALPaletteInterp { GPI_Gray =0, GPI_RGB =1, GPI_CMYK =2, GPI_HLS =3 }
enum  GDALRATFieldType { GFT_Integer, GFT_Real, GFT_String }
 Field type of raster attribute table. More...
enum  GDALRATFieldUsage {
  GFU_Generic = 0, GFU_PixelCount = 1, GFU_Name = 2, GFU_Min = 3,
  GFU_Max = 4, GFU_MinMax = 5, GFU_Red = 6, GFU_Green = 7,
  GFU_Blue = 8, GFU_Alpha = 9, GFU_RedMin = 10, GFU_GreenMin = 11,
  GFU_BlueMin = 12, GFU_AlphaMin = 13, GFU_RedMax = 14, GFU_GreenMax = 15,
  GFU_BlueMax = 16, GFU_AlphaMax = 17, GFU_MaxCount
 Field usage of raster attribute table. More...
 RAT table type (thematic or athematic) More...
enum  GDALTileOrganization { GTO_TIP, GTO_BIT, GTO_BSQ }
 ! Enumeration to describe the tile organization More...


int GDALGetDataTypeSize (GDALDataType)
 Get data type size in bits. More...
int GDALGetDataTypeSizeBits (GDALDataType eDataType)
 Get data type size in bits. More...
int GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes (GDALDataType)
 Get data type size in bytes. More...
int GDALDataTypeIsComplex (GDALDataType)
 Is data type complex? More...
int GDALDataTypeIsInteger (GDALDataType)
 Is data type integer? (might be complex) More...
int GDALDataTypeIsFloating (GDALDataType)
 Is data type floating? (might be complex) More...
int GDALDataTypeIsSigned (GDALDataType)
 Is data type signed? More...
const char * GDALGetDataTypeName (GDALDataType)
 Get name of data type. More...
GDALDataType GDALGetDataTypeByName (const char *)
 Get data type by symbolic name. More...
GDALDataType GDALDataTypeUnion (GDALDataType, GDALDataType)
 Return the smallest data type that can fully express both input data types. More...
GDALDataType GDALDataTypeUnionWithValue (GDALDataType eDT, double dValue, int bComplex)
 Union a data type with the one found for a value. More...
GDALDataType GDALFindDataType (int nBits, int bSigned, int bFloating, int bComplex)
 Finds the smallest data type able to support the given requirements. More...
GDALDataType GDALFindDataTypeForValue (double dValue, int bComplex)
 Finds the smallest data type able to support the provided value. More...
double GDALAdjustValueToDataType (GDALDataType eDT, double dfValue, int *pbClamped, int *pbRounded)
 Adjust a value to the output data type. More...
GDALDataType GDALGetNonComplexDataType (GDALDataType)
 Return the base data type for the specified input. More...
int GDALDataTypeIsConversionLossy (GDALDataType eTypeFrom, GDALDataType eTypeTo)
 Is conversion from eTypeFrom to eTypeTo potentially lossy. More...
const char * GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeName (GDALAsyncStatusType)
 Get name of AsyncStatus data type. More...
GDALAsyncStatusType GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeByName (const char *)
 Get AsyncStatusType by symbolic name. More...
const char * GDALGetColorInterpretationName (GDALColorInterp)
 Get name of color interpretation. More...
GDALColorInterp GDALGetColorInterpretationByName (const char *pszName)
 Get color interpretation by symbolic name. More...
const char * GDALGetPaletteInterpretationName (GDALPaletteInterp)
 Get name of palette interpretation. More...
void GDALAllRegister (void)
 Register all known configured GDAL drivers. More...
GDALDatasetH GDALCreate (GDALDriverH hDriver, const char *, int, int, int, GDALDataType, CSLConstList) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Create a new dataset with this driver. More...
GDALDatasetH GDALCreateCopy (GDALDriverH, const char *, GDALDatasetH, int, CSLConstList, GDALProgressFunc, void *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Create a copy of a dataset. More...
GDALDriverH GDALIdentifyDriver (const char *pszFilename, CSLConstList papszFileList)
 Identify the driver that can open a raster file. More...
GDALDriverH GDALIdentifyDriverEx (const char *pszFilename, unsigned int nIdentifyFlags, const char *const *papszAllowedDrivers, const char *const *papszFileList)
 Identify the driver that can open a raster file. More...
GDALDatasetH GDALOpen (const char *pszFilename, GDALAccess eAccess) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Open a raster file as a GDALDataset. More...
GDALDatasetH GDALOpenShared (const char *, GDALAccess) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Open a raster file as a GDALDataset. More...
GDALDatasetH GDALOpenEx (const char *pszFilename, unsigned int nOpenFlags, const char *const *papszAllowedDrivers, const char *const *papszOpenOptions, const char *const *papszSiblingFiles) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Open a raster or vector file as a GDALDataset. More...
int GDALDumpOpenDatasets (FILE *)
 List open datasets. More...
GDALDriverH GDALGetDriverByName (const char *)
 Fetch a driver based on the short name. More...
int GDALGetDriverCount (void)
 Fetch the number of registered drivers. More...
GDALDriverH GDALGetDriver (int)
 Fetch driver by index. More...
GDALDriverH GDALCreateDriver (void)
 Create a GDALDriver. More...
void GDALDestroyDriver (GDALDriverH)
 Destroy a GDALDriver. More...
int GDALRegisterDriver (GDALDriverH)
 Register a driver for use. More...
void GDALDeregisterDriver (GDALDriverH)
 Deregister the passed driver. More...
void GDALDestroyDriverManager (void)
 Destroy the driver manager. More...
CPLErr GDALDeleteDataset (GDALDriverH, const char *)
 Delete named dataset. More...
CPLErr GDALRenameDataset (GDALDriverH, const char *pszNewName, const char *pszOldName)
 Rename a dataset. More...
CPLErr GDALCopyDatasetFiles (GDALDriverH, const char *pszNewName, const char *pszOldName)
 Copy the files of a dataset. More...
int GDALValidateCreationOptions (GDALDriverH, CSLConstList papszCreationOptions)
 Validate the list of creation options that are handled by a driver. More...
const char * GDALGetDriverShortName (GDALDriverH)
 Return the short name of a driver. More...
const char * GDALGetDriverLongName (GDALDriverH)
 Return the long name of a driver. More...
const char * GDALGetDriverHelpTopic (GDALDriverH)
 Return the URL to the help that describes the driver. More...
const char * GDALGetDriverCreationOptionList (GDALDriverH)
 Return the list of creation options of the driver. More...
void GDALInitGCPs (int, GDAL_GCP *)
 Initialize an array of GCPs. More...
void GDALDeinitGCPs (int, GDAL_GCP *)
 De-initialize an array of GCPs (initialized with GDALInitGCPs()) More...
GDAL_GCPGDALDuplicateGCPs (int, const GDAL_GCP *)
 Duplicate an array of GCPs. More...
int GDALGCPsToGeoTransform (int nGCPCount, const GDAL_GCP *pasGCPs, double *padfGeoTransform, int bApproxOK) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Generate Geotransform from GCPs. More...
int GDALInvGeoTransform (double *padfGeoTransformIn, double *padfInvGeoTransformOut) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Invert Geotransform. More...
void GDALApplyGeoTransform (double *, double, double, double *, double *)
 Apply GeoTransform to x/y coordinate. More...
void GDALComposeGeoTransforms (const double *padfGeoTransform1, const double *padfGeoTransform2, double *padfGeoTransformOut)
 Compose two geotransforms. More...
char ** GDALGetMetadataDomainList (GDALMajorObjectH hObject)
 Fetch list of metadata domains. More...
char ** GDALGetMetadata (GDALMajorObjectH, const char *)
 Fetch metadata. More...
CPLErr GDALSetMetadata (GDALMajorObjectH, CSLConstList, const char *)
 Set metadata. More...
const char * GDALGetMetadataItem (GDALMajorObjectH, const char *, const char *)
 Fetch single metadata item. More...
CPLErr GDALSetMetadataItem (GDALMajorObjectH, const char *, const char *, const char *)
 Set single metadata item. More...
const char * GDALGetDescription (GDALMajorObjectH)
 Fetch object description. More...
void GDALSetDescription (GDALMajorObjectH, const char *)
 Set object description. More...
GDALDriverH GDALGetDatasetDriver (GDALDatasetH)
 Fetch the driver to which this dataset relates. More...
char ** GDALGetFileList (GDALDatasetH)
 Fetch files forming dataset. More...
void GDALClose (GDALDatasetH)
 Close GDAL dataset. More...
int GDALGetRasterXSize (GDALDatasetH)
 Fetch raster width in pixels. More...
int GDALGetRasterYSize (GDALDatasetH)
 Fetch raster height in pixels. More...
int GDALGetRasterCount (GDALDatasetH)
 Fetch the number of raster bands on this dataset. More...
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterBand (GDALDatasetH, int)
 Fetch a band object for a dataset. More...
CPLErr GDALAddBand (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALDataType eType, CSLConstList papszOptions)
 Add a band to a dataset. More...
GDALAsyncReaderH GDALBeginAsyncReader (GDALDatasetH hDS, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, void *pBuf, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int *panBandMap, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace, CSLConstList papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Sets up an asynchronous data request. More...
void GDALEndAsyncReader (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALAsyncReaderH hAsynchReaderH)
 End asynchronous request. More...
CPLErr GDALDatasetRasterIO (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, void *pBuffer, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, int nBandCount, int *panBandCount, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Read/write a region of image data from multiple bands. More...
CPLErr GDALDatasetRasterIOEx (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, void *pBuffer, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, int nBandCount, int *panBandCount, GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace, GSpacing nBandSpace, GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Read/write a region of image data from multiple bands. More...
CPLErr GDALDatasetAdviseRead (GDALDatasetH hDS, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, int nBandCount, int *panBandCount, CSLConstList papszOptions)
 Advise driver of upcoming read requests. More...
const char * GDALGetProjectionRef (GDALDatasetH)
 Fetch the projection definition string for this dataset. More...
CPLErr GDALSetProjection (GDALDatasetH, const char *)
 Set the projection reference string for this dataset. More...
CPLErr GDALGetGeoTransform (GDALDatasetH, double *)
 Fetch the affine transformation coefficients. More...
CPLErr GDALSetGeoTransform (GDALDatasetH, double *)
 Set the affine transformation coefficients. More...
int GDALGetGCPCount (GDALDatasetH)
 Get number of GCPs. More...
const char * GDALGetGCPProjection (GDALDatasetH)
 Get output projection for GCPs. More...
 Fetch GCPs. More...
CPLErr GDALSetGCPs (GDALDatasetH, int, const GDAL_GCP *, const char *)
 Assign GCPs. More...
void * GDALGetInternalHandle (GDALDatasetH, const char *)
 Fetch a format specific internally meaningful handle. More...
int GDALReferenceDataset (GDALDatasetH)
 Add one to dataset reference count. More...
int GDALDereferenceDataset (GDALDatasetH)
 Subtract one from dataset reference count. More...
int GDALReleaseDataset (GDALDatasetH)
 Drop a reference to this object, and destroy if no longer referenced. More...
CPLErr GDALBuildOverviews (GDALDatasetH, const char *, int, int *, int, int *, GDALProgressFunc, void *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Build raster overview(s) More...
void GDALGetOpenDatasets (GDALDatasetH **hDS, int *pnCount)
 Fetch all open GDAL dataset handles. More...
int GDALGetAccess (GDALDatasetH hDS)
 Return access flag. More...
void GDALFlushCache (GDALDatasetH hDS)
 Flush all write cached data to disk. More...
CPLErr GDALCreateDatasetMaskBand (GDALDatasetH hDS, int nFlags)
 Adds a mask band to the dataset. More...
CPLErr GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster (GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, GDALDatasetH hDstDS, CSLConstList papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Copy all dataset raster data. More...
CPLErr GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster (GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand, GDALRasterBandH hDstBand, const char *const *constpapszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Copy a whole raster band. More...
CPLErr GDALRegenerateOverviews (GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand, int nOverviewCount, GDALRasterBandH *pahOverviewBands, const char *pszResampling, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData)
 Generate downsampled overviews. More...
int GDALDatasetGetLayerCount (GDALDatasetH)
 Get the number of layers in this dataset. More...
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetGetLayer (GDALDatasetH, int)
 Fetch a layer by index. More...
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetGetLayerByName (GDALDatasetH, const char *)
 Fetch a layer by name. More...
OGRErr GDALDatasetDeleteLayer (GDALDatasetH, int)
 Delete the indicated layer from the datasource. More...
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetCreateLayer (GDALDatasetH, const char *, OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRwkbGeometryType, CSLConstList)
 This function attempts to create a new layer on the dataset with the indicated name, coordinate system, geometry type. More...
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetCopyLayer (GDALDatasetH, OGRLayerH, const char *, CSLConstList)
 Duplicate an existing layer. More...
void GDALDatasetResetReading (GDALDatasetH)
 Reset feature reading to start on the first feature. More...
OGRFeatureH GDALDatasetGetNextFeature (GDALDatasetH hDS, OGRLayerH *phBelongingLayer, double *pdfProgressPct, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData)
 Fetch the next available feature from this dataset. More...
int GDALDatasetTestCapability (GDALDatasetH, const char *)
 Test if capability is available. More...
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetExecuteSQL (GDALDatasetH, const char *, OGRGeometryH, const char *)
 Execute an SQL statement against the data store. More...
void GDALDatasetReleaseResultSet (GDALDatasetH, OGRLayerH)
 Release results of ExecuteSQL(). More...
OGRStyleTableH GDALDatasetGetStyleTable (GDALDatasetH)
 Returns dataset style table. More...
void GDALDatasetSetStyleTableDirectly (GDALDatasetH, OGRStyleTableH)
 Set dataset style table. More...
void GDALDatasetSetStyleTable (GDALDatasetH, OGRStyleTableH)
 Set dataset style table. More...
OGRErr GDALDatasetStartTransaction (GDALDatasetH hDS, int bForce)
 For datasources which support transactions, StartTransaction creates a transaction. More...
OGRErr GDALDatasetCommitTransaction (GDALDatasetH hDS)
 For datasources which support transactions, CommitTransaction commits a transaction. More...
OGRErr GDALDatasetRollbackTransaction (GDALDatasetH hDS)
 For datasources which support transactions, RollbackTransaction will roll back a datasource to its state before the start of the current transaction. More...
GDALDataType GDALGetRasterDataType (GDALRasterBandH)
 Fetch the pixel data type for this band. More...
void GDALGetBlockSize (GDALRasterBandH, int *pnXSize, int *pnYSize)
 Fetch the "natural" block size of this band. More...
CPLErr GDALGetActualBlockSize (GDALRasterBandH, int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, int *pnXValid, int *pnYValid)
 Retrieve the actual block size for a given block offset. More...
CPLErr GDALRasterAdviseRead (GDALRasterBandH hRB, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, CSLConstList papszOptions)
 Advise driver of upcoming read requests. More...
CPLErr GDALRasterIO (GDALRasterBandH hRBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, void *pBuffer, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Read/write a region of image data for this band. More...
CPLErr GDALRasterIOEx (GDALRasterBandH hRBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, void *pBuffer, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace, GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Read/write a region of image data for this band. More...
CPLErr GDALReadBlock (GDALRasterBandH, int, int, void *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Read a block of image data efficiently. More...
CPLErr GDALWriteBlock (GDALRasterBandH, int, int, void *) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Write a block of image data efficiently. More...
int GDALGetRasterBandXSize (GDALRasterBandH)
 Fetch XSize of raster. More...
int GDALGetRasterBandYSize (GDALRasterBandH)
 Fetch YSize of raster. More...
GDALAccess GDALGetRasterAccess (GDALRasterBandH)
 Find out if we have update permission for this band. More...
int GDALGetBandNumber (GDALRasterBandH)
 Fetch the band number. More...
GDALDatasetH GDALGetBandDataset (GDALRasterBandH)
 Fetch the owning dataset handle. More...
GDALColorInterp GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation (GDALRasterBandH)
 How should this band be interpreted as color? More...
CPLErr GDALSetRasterColorInterpretation (GDALRasterBandH, GDALColorInterp)
 Set color interpretation of a band. More...
GDALColorTableH GDALGetRasterColorTable (GDALRasterBandH)
 Fetch the color table associated with band. More...
CPLErr GDALSetRasterColorTable (GDALRasterBandH, GDALColorTableH)
 Set the raster color table. More...
int GDALHasArbitraryOverviews (GDALRasterBandH)
 Check for arbitrary overviews. More...
int GDALGetOverviewCount (GDALRasterBandH)
 Return the number of overview layers available. More...
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetOverview (GDALRasterBandH, int)
 Fetch overview raster band object. More...
double GDALGetRasterNoDataValue (GDALRasterBandH, int *)
 Fetch the no data value for this band. More...
CPLErr GDALSetRasterNoDataValue (GDALRasterBandH, double)
 Set the no data value for this band. More...
CPLErr GDALDeleteRasterNoDataValue (GDALRasterBandH)
 Remove the no data value for this band. More...
char ** GDALGetRasterCategoryNames (GDALRasterBandH)
 Fetch the list of category names for this raster. More...
CPLErr GDALSetRasterCategoryNames (GDALRasterBandH, CSLConstList)
 Set the category names for this band. More...
double GDALGetRasterMinimum (GDALRasterBandH, int *pbSuccess)
 Fetch the minimum value for this band. More...
double GDALGetRasterMaximum (GDALRasterBandH, int *pbSuccess)
 Fetch the maximum value for this band. More...
CPLErr GDALGetRasterStatistics (GDALRasterBandH, int bApproxOK, int bForce, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev)
 Fetch image statistics. More...
CPLErr GDALComputeRasterStatistics (GDALRasterBandH, int bApproxOK, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData)
 Compute image statistics. More...
CPLErr GDALSetRasterStatistics (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, double dfMean, double dfStdDev)
 Set statistics on band. More...
const char * GDALGetRasterUnitType (GDALRasterBandH)
 Return raster unit type. More...
CPLErr GDALSetRasterUnitType (GDALRasterBandH hBand, const char *pszNewValue)
 Set unit type. More...
double GDALGetRasterOffset (GDALRasterBandH, int *pbSuccess)
 Fetch the raster value offset. More...
CPLErr GDALSetRasterOffset (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfNewOffset)
 Set scaling offset. More...
double GDALGetRasterScale (GDALRasterBandH, int *pbSuccess)
 Fetch the raster value scale. More...
CPLErr GDALSetRasterScale (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfNewOffset)
 Set scaling ratio. More...
void GDALComputeRasterMinMax (GDALRasterBandH hBand, int bApproxOK, double adfMinMax[2])
 Compute the min/max values for a band. More...
CPLErr GDALFlushRasterCache (GDALRasterBandH hBand)
 Flush raster data cache. More...
CPLErr GDALGetRasterHistogram (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, int *panHistogram, int bIncludeOutOfRange, int bApproxOK, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use GDALGetRasterHistogramEx() instead")
 Compute raster histogram. More...
CPLErr GDALGetRasterHistogramEx (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, GUIntBig *panHistogram, int bIncludeOutOfRange, int bApproxOK, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData)
 Compute raster histogram. More...
CPLErr GDALGetDefaultHistogram (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, int *pnBuckets, int **ppanHistogram, int bForce, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use GDALGetDefaultHistogramEx() instead")
 Fetch default raster histogram. More...
CPLErr GDALGetDefaultHistogramEx (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, int *pnBuckets, GUIntBig **ppanHistogram, int bForce, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData)
 Fetch default raster histogram. More...
CPLErr GDALSetDefaultHistogram (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, int *panHistogram) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use GDALSetDefaultHistogramEx() instead")
 Set default histogram. More...
CPLErr GDALSetDefaultHistogramEx (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, GUIntBig *panHistogram)
 Set default histogram. More...
int GDALGetRandomRasterSample (GDALRasterBandH, int, float *)
 Undocumented. More...
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterSampleOverview (GDALRasterBandH, int)
 Fetch best sampling overview. More...
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterSampleOverviewEx (GDALRasterBandH, GUIntBig)
 Fetch best sampling overview. More...
CPLErr GDALFillRaster (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfRealValue, double dfImaginaryValue)
 Fill this band with a constant value. More...
CPLErr GDALComputeBandStats (GDALRasterBandH hBand, int nSampleStep, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData)
 Undocumented. More...
CPLErr GDALOverviewMagnitudeCorrection (GDALRasterBandH hBaseBand, int nOverviewCount, GDALRasterBandH *pahOverviews, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData)
 Undocumented. More...
GDALRasterAttributeTableH GDALGetDefaultRAT (GDALRasterBandH hBand)
 Fetch default Raster Attribute Table. More...
CPLErr GDALSetDefaultRAT (GDALRasterBandH, GDALRasterAttributeTableH)
 Set default Raster Attribute Table. More...
CPLErr GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc (const char *pszName, GDALDerivedPixelFunc pfnPixelFunc)
 This adds a pixel function to the global list of available pixel functions for derived bands. More...
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetMaskBand (GDALRasterBandH hBand)
 Return the mask band associated with the band. More...
int GDALGetMaskFlags (GDALRasterBandH hBand)
 Return the status flags of the mask band associated with the band. More...
CPLErr GDALCreateMaskBand (GDALRasterBandH hBand, int nFlags)
 Adds a mask band to the current band. More...
int GDALGetDataCoverageStatus (GDALRasterBandH hBand, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nMaskFlagStop, double *pdfDataPct)
 Get the coverage status of a sub-window of the raster. More...
GDALAsyncStatusType GDALARGetNextUpdatedRegion (GDALAsyncReaderH hARIO, double dfTimeout, int *pnXBufOff, int *pnYBufOff, int *pnXBufSize, int *pnYBufSize)
 Get async IO update. More...
int GDALARLockBuffer (GDALAsyncReaderH hARIO, double dfTimeout)
 Lock image buffer. More...
void GDALARUnlockBuffer (GDALAsyncReaderH hARIO)
 Unlock image buffer. More...
int GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor (int nArgc, char ***ppapszArgv, int nOptions)
 General utility option processing. More...
void GDALSwapWords (void *pData, int nWordSize, int nWordCount, int nWordSkip)
 Byte swap words in-place. More...
void GDALSwapWordsEx (void *pData, int nWordSize, size_t nWordCount, int nWordSkip)
 Byte swap words in-place. More...
void GDALCopyWords (const void *CPL_RESTRICT pSrcData, GDALDataType eSrcType, int nSrcPixelOffset, void *CPL_RESTRICT pDstData, GDALDataType eDstType, int nDstPixelOffset, int nWordCount)
 Copy pixel words from buffer to buffer. More...
void GDALCopyBits (const GByte *pabySrcData, int nSrcOffset, int nSrcStep, GByte *pabyDstData, int nDstOffset, int nDstStep, int nBitCount, int nStepCount)
 Bitwise word copying. More...
int GDALLoadWorldFile (const char *, double *)
 Read ESRI world file. More...
int GDALReadWorldFile (const char *, const char *, double *)
 Read ESRI world file. More...
int GDALWriteWorldFile (const char *, const char *, double *)
 Write ESRI world file. More...
int GDALLoadTabFile (const char *, double *, char **, int *, GDAL_GCP **)
 Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for MapInfo .tab files. More...
int GDALReadTabFile (const char *, double *, char **, int *, GDAL_GCP **)
 Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for MapInfo .tab files. More...
int GDALLoadOziMapFile (const char *, double *, char **, int *, GDAL_GCP **)
 Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for OZI .map. More...
int GDALReadOziMapFile (const char *, double *, char **, int *, GDAL_GCP **)
 Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for OZI .map. More...
const char * GDALDecToDMS (double, const char *, int)
 Translate a decimal degrees value to a DMS string with hemisphere.
double GDALPackedDMSToDec (double)
 Convert a packed DMS value (DDDMMMSSS.SS) into decimal degrees. More...
double GDALDecToPackedDMS (double)
 Convert decimal degrees into packed DMS value (DDDMMMSSS.SS). More...
const char * GDALVersionInfo (const char *)
 Get runtime version information. More...
int GDALCheckVersion (int nVersionMajor, int nVersionMinor, const char *pszCallingComponentName)
 Return TRUE if GDAL library version at runtime matches nVersionMajor.nVersionMinor. More...
int GDALExtractRPCInfo (CSLConstList, GDALRPCInfo *)
 Extract RPC info from metadata, and apply to an RPCInfo structure. More...
GDALColorTableH GDALCreateColorTable (GDALPaletteInterp) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Construct a new color table. More...
void GDALDestroyColorTable (GDALColorTableH)
 Destroys a color table. More...
GDALColorTableH GDALCloneColorTable (GDALColorTableH)
 Make a copy of a color table. More...
GDALPaletteInterp GDALGetPaletteInterpretation (GDALColorTableH)
 Fetch palette interpretation. More...
int GDALGetColorEntryCount (GDALColorTableH)
 Get number of color entries in table. More...
const GDALColorEntryGDALGetColorEntry (GDALColorTableH, int)
 Fetch a color entry from table. More...
int GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB (GDALColorTableH, int, GDALColorEntry *)
 Fetch a table entry in RGB format. More...
void GDALSetColorEntry (GDALColorTableH, int, const GDALColorEntry *)
 Set entry in color table. More...
void GDALCreateColorRamp (GDALColorTableH hTable, int nStartIndex, const GDALColorEntry *psStartColor, int nEndIndex, const GDALColorEntry *psEndColor)
 Create color ramp. More...
GDALRasterAttributeTableH GDALCreateRasterAttributeTable (void) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Construct empty table. More...
void GDALDestroyRasterAttributeTable (GDALRasterAttributeTableH)
 Destroys a RAT. More...
int GDALRATGetColumnCount (GDALRasterAttributeTableH)
 Fetch table column count. More...
const char * GDALRATGetNameOfCol (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int)
 Fetch name of indicated column. More...
GDALRATFieldUsage GDALRATGetUsageOfCol (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int)
 Fetch column usage value. More...
GDALRATFieldType GDALRATGetTypeOfCol (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int)
 Fetch column type. More...
int GDALRATGetColOfUsage (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, GDALRATFieldUsage)
 Fetch column index for given usage. More...
int GDALRATGetRowCount (GDALRasterAttributeTableH)
 Fetch row count. More...
const char * GDALRATGetValueAsString (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int)
 Fetch field value as a string. More...
int GDALRATGetValueAsInt (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int)
 Fetch field value as a integer. More...
double GDALRATGetValueAsDouble (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int)
 Fetch field value as a double. More...
void GDALRATSetValueAsString (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int, const char *)
 Set field value from string. More...
void GDALRATSetValueAsInt (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int, int)
 Set field value from integer. More...
void GDALRATSetValueAsDouble (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int, double)
 Set field value from double. More...
int GDALRATChangesAreWrittenToFile (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT)
 Determine whether changes made to this RAT are reflected directly in the dataset. More...
CPLErr GDALRATValuesIOAsDouble (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int iField, int iStartRow, int iLength, double *pdfData)
 Read or Write a block of doubles to/from the Attribute Table. More...
CPLErr GDALRATValuesIOAsInteger (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int iField, int iStartRow, int iLength, int *pnData)
 Read or Write a block of ints to/from the Attribute Table. More...
CPLErr GDALRATValuesIOAsString (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int iField, int iStartRow, int iLength, CSLConstList papszStrList)
 Read or Write a block of strings to/from the Attribute Table. More...
void GDALRATSetRowCount (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int)
 Set row count. More...
CPLErr GDALRATCreateColumn (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, const char *, GDALRATFieldType, GDALRATFieldUsage)
 Create new column. More...
CPLErr GDALRATSetLinearBinning (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, double, double)
 Set linear binning information. More...
int GDALRATGetLinearBinning (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, double *, double *)
 Get linear binning information. More...
CPLErr GDALRATSetTableType (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT, const GDALRATTableType eInTableType)
 Set RAT Table Type. More...
GDALRATTableType GDALRATGetTableType (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT)
 Get Rat Table Type. More...
CPLErr GDALRATInitializeFromColorTable (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, GDALColorTableH)
 Initialize from color table. More...
GDALColorTableH GDALRATTranslateToColorTable (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int nEntryCount)
 Translate to a color table. More...
void GDALRATDumpReadable (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, FILE *)
 Dump RAT in readable form. More...
GDALRasterAttributeTableH GDALRATClone (const GDALRasterAttributeTableH)
 Copy Raster Attribute Table. More...
void * GDALRATSerializeJSON (GDALRasterAttributeTableH) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Serialize Raster Attribute Table in Json format. More...
int GDALRATGetRowOfValue (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, double)
 Get row for pixel value. More...
void GDALRATRemoveStatistics (GDALRasterAttributeTableH)
 Remove Statistics from RAT. More...
void GDALSetCacheMax (int nBytes)
 Set maximum cache memory. More...
int GDALGetCacheMax (void)
 Get maximum cache memory. More...
int GDALGetCacheUsed (void)
 Get cache memory used. More...
void GDALSetCacheMax64 (GIntBig nBytes)
 Set maximum cache memory. More...
GIntBig GDALGetCacheMax64 (void)
 Get maximum cache memory. More...
GIntBig GDALGetCacheUsed64 (void)
 Get cache memory used. More...
int GDALFlushCacheBlock (void)
 Try to flush one cached raster block. More...
CPLVirtualMemGDALDatasetGetVirtualMem (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int *panBandMap, int nPixelSpace, GIntBig nLineSpace, GIntBig nBandSpace, size_t nCacheSize, size_t nPageSizeHint, int bSingleThreadUsage, CSLConstList papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL dataset object. More...
CPLVirtualMemGDALRasterBandGetVirtualMem (GDALRasterBandH hBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nPixelSpace, GIntBig nLineSpace, size_t nCacheSize, size_t nPageSizeHint, int bSingleThreadUsage, CSLConstList papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL raster band object. More...
CPLVirtualMemGDALGetVirtualMemAuto (GDALRasterBandH hBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int *pnPixelSpace, GIntBig *pnLineSpace, CSLConstList papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL raster band object. More...
CPLVirtualMemGDALDatasetGetTiledVirtualMem (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nTileXSize, int nTileYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int *panBandMap, GDALTileOrganization eTileOrganization, size_t nCacheSize, int bSingleThreadUsage, CSLConstList papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL dataset object, with tiling organization. More...
CPLVirtualMemGDALRasterBandGetTiledVirtualMem (GDALRasterBandH hBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nTileXSize, int nTileYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, size_t nCacheSize, int bSingleThreadUsage, CSLConstList papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL rasterband object, with tiling organization. More...
GDALDatasetH GDALCreatePansharpenedVRT (const char *pszXML, GDALRasterBandH hPanchroBand, int nInputSpectralBands, GDALRasterBandH *pahInputSpectralBands) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Create a virtual pansharpened dataset. More...
CPLXMLNodeGDALGetJPEG2000Structure (const char *pszFilename, CSLConstList papszOptions) CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Dump the structure of a JPEG2000 file as a XML tree. More...

Detailed Description

Public (C callable) GDAL entry points.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GDAL_CHECK_VERSION (   pszCallingComponentName)    GDALCheckVersion(GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR, GDAL_VERSION_MINOR, pszCallingComponentName)

Helper macro for GDALCheckVersion()

See also



Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when there is (potentially) data in the queried window.




Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when there is nodata in the queried window.

This is typically identified by the concept of missing block in formats that supports it. Can be combined with the binary or operator with GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA



Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when the driver does not implement GetDataCoverageStatus().

This flag should be returned together with GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA



Capability set by a driver that implements the Create() API.

If GDAL_DCAP_CREATE is set, but GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY not, a generic CreateCopy() implementation is available and will use the Create() API of the driver. So to test if some CreateCopy() implementation is available, generic or specialize, test for both GDAL_DCAP_CREATE and GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY.



Capability set by a driver that implements the CreateCopy() API.

If GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY is not defined, but GDAL_DCAP_CREATE is set, a generic CreateCopy() implementation is available and will use the Create() API of the driver. So to test if some CreateCopy() implementation is available, generic or specialize, test for both GDAL_DCAP_CREATE and GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY.



Capability set by a driver that can create fields with DEFAULT values.

GDAL 2.0



Capability set by drivers which support feature styles.

GDAL 2.3



Capability set by a driver having vector capability.

GDAL 2.1



Capability set by a non-spatial driver having no support for geometries.

E.g. non-spatial vector drivers (e.g. spreadsheet format drivers) do not support geometries, and accordingly will have this capability present.

GDAL 2.3



Capability set by a driver that can create fields with NOT NULL constraint.

GDAL 2.0



Capability set by a driver that can create geometry fields with NOT NULL constraint.

GDAL 2.0



Capability set by a driver that implements the Open() API.



Capability set by a driver having raster capability.

GDAL 2.0



Capability set by a driver having vector capability.

GDAL 2.0



Capability set by a driver that can read/create datasets through the VSI*L API.



Connection prefix to provide as the file name of the open function.

Typically set for non-file based drivers. Generally used with open options.

GDAL 2.0



List of (space separated) raster data types support by the Create()/CreateCopy() API.



List of (space separated) vector field sub-types support by the CreateField() API.

GDAL 2.3



List of (space separated) vector field types support by the CreateField() API.

GDAL 2.0



XML snippet with creation options.



Extension handled by the driver.



List of (space separated) extensions handled by the driver.

GDAL 2.0



MIME type handled by the driver.



XML snippet with open options.

GDAL 2.0



Capability set by a driver that exposes Subdatasets.


#define GDAL_OF_ALL   0x00

Allow raster and vector drivers to be used.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.0



Use a array-based storage strategy for cached blocks.


Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.1



Let GDAL decide if a array-based or hashset-based storage strategy for cached blocks must be used.


Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.1


#define GDAL_OF_GNM   0x08

Allow gnm drivers to be used.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.1



Use a hashset-based storage strategy for cached blocks.


Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.1


#define GDAL_OF_INTERNAL   0x80

Open as internal dataset.

Such dataset isn't registered in the global list of opened dataset. Cannot be used with GDAL_OF_SHARED.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.0


#define GDAL_OF_RASTER   0x02

Allow raster drivers to be used.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.0


#define GDAL_OF_READONLY   0x00

Open in read-only mode.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.0


#define GDAL_OF_SHARED   0x20

Open in shared mode.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.0


#define GDAL_OF_UPDATE   0x01

Open in update mode.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.0


#define GDAL_OF_VECTOR   0x04

Allow vector drivers to be used.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.0


#define GDAL_OF_VERBOSE_ERROR   0x40

Emit error message in case of failed open.

Used by GDALOpenEx().

GDAL 2.0


(s).eResampleAlg = GRIORA_NearestNeighbour; \
(s).pfnProgress = CPL_NULLPTR; \
(s).pProgressData = CPL_NULLPTR; \
(s).bFloatingPointWindowValidity = FALSE; } while(0)
Definition: gdal.h:130

Macro to initialize an instance of GDALRasterIOExtraArg structure.

GDAL 2.0


#define SRCVAL (   papoSource,
(eSrcType == GDT_Byte ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const GByte*,papoSource)[ii] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_Float32 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const float*,papoSource)[ii] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_Float64 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const double*,papoSource)[ii] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_Int32 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const GInt32*,papoSource)[ii] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_UInt16 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const GUInt16*,papoSource)[ii] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_Int16 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const GInt16*,papoSource)[ii] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_UInt32 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const GUInt32*,papoSource)[ii] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_CInt16 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const GInt16*,papoSource)[(ii) * 2] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_CInt32 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const GInt32*,papoSource)[(ii) * 2] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_CFloat32 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const float*,papoSource)[(ii) * 2] : \
(eSrcType == GDT_CFloat64 ? \
CPL_REINTERPRET_CAST(const double*,papoSource)[(ii) * 2] : 0)))))))))))
Definition: gdal.h:72
Definition: gdal.h:62
int GInt32
Int32 type.
Definition: cpl_port.h:205
Definition: gdal.h:63
Definition: gdal.h:66
unsigned int GUInt32
Unsigned int32 type.
Definition: cpl_port.h:207
short GInt16
Int16 type.
Definition: cpl_port.h:211
unsigned char GByte
Unsigned byte type.
Definition: cpl_port.h:215
Definition: gdal.h:75
Definition: gdal.h:65
Definition: gdal.h:64
Definition: gdal.h:74
unsigned short GUInt16
Unsigned int16 type.
Definition: cpl_port.h:213
Definition: gdal.h:70
Definition: gdal.h:69
Definition: gdal.h:71

SRCVAL - Macro which may be used by pixel functions to obtain a pixel from a source buffer.

Typedef Documentation

◆ GDALDerivedPixelFunc

typedef CPLErr(* GDALDerivedPixelFunc) (void **papoSources, int nSources, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eSrcType, GDALDataType eBufType, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace)

Type of functions to pass to GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc.

GDAL 2.2

◆ GSpacing

typedef GIntBig GSpacing

Type to express pixel, line or band spacing.

Signed 64 bit integer.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GDALAccess

enum GDALAccess

Flag indicating read/write, or read-only access to data.


Read only (no update) access


Read/write access.

◆ GDALColorInterp

Types of color interpretation for raster bands.






Paletted (see associated color table)


Red band of RGBA image


Green band of RGBA image


Blue band of RGBA image


Alpha (0=transparent, 255=opaque)


Hue band of HLS image


Saturation band of HLS image


Lightness band of HLS image


Cyan band of CMYK image


Magenta band of CMYK image


Yellow band of CMYK image


Black band of CMLY image


Y Luminance


Cb Chroma


Cr Chroma


Max current value (equals to GCI_YCbCr_CrBand currently)

◆ GDALDataType

Pixel data types


Unknown or unspecified type


Eight bit unsigned integer


Sixteen bit unsigned integer


Sixteen bit signed integer


Thirty two bit unsigned integer


Thirty two bit signed integer


Thirty two bit floating point


Sixty four bit floating point


Complex Int16


Complex Int32


Complex Float32


Complex Float64

◆ GDALPaletteInterp

Types of color interpretations for a GDALColorTable.


Grayscale (in GDALColorEntry.c1)


Red, Green, Blue and Alpha in (in c1, c2, c3 and c4)


Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (in c1, c2, c3 and c4)


Hue, Lightness and Saturation (in c1, c2, and c3)

◆ GDALRATFieldType

Field type of raster attribute table.


Integer field


Floating point (double) field


String field

◆ GDALRATFieldUsage

Field usage of raster attribute table.


General purpose field.


Histogram pixel count


Class name


Class range minimum


Class range maximum


Class value (min=max)


Red class color (0-255)


Green class color (0-255)


Blue class color (0-255)


Alpha (0=transparent,255=opaque)


Color Range Red Minimum


Color Range Green Minimum


Color Range Blue Minimum


Color Range Alpha Minimum


Color Range Red Maximum


Color Range Green Maximum


Color Range Blue Maximum


Color Range Alpha Maximum


Maximum GFU value (equals to GFU_AlphaMax+1 currently)

◆ GDALRATTableType

RAT table type (thematic or athematic)

GDAL 2.4

Thematic table type


Athematic table type

◆ GDALRIOResampleAlg

RasterIO() resampling method.

GDAL 2.0

Nearest neighbour


Bilinear (2x2 kernel)


Cubic Convolution Approximation (4x4 kernel)


Cubic B-Spline Approximation (4x4 kernel)


Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation (6x6 kernel)




Mode (selects the value which appears most often of all the sampled points)


Gauss blurring


enum GDALRWFlag

Read/Write flag for RasterIO() method


Read data


Write data

◆ GDALTileOrganization

! Enumeration to describe the tile organization


Tile Interleaved by Pixel: tile (0,0) with internal band interleaved by pixel organization, tile (1, 0), ...


Band Interleaved by Tile : tile (0,0) of first band, tile (0,0) of second band, ... tile (1,0) of first band, tile (1,0) of second band, ...


Band SeQuential : all the tiles of first band, all the tiles of following band...

Function Documentation

◆ GDALAddBand()

CPLErr GDALAddBand ( GDALDatasetH  hDataset,
GDALDataType  eType,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Add a band to a dataset.

See also

◆ GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc()

CPLErr GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc ( const char *  pszFuncName,
GDALDerivedPixelFunc  pfnNewFunction 

This adds a pixel function to the global list of available pixel functions for derived bands.

Pixel functions must be registered in this way before a derived band tries to access data.

Derived bands are stored with only the name of the pixel function that it will apply, and if a pixel function matching the name is not found the IRasterIO() call will do nothing.

pszFuncNameName used to access pixel function
pfnNewFunctionPixel function associated with name. An existing pixel function registered with the same name will be replaced with the new one.
CE_None, invalid (NULL) parameters are currently ignored.

◆ GDALAdjustValueToDataType()

double GDALAdjustValueToDataType ( GDALDataType  eDT,
double  dfValue,
int *  pbClamped,
int *  pbRounded 

Adjust a value to the output data type.

Adjustment consist in clamping to minimum/maxmimum values of the data type and rounding for integral types.

eDTtarget data type.
dfValuevalue to adjust.
pbClampedpointer to a integer(boolean) to indicate if clamping has been made, or NULL
pbRoundedpointer to a integer(boolean) to indicate if rounding has been made, or NULL
adjusted value
GDAL 2.1

◆ GDALAllRegister()

void GDALAllRegister ( void  )

Register all known configured GDAL drivers.

This function will drive any of the following that are configured into GDAL. See raster list and vector full list

This function should generally be called once at the beginning of the application.

◆ GDALApplyGeoTransform()

void GDALApplyGeoTransform ( double *  padfGeoTransform,
double  dfPixel,
double  dfLine,
double *  pdfGeoX,
double *  pdfGeoY 

Apply GeoTransform to x/y coordinate.

Applies the following computation, converting a (pixel, line) coordinate into a georeferenced (geo_x, geo_y) location.

 *pdfGeoX = padfGeoTransform[0] + dfPixel * padfGeoTransform[1]
                                + dfLine  * padfGeoTransform[2];
 *pdfGeoY = padfGeoTransform[3] + dfPixel * padfGeoTransform[4]
                                + dfLine  * padfGeoTransform[5];
padfGeoTransformSix coefficient GeoTransform to apply.
dfPixelInput pixel position.
dfLineInput line position.
pdfGeoXoutput location where geo_x (easting/longitude) location is placed.
pdfGeoYoutput location where geo_y (northing/latitude) location is placed.

◆ GDALARGetNextUpdatedRegion()

GDALAsyncStatusType GDALARGetNextUpdatedRegion ( GDALAsyncReaderH  hARIO,
double  dfTimeout,
int *  pnBufXOff,
int *  pnBufYOff,
int *  pnBufXSize,
int *  pnBufYSize 

Get async IO update.

Provide an opportunity for an asynchronous IO request to update the image buffer and return an indication of the area of the buffer that has been updated.

The dfTimeout parameter can be used to wait for additional data to become available. The timeout does not limit the amount of time this method may spend actually processing available data.

The following return status are possible.

  • GARIO_PENDING: No imagery was altered in the buffer, but there is still activity pending, and the application should continue to call GetNextUpdatedRegion() as time permits.
  • GARIO_UPDATE: Some of the imagery has been updated, but there is still activity pending.
  • GARIO_ERROR: Something has gone wrong. The asynchronous request should be ended.
  • GARIO_COMPLETE: An update has occurred and there is no more pending work on this request. The request should be ended and the buffer used.

This is the same as GDALAsyncReader::GetNextUpdatedRegion()

hARIOhandle to the async reader.
dfTimeoutthe number of seconds to wait for additional updates. Use -1 to wait indefinitely, or zero to not wait at all if there is no data available.
pnBufXOfflocation to return the X offset of the area of the request buffer that has been updated.
pnBufYOfflocation to return the Y offset of the area of the request buffer that has been updated.
pnBufXSizelocation to return the X size of the area of the request buffer that has been updated.
pnBufYSizelocation to return the Y size of the area of the request buffer that has been updated.
GARIO_ status, details described above.

◆ GDALARLockBuffer()

int GDALARLockBuffer ( GDALAsyncReaderH  hARIO,
double  dfTimeout 

Lock image buffer.

Locks the image buffer passed into GDALDataset::BeginAsyncReader(). This is useful to ensure the image buffer is not being modified while it is being used by the application. UnlockBuffer() should be used to release this lock when it is no longer needed.

This is the same as GDALAsyncReader::LockBuffer()

hARIOhandle to async reader.
dfTimeoutthe time in seconds to wait attempting to lock the buffer. -1.0 to wait indefinitely and 0 to not wait at all if it can't be acquired immediately. Default is -1.0 (infinite wait).
TRUE if successful, or FALSE on an error.

◆ GDALARUnlockBuffer()

void GDALARUnlockBuffer ( GDALAsyncReaderH  hARIO)

Unlock image buffer.

Releases a lock on the image buffer previously taken with LockBuffer().

This is the same as GDALAsyncReader::UnlockBuffer()

hARIOhandle to async reader.

◆ GDALBeginAsyncReader()

GDALAsyncReaderH GDALBeginAsyncReader ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
void *  pBuf,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
int  nBandCount,
int *  panBandMap,
int  nPixelSpace,
int  nLineSpace,
int  nBandSpace,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Sets up an asynchronous data request.

This method establish an asynchronous raster read request for the indicated window on the dataset into the indicated buffer. The parameters for windowing, buffer size, buffer type and buffer organization are similar to those for GDALDataset::RasterIO(); however, this call only launches the request and filling the buffer is accomplished via calls to GetNextUpdatedRegion() on the return GDALAsyncReader session object.

Once all processing for the created session is complete, or if no further refinement of the request is required, the GDALAsyncReader object should be destroyed with the GDALDataset::EndAsyncReader() method.

Note that the data buffer (pData) will potentially continue to be updated as long as the session lives, but it is not deallocated when the session (GDALAsyncReader) is destroyed with EndAsyncReader(). It should be deallocated by the application at that point.

Additional information on asynchronous IO in GDAL may be found at:

This method is the same as the C++ GDALDataset::BeginAsyncReader() method.

hDShandle to the dataset object.
nXOffThe pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side.
nYOffThe line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top.
nXSizeThe width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels.
nYSizeThe height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines.
pBufThe buffer into which the data should be read. This buffer must contain at least nBufXSize * nBufYSize * nBandCount words of type eBufType. It is organized in left to right,top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the nPixelSpace, and nLineSpace parameters.
nBufXSizethe width of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
nBufYSizethe height of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
eBufTypethe type of the pixel values in the pData data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed.
nBandCountthe number of bands being read or written.
panBandMapthe list of nBandCount band numbers being read/written. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands.
nPixelSpaceThe byte offset from the start of one pixel value in pData to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType is used.
nLineSpaceThe byte offset from the start of one scanline in pData to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype eBufType * nBufXSize is used.
nBandSpacethe byte offset from the start of one bands data to the start of the next. If defaulted (zero) the value will be nLineSpace * nBufYSize implying band sequential organization of the data buffer.
papszOptionsDriver specific control options in a string list or NULL. Consult driver documentation for options supported.
handle representing the request.

◆ GDALBuildOverviews()

CPLErr GDALBuildOverviews ( GDALDatasetH  hDataset,
const char *  pszResampling,
int  nOverviews,
int *  panOverviewList,
int  nListBands,
int *  panBandList,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Build raster overview(s)

See also

◆ GDALCheckVersion()

int GDALCheckVersion ( int  nVersionMajor,
int  nVersionMinor,
const char *  pszCallingComponentName 

Return TRUE if GDAL library version at runtime matches nVersionMajor.nVersionMinor.

The purpose of this method is to ensure that calling code will run with the GDAL version it is compiled for. It is primarily intended for external plugins.

nVersionMajorMajor version to be tested against
nVersionMinorMinor version to be tested against
pszCallingComponentNameIf not NULL, in case of version mismatch, the method will issue a failure mentioning the name of the calling component.
TRUE if GDAL library version at runtime matches nVersionMajor.nVersionMinor, FALSE otherwise.

◆ GDALCloneColorTable()

GDALColorTableH GDALCloneColorTable ( GDALColorTableH  hTable)

Make a copy of a color table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::Clone()

◆ GDALClose()

void GDALClose ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Close GDAL dataset.

For non-shared datasets (opened with GDALOpen()) the dataset is closed using the C++ "delete" operator, recovering all dataset related resources. For shared datasets (opened with GDALOpenShared()) the dataset is dereferenced, and closed only if the referenced count has dropped below 1.

hDSThe dataset to close. May be cast from a "GDALDataset *".

◆ GDALComposeGeoTransforms()

void GDALComposeGeoTransforms ( const double *  padfGT1,
const double *  padfGT2,
double *  padfGTOut 

Compose two geotransforms.

The resulting geotransform is the equivalent to padfGT1 and then padfGT2 being applied to a point.

padfGT1the first geotransform, six values.
padfGT2the second geotransform, six values.
padfGTOutthe output geotransform, six values, may safely be the same array as padfGT1 or padfGT2.

◆ GDALComputeBandStats()

CPLErr GDALComputeBandStats ( GDALRasterBandH  hSrcBand,
int  nSampleStep,
double *  pdfMean,
double *  pdfStdDev,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 



◆ GDALComputeRasterMinMax()

void GDALComputeRasterMinMax ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  bApproxOK,
double  adfMinMax[2] 

Compute the min/max values for a band.

See also

◆ GDALComputeRasterStatistics()

CPLErr GDALComputeRasterStatistics ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  bApproxOK,
double *  pdfMin,
double *  pdfMax,
double *  pdfMean,
double *  pdfStdDev,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Compute image statistics.

See also

◆ GDALCopyBits()

void GDALCopyBits ( const GByte pabySrcData,
int  nSrcOffset,
int  nSrcStep,
GByte pabyDstData,
int  nDstOffset,
int  nDstStep,
int  nBitCount,
int  nStepCount 

Bitwise word copying.

A function for moving sets of partial bytes around. Loosely speaking this is a bitwise analog to GDALCopyWords().

It copies nStepCount "words" where each word is nBitCount bits long. The nSrcStep and nDstStep are the number of bits from the start of one word to the next (same as nBitCount if they are packed). The nSrcOffset and nDstOffset are the offset into the source and destination buffers to start at, also measured in bits.

All bit offsets are assumed to start from the high order bit in a byte (i.e. most significant bit first). Currently this function is not very optimized, but it may be improved for some common cases in the future as needed.

pabySrcDatathe source data buffer.
nSrcOffsetthe offset (in bits) in pabySrcData to the start of the first word to copy.
nSrcStepthe offset in bits from the start one source word to the start of the next.
pabyDstDatathe destination data buffer.
nDstOffsetthe offset (in bits) in pabyDstData to the start of the first word to copy over.
nDstStepthe offset in bits from the start one word to the start of the next.
nBitCountthe number of bits in a word to be copied.
nStepCountthe number of words to copy.

◆ GDALCopyDatasetFiles()

CPLErr GDALCopyDatasetFiles ( GDALDriverH  hDriver,
const char *  pszNewName,
const char *  pszOldName 

Copy the files of a dataset.

See also

◆ GDALCopyWords()

void GDALCopyWords ( const void *CPL_RESTRICT  pSrcData,
GDALDataType  eSrcType,
int  nSrcPixelStride,
void *CPL_RESTRICT  pDstData,
GDALDataType  eDstType,
int  nDstPixelStride,
int  nWordCount 

Copy pixel words from buffer to buffer.

This function is used to copy pixel word values from one memory buffer to another, with support for conversion between data types, and differing step factors. The data type conversion is done using the normal GDAL rules. Values assigned to a lower range integer type are clipped. For instance assigning GDT_Int16 values to a GDT_Byte buffer will cause values less the 0 to be set to 0, and values larger than 255 to be set to 255. Assignment from floating point to integer uses default C type casting semantics. Assignment from non-complex to complex will result in the imaginary part being set to zero on output. Assignment from complex to non-complex will result in the complex portion being lost and the real component being preserved (not magnitude!).

No assumptions are made about the source or destination words occurring on word boundaries. It is assumed that all values are in native machine byte order.

pSrcDataPointer to source data to be converted.
eSrcTypethe source data type (see GDALDataType enum)
nSrcPixelStrideSource pixel stride (i.e. distance between 2 words), in bytes
pDstDataPointer to buffer where destination data should go
eDstTypethe destination data type (see GDALDataType enum)
nDstPixelStrideDestination pixel stride (i.e. distance between 2 words), in bytes
nWordCountnumber of words to be copied
When adding a new data type to GDAL, you must do the following to support it properly within the GDALCopyWords function:
  1. Add the data type to the switch on eSrcType in GDALCopyWords. This should invoke the appropriate GDALCopyWordsFromT wrapper.
  2. Add the data type to the switch on eDstType in GDALCopyWordsFromT. This should call the appropriate GDALCopyWordsT template.
  3. If appropriate, overload the appropriate CopyWord template in the above namespace. This will ensure that any conversion issues are handled (cases like the float -> int32 case, where the min/max) values are subject to roundoff error.

◆ GDALCreate()

GDALDatasetH GDALCreate ( GDALDriverH  hDriver,
const char *  pszFilename,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
int  nBands,
GDALDataType  eBandType,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Create a new dataset with this driver.

See also

◆ GDALCreateColorRamp()

void GDALCreateColorRamp ( GDALColorTableH  hTable,
int  nStartIndex,
const GDALColorEntry psStartColor,
int  nEndIndex,
const GDALColorEntry psEndColor 

Create color ramp.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::CreateColorRamp()

◆ GDALCreateColorTable()

GDALColorTableH GDALCreateColorTable ( GDALPaletteInterp  eInterp)

Construct a new color table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GDALColorTable()

◆ GDALCreateCopy()

GDALDatasetH GDALCreateCopy ( GDALDriverH  hDriver,
const char *  pszFilename,
GDALDatasetH  hSrcDS,
int  bStrict,
CSLConstList  papszOptions,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Create a copy of a dataset.

See also

◆ GDALCreateDatasetMaskBand()

CPLErr GDALCreateDatasetMaskBand ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
int  nFlags 

Adds a mask band to the dataset.

See also

◆ GDALCreateDriver()

GDALDriverH GDALCreateDriver ( void  )

Create a GDALDriver.

Creates a driver in the GDAL heap.

◆ GDALCreateMaskBand()

CPLErr GDALCreateMaskBand ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  nFlags 

Adds a mask band to the current band.

See also

◆ GDALCreatePansharpenedVRT()

GDALDatasetH GDALCreatePansharpenedVRT ( const char *  pszXML,
GDALRasterBandH  hPanchroBand,
int  nInputSpectralBands,
GDALRasterBandH pahInputSpectralBands 

Create a virtual pansharpened dataset.

This function will create a virtual pansharpened dataset.

Note that no reference will be taken on the passed bands. Consequently, they or their dataset to which they belong to must be kept open until this virtual pansharpened dataset is closed.

The returned dataset will have no associated filename for itself. If you want to write the virtual dataset description to a file, use the GDALSetDescription() function (or SetDescription() method) on the dataset to assign a filename before it is closed.

pszXMLPansharpened VRT XML where <SpectralBand> elements have no explicit SourceFilename and SourceBand. The spectral bands in the XML will be assigned the successive values of the pahInputSpectralBands array. Must not be NULL.
hPanchroBandPanchromatic band. Must not be NULL.
nInputSpectralBandsNumber of input spectral bands. Must be greater than zero.
pahInputSpectralBandsArray of nInputSpectralBands spectral bands.
NULL on failure, or a new virtual dataset handle on success to be closed with GDALClose().
GDAL 2.1

◆ GDALCreateRasterAttributeTable()

GDALRasterAttributeTableH GDALCreateRasterAttributeTable ( void  )

Construct empty table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDefaultRasterAttributeTable::GDALDefaultRasterAttributeTable()

◆ GDALDatasetAdviseRead()

CPLErr GDALDatasetAdviseRead ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eDT,
int  nBandCount,
int *  panBandMap,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Advise driver of upcoming read requests.

See also

◆ GDALDatasetCommitTransaction()

OGRErr GDALDatasetCommitTransaction ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

For datasources which support transactions, CommitTransaction commits a transaction.

If no transaction is active, or the commit fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION.

Depending on drivers, this may or may not abort layer sequential readings that are active.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::CommitTransaction()

OGRERR_NONE on success.
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALDatasetCopyLayer()

OGRLayerH GDALDatasetCopyLayer ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
OGRLayerH  hSrcLayer,
const char *  pszNewName,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Duplicate an existing layer.

This function creates a new layer, duplicate the field definitions of the source layer and then duplicate each features of the source layer. The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation. The source layer may come from another dataset.

This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::CopyLayer()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle.
hSrcLayersource layer.
pszNewNamethe name of the layer to create.
papszOptionsa StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific.
an handle to the layer, or NULL if an error occurs.

◆ GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster()

CPLErr GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster ( GDALDatasetH  hSrcDS,
GDALDatasetH  hDstDS,
CSLConstList  papszOptions,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Copy all dataset raster data.

This function copies the complete raster contents of one dataset to another similarly configured dataset. The source and destination dataset must have the same number of bands, and the same width and height. The bands do not have to have the same data type.

This function is primarily intended to support implementation of driver specific CreateCopy() functions. It implements efficient copying, in particular "chunking" the copy in substantial blocks and, if appropriate, performing the transfer in a pixel interleaved fashion.

Currently the only papszOptions value supported are :

  • "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL" to force pixel interleaved operation
  • "COMPRESSED=YES" to force alignment on target dataset block sizes to achieve best compression.
  • "SKIP_HOLES=YES" to skip chunks for which GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() returns GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY (GDAL >= 2.2)

More options may be supported in the future.

hSrcDSthe source dataset
hDstDSthe destination dataset
papszOptionstransfer hints in "StringList" Name=Value format.
pfnProgressprogress reporting function.
pProgressDatacallback data for progress function.
CE_None on success, or CE_Failure on failure.

◆ GDALDatasetCreateLayer()

OGRLayerH GDALDatasetCreateLayer ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
const char *  pszName,
OGRSpatialReferenceH  hSpatialRef,
OGRwkbGeometryType  eGType,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

This function attempts to create a new layer on the dataset with the indicated name, coordinate system, geometry type.

The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation.

This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::CreateLayer().

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle
pszNamethe name for the new layer. This should ideally not match any existing layer on the datasource.
hSpatialRefthe coordinate system to use for the new layer, or NULL if no coordinate system is available. The driver might only increase the reference counter of the object to take ownership, and not make a full copy, so do not use OSRDestroySpatialReference(), but OSRRelease() instead when you are done with the object.
eGTypethe geometry type for the layer. Use wkbUnknown if there are no constraints on the types geometry to be written.
papszOptionsa StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific.
NULL is returned on failure, or a new OGRLayer handle on success.


#include "gdal.h"
#include "cpl_string.h"
OGRLayer *poLayer;
char **papszOptions;
if( !poDS->TestCapability( ODsCCreateLayer ) )
papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszOptions, "DIM", "2" );
poLayer = poDS->CreateLayer( "NewLayer", nullptr, wkbUnknown,
papszOptions );
CSLDestroy( papszOptions );
if( poLayer == NULL )

◆ GDALDatasetDeleteLayer()

OGRErr GDALDatasetDeleteLayer ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
int  iLayer 

Delete the indicated layer from the datasource.

If this function is supported the ODsCDeleteLayer capability will test TRUE on the GDALDataset.

This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::DeleteLayer().

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle.
iLayerthe index of the layer to delete.
OGRERR_NONE on success, or OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION if deleting layers is not supported for this datasource.

◆ GDALDatasetExecuteSQL()

OGRLayerH GDALDatasetExecuteSQL ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
const char *  pszStatement,
OGRGeometryH  hSpatialFilter,
const char *  pszDialect 

Execute an SQL statement against the data store.

The result of an SQL query is either NULL for statements that are in error, or that have no results set, or an OGRLayer pointer representing a results set from the query. Note that this OGRLayer is in addition to the layers in the data store and must be destroyed with ReleaseResultSet() before the dataset is closed (destroyed).

This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::ExecuteSQL()

For more information on the SQL dialect supported internally by OGR review the OGR SQL document. Some drivers (i.e. Oracle and PostGIS) pass the SQL directly through to the underlying RDBMS.

Starting with OGR 1.10, the SQLITE dialect can also be used.

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle.
pszStatementthe SQL statement to execute.
hSpatialFiltergeometry which represents a spatial filter. Can be NULL.
pszDialectallows control of the statement dialect. If set to NULL, the OGR SQL engine will be used, except for RDBMS drivers that will use their dedicated SQL engine, unless OGRSQL is explicitly passed as the dialect. Starting with OGR 1.10, the SQLITE dialect can also be used.
an OGRLayer containing the results of the query. Deallocate with ReleaseResultSet().

◆ GDALDatasetGetLayer()

OGRLayerH GDALDatasetGetLayer ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
int  iLayer 

Fetch a layer by index.

The returned layer remains owned by the GDALDataset and should not be deleted by the application.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetLayer()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle.
iLayera layer number between 0 and GetLayerCount()-1.
the layer, or NULL if iLayer is out of range or an error occurs.

◆ GDALDatasetGetLayerByName()

OGRLayerH GDALDatasetGetLayerByName ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
const char *  pszName 

Fetch a layer by name.

The returned layer remains owned by the GDALDataset and should not be deleted by the application.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetLayerByName()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle.
pszNamethe layer name of the layer to fetch.
the layer, or NULL if Layer is not found or an error occurs.

◆ GDALDatasetGetLayerCount()

int GDALDatasetGetLayerCount ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Get the number of layers in this dataset.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetLayerCount()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle.
layer count.

◆ GDALDatasetGetNextFeature()

OGRFeatureH GDALDatasetGetNextFeature ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
OGRLayerH phBelongingLayer,
double *  pdfProgressPct,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Fetch the next available feature from this dataset.

This method is intended for the few drivers where OGR_L_GetNextFeature() is not efficient, but in general OGR_L_GetNextFeature() is a more natural API.

The returned feature becomes the responsibility of the caller to delete with OGRFeature::DestroyFeature().

Depending on the driver, this method may return features from layers in a non sequential way. This is what may happen when the ODsCRandomLayerRead capability is declared (for example for the OSM and GMLAS drivers). When datasets declare this capability, it is strongly advised to use GDALDataset::GetNextFeature() instead of OGRLayer::GetNextFeature(), as the later might have a slow, incomplete or stub implementation.

The default implementation, used by most drivers, will however iterate over each layer, and then over each feature within this layer.

This method takes into account spatial and attribute filters set on layers that will be iterated upon.

The ResetReading() method can be used to start at the beginning again.

Depending on drivers, this may also have the side effect of calling OGRLayer::GetNextFeature() on the layers of this dataset.

This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetNextFeature()

hDSdataset handle.
phBelongingLayera pointer to a OGRLayer* variable to receive the layer to which the object belongs to, or NULL. It is possible that the output of *ppoBelongingLayer to be NULL despite the feature not being NULL.
pdfProgressPcta pointer to a double variable to receive the percentage progress (in [0,1] range), or NULL. On return, the pointed value might be negative if determining the progress is not possible.
pfnProgressa progress callback to report progress (for GetNextFeature() calls that might have a long duration) and offer cancellation possibility, or NULL
pProgressDatauser data provided to pfnProgress, or NULL
a feature, or NULL if no more features are available.
GDAL 2.2

◆ GDALDatasetGetStyleTable()

OGRStyleTableH GDALDatasetGetStyleTable ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Returns dataset style table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetStyleTable()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle
handle to a style table which should not be modified or freed by the caller.

◆ GDALDatasetGetTiledVirtualMem()

CPLVirtualMem* GDALDatasetGetTiledVirtualMem ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
int  nTileXSize,
int  nTileYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
int  nBandCount,
int *  panBandMap,
GDALTileOrganization  eTileOrganization,
size_t  nCacheSize,
int  bSingleThreadUsage,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL dataset object, with tiling organization.

Only supported on Linux for now.

This method allows creating a virtual memory object for a region of one or more GDALRasterBands from this dataset. The content of the virtual memory object is automatically filled from dataset content when a virtual memory page is first accessed, and it is released (or flushed in case of a "dirty" page) when the cache size limit has been reached.

Contrary to GDALDatasetGetVirtualMem(), pixels will be organized by tiles instead of scanlines. Different ways of organizing pixel within/across tiles can be selected with the eTileOrganization parameter.

If nXSize is not a multiple of nTileXSize or nYSize is not a multiple of nTileYSize, partial tiles will exists at the right and/or bottom of the region of interest. Those partial tiles will also have nTileXSize * nTileYSize dimension, with padding pixels.

The pointer to access the virtual memory object is obtained with CPLVirtualMemGetAddr(). It remains valid until CPLVirtualMemFree() is called. CPLVirtualMemFree() must be called before the dataset object is destroyed.

If p is such a pointer and base_type the C type matching eBufType, for default values of spacing parameters, the element of image coordinates (x, y) (relative to xOff, yOff) for band b can be accessed with:

  • for eTileOrganization = GTO_TIP, ((base_type*)p)[tile_number(x,y)*nBandCount*tile_size + offset_in_tile(x,y)*nBandCount + (b-1)].
  • for eTileOrganization = GTO_BIT, ((base_type*)p)[(tile_number(x,y)*nBandCount + (b-1)) * tile_size + offset_in_tile(x,y)].
  • for eTileOrganization = GTO_BSQ, ((base_type*)p)[(tile_number(x,y) + (b-1)*nTilesCount) * tile_size + offset_in_tile(x,y)].

where nTilesPerRow = ceil(nXSize / nTileXSize) nTilesPerCol = ceil(nYSize / nTileYSize) nTilesCount = nTilesPerRow * nTilesPerCol tile_number(x,y) = (y / nTileYSize) * nTilesPerRow + (x / nTileXSize) offset_in_tile(x,y) = (y % nTileYSize) * nTileXSize + (x % nTileXSize) tile_size = nTileXSize * nTileYSize

Note that for a single band request, all tile organizations are equivalent.

Note that the mechanism used to transparently fill memory pages when they are accessed is the same (but in a controlled way) than what occurs when a memory error occurs in a program. Debugging software will generally interrupt program execution when that happens. If needed, CPLVirtualMemPin() can be used to avoid that by ensuring memory pages are allocated before being accessed.

The size of the region that can be mapped as a virtual memory object depends on hardware and operating system limitations. On Linux AMD64 platforms, the maximum value is 128 TB. On Linux x86 platforms, the maximum value is 2 GB.

Data type translation is automatically done if the data type (eBufType) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand.

hDSDataset object
eRWFlagEither GF_Read to read a region of data, or GF_Write to write a region of data.
nXOffThe pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side.
nYOffThe line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top.
nXSizeThe width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels.
nYSizeThe height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines.
nTileXSizethe width of the tiles.
nTileYSizethe height of the tiles.
eBufTypethe type of the pixel values in the data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed.
nBandCountthe number of bands being read or written.
panBandMapthe list of nBandCount band numbers being read/written. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands.
eTileOrganizationtile organization.
nCacheSizesize in bytes of the maximum memory that will be really allocated (must ideally fit into RAM)
bSingleThreadUsageset to TRUE if there will be no concurrent threads that will access the virtual memory mapping. This can optimize performance a bit. If set to FALSE, CPLVirtualMemDeclareThread() must be called.
papszOptionsNULL terminated list of options. Unused for now.
a virtual memory object that must be freed by CPLVirtualMemFree(), or NULL in case of failure.
GDAL 1.11

◆ GDALDatasetGetVirtualMem()

CPLVirtualMem* GDALDatasetGetVirtualMem ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
int  nBandCount,
int *  panBandMap,
int  nPixelSpace,
GIntBig  nLineSpace,
GIntBig  nBandSpace,
size_t  nCacheSize,
size_t  nPageSizeHint,
int  bSingleThreadUsage,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL dataset object.

Only supported on Linux for now.

This method allows creating a virtual memory object for a region of one or more GDALRasterBands from this dataset. The content of the virtual memory object is automatically filled from dataset content when a virtual memory page is first accessed, and it is released (or flushed in case of a "dirty" page) when the cache size limit has been reached.

The pointer to access the virtual memory object is obtained with CPLVirtualMemGetAddr(). It remains valid until CPLVirtualMemFree() is called. CPLVirtualMemFree() must be called before the dataset object is destroyed.

If p is such a pointer and base_type the C type matching eBufType, for default values of spacing parameters, the element of image coordinates (x, y) (relative to xOff, yOff) for band b can be accessed with ((base_type*)p)[x + y * nBufXSize + (b-1)*nBufXSize*nBufYSize].

Note that the mechanism used to transparently fill memory pages when they are accessed is the same (but in a controlled way) than what occurs when a memory error occurs in a program. Debugging software will generally interrupt program execution when that happens. If needed, CPLVirtualMemPin() can be used to avoid that by ensuring memory pages are allocated before being accessed.

The size of the region that can be mapped as a virtual memory object depends on hardware and operating system limitations. On Linux AMD64 platforms, the maximum value is 128 TB. On Linux x86 platforms, the maximum value is 2 GB.

Data type translation is automatically done if the data type (eBufType) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand.

Image decimation / replication is currently not supported, i.e. if the size of the region being accessed (nXSize x nYSize) is different from the buffer size (nBufXSize x nBufYSize).

The nPixelSpace, nLineSpace and nBandSpace parameters allow reading into or writing from various organization of buffers. Arbitrary values for the spacing parameters are not supported. Those values must be multiple of the size of thebuffer data type, and must be either band sequential organization (typically nPixelSpace = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eBufType), nLineSpace = nPixelSpace * nBufXSize, nBandSpace = nLineSpace * nBufYSize), or pixel-interleaved organization (typically nPixelSpace = nBandSpace * nBandCount, nLineSpace = nPixelSpace * nBufXSize, nBandSpace = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eBufType))

hDSDataset object
eRWFlagEither GF_Read to read a region of data, or GF_Write to write a region of data.
nXOffThe pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side.
nYOffThe line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top.
nXSizeThe width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels.
nYSizeThe height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines.
nBufXSizethe width of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
nBufYSizethe height of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
eBufTypethe type of the pixel values in the data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed.
nBandCountthe number of bands being read or written.
panBandMapthe list of nBandCount band numbers being read/written. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands.
nPixelSpaceThe byte offset from the start of one pixel value in the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType is used.
nLineSpaceThe byte offset from the start of one scanline in the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType * nBufXSize is used.
nBandSpacethe byte offset from the start of one bands data to the start of the next. If defaulted (0) the value will be nLineSpace * nBufYSize implying band sequential organization of the data buffer.
nCacheSizesize in bytes of the maximum memory that will be really allocated (must ideally fit into RAM)
nPageSizeHinthint for the page size. Must be a multiple of the system page size, returned by CPLGetPageSize(). Minimum value is generally 4096. Might be set to 0 to let the function determine a default page size.
bSingleThreadUsageset to TRUE if there will be no concurrent threads that will access the virtual memory mapping. This can optimize performance a bit. If set to FALSE, CPLVirtualMemDeclareThread() must be called.
papszOptionsNULL terminated list of options. Unused for now.
a virtual memory object that must be freed by CPLVirtualMemFree(), or NULL in case of failure.
GDAL 1.11

◆ GDALDatasetRasterIO()

CPLErr GDALDatasetRasterIO ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
void *  pData,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
int  nBandCount,
int *  panBandMap,
int  nPixelSpace,
int  nLineSpace,
int  nBandSpace 

Read/write a region of image data from multiple bands.

Use GDALDatasetRasterIOEx() if 64 bit spacings or extra arguments (resampling resolution, progress callback, etc. are needed)

See also

◆ GDALDatasetRasterIOEx()

CPLErr GDALDatasetRasterIOEx ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
void *  pData,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
int  nBandCount,
int *  panBandMap,
GSpacing  nPixelSpace,
GSpacing  nLineSpace,
GSpacing  nBandSpace,
GDALRasterIOExtraArg psExtraArg 

Read/write a region of image data from multiple bands.

See also
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALDatasetReleaseResultSet()

void GDALDatasetReleaseResultSet ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
OGRLayerH  hLayer 

Release results of ExecuteSQL().

This function should only be used to deallocate OGRLayers resulting from an ExecuteSQL() call on the same GDALDataset. Failure to deallocate a results set before destroying the GDALDataset may cause errors.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::ReleaseResultSet()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle.
hLayerthe result of a previous ExecuteSQL() call.

◆ GDALDatasetResetReading()

void GDALDatasetResetReading ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Reset feature reading to start on the first feature.

This affects GDALDatasetGetNextFeature().

Depending on drivers, this may also have the side effect of calling OGR_L_ResetReading() on the layers of this dataset.

This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::ResetReading()

hDSdataset handle
GDAL 2.2

◆ GDALDatasetRollbackTransaction()

OGRErr GDALDatasetRollbackTransaction ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

For datasources which support transactions, RollbackTransaction will roll back a datasource to its state before the start of the current transaction.

If no transaction is active, or the rollback fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::RollbackTransaction().

OGRERR_NONE on success.
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALDatasetSetStyleTable()

void GDALDatasetSetStyleTable ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
OGRStyleTableH  hStyleTable 

Set dataset style table.

This function operate exactly as GDALDatasetSetStyleTableDirectly() except that it assumes ownership of the passed table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::SetStyleTable()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle
hStyleTablestyle table handle to set

◆ GDALDatasetSetStyleTableDirectly()

void GDALDatasetSetStyleTableDirectly ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
OGRStyleTableH  hStyleTable 

Set dataset style table.

This function operate exactly as GDALDatasetSetStyleTable() except that it assumes ownership of the passed table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::SetStyleTableDirectly()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle
hStyleTablestyle table handle to set

◆ GDALDatasetStartTransaction()

OGRErr GDALDatasetStartTransaction ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
int  bForce 

For datasources which support transactions, StartTransaction creates a transaction.

If starting the transaction fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION.

Nested transactions are not supported.

All changes done after the start of the transaction are definitely applied in the datasource if CommitTransaction() is called. They may be canceled by calling RollbackTransaction() instead.

At the time of writing, transactions only apply on vector layers.

Datasets that support transactions will advertise the ODsCTransactions capability. Use of transactions at dataset level is generally preferred to transactions at layer level, whose scope is rarely limited to the layer from which it was started.

In case StartTransaction() fails, neither CommitTransaction() or RollbackTransaction() should be called.

If an error occurs after a successful StartTransaction(), the whole transaction may or may not be implicitly canceled, depending on drivers. (e.g. the PG driver will cancel it, SQLite/GPKG not). In any case, in the event of an error, an explicit call to RollbackTransaction() should be done to keep things balanced.

By default, when bForce is set to FALSE, only "efficient" transactions will be attempted. Some drivers may offer an emulation of transactions, but sometimes with significant overhead, in which case the user must explicitly allow for such an emulation by setting bForce to TRUE. Drivers that offer emulated transactions should advertise the ODsCEmulatedTransactions capability (and not ODsCTransactions).

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::StartTransaction()

hDSthe dataset handle.
bForcecan be set to TRUE if an emulation, possibly slow, of a transaction mechanism is acceptable.
OGRERR_NONE on success.
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALDatasetTestCapability()

int GDALDatasetTestCapability ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
const char *  pszCap 

Test if capability is available.

One of the following dataset capability names can be passed into this function, and a TRUE or FALSE value will be returned indicating whether or not the capability is available for this object.

  • ODsCCreateLayer: True if this datasource can create new layers.

  • ODsCDeleteLayer: True if this datasource can delete existing layers.

  • ODsCCreateGeomFieldAfterCreateLayer: True if the layers of this datasource support CreateGeomField() just after layer creation.

  • ODsCCurveGeometries: True if this datasource supports curve geometries.

  • ODsCTransactions: True if this datasource supports (efficient) transactions.

  • ODsCEmulatedTransactions: True if this datasource supports transactions through emulation.

  • ODsCRandomLayerRead: True if this datasource has a dedicated GetNextFeature() implementation, potentially returning features from layers in a non sequential way.

  • ODsCRandomLayerWrite: True if this datasource supports calling CreateFeature() on layers in a non sequential way.

The #define macro forms of the capability names should be used in preference to the strings themselves to avoid misspelling.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::TestCapability()

GDAL 2.0
hDSthe dataset handle.
pszCapthe capability to test.
TRUE if capability available otherwise FALSE.

◆ GDALDataTypeIsComplex()

int GDALDataTypeIsComplex ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Is data type complex?

TRUE if the passed type is complex (one of GDT_CInt16, GDT_CInt32, GDT_CFloat32 or GDT_CFloat64), that is it consists of a real and imaginary component.

◆ GDALDataTypeIsConversionLossy()

int GDALDataTypeIsConversionLossy ( GDALDataType  eTypeFrom,
GDALDataType  eTypeTo 

Is conversion from eTypeFrom to eTypeTo potentially lossy.

eTypeFrominput datatype
eTypeTooutput datatype
TRUE if conversion from eTypeFrom to eTypeTo potentially lossy.
GDAL 2.3

◆ GDALDataTypeIsFloating()

int GDALDataTypeIsFloating ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Is data type floating? (might be complex)

TRUE if the passed type is floating (one of GDT_Float32, GDT_Float64, GDT_CFloat32, GDT_CFloat64)
GDAL 2.3

◆ GDALDataTypeIsInteger()

int GDALDataTypeIsInteger ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Is data type integer? (might be complex)

TRUE if the passed type is integer (one of GDT_Byte, GDT_Int16, GDT_UInt16, GDT_Int32, GDT_UInt32, GDT_CInt16, GDT_CInt32).
GDAL 2.3

◆ GDALDataTypeIsSigned()

int GDALDataTypeIsSigned ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Is data type signed?

TRUE if the passed type is signed.
GDAL 2.3

◆ GDALDataTypeUnion()

GDALDataType GDALDataTypeUnion ( GDALDataType  eType1,
GDALDataType  eType2 

Return the smallest data type that can fully express both input data types.

eType1first data type.
eType2second data type.
a data type able to express eType1 and eType2.

◆ GDALDataTypeUnionWithValue()

GDALDataType GDALDataTypeUnionWithValue ( GDALDataType  eDT,
double  dValue,
int  bComplex 

Union a data type with the one found for a value.

eDTthe first data type
dValuethe value for which to find a data type and union with eDT
bComplexif the value is complex
a data type able to express eDT and dValue.
GDAL 2.3

◆ GDALDecToPackedDMS()

double GDALDecToPackedDMS ( double  dfDec)

Convert decimal degrees into packed DMS value (DDDMMMSSS.SS).

See CPLDecToPackedDMS().

◆ GDALDeinitGCPs()

void GDALDeinitGCPs ( int  nCount,

De-initialize an array of GCPs (initialized with GDALInitGCPs())

nCountnumber of GCPs in psGCP
psGCParray of GCPs of size nCount.

◆ GDALDeleteDataset()

CPLErr GDALDeleteDataset ( GDALDriverH  hDriver,
const char *  pszFilename 

Delete named dataset.

See also

◆ GDALDeleteRasterNoDataValue()

CPLErr GDALDeleteRasterNoDataValue ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Remove the no data value for this band.

See also
GDAL 2.1

◆ GDALDereferenceDataset()

int GDALDereferenceDataset ( GDALDatasetH  hDataset)

Subtract one from dataset reference count.

See also

◆ GDALDeregisterDriver()

void GDALDeregisterDriver ( GDALDriverH  hDriver)

Deregister the passed driver.

See also

◆ GDALDestroyColorTable()

void GDALDestroyColorTable ( GDALColorTableH  hTable)

Destroys a color table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::~GDALColorTable()

◆ GDALDestroyDriver()

void GDALDestroyDriver ( GDALDriverH  hDriver)

Destroy a GDALDriver.

This is roughly equivalent to deleting the driver, but is guaranteed to take place in the GDAL heap. It is important this that function not be called on a driver that is registered with the GDALDriverManager.

hDriverthe driver to destroy.

◆ GDALDestroyDriverManager()

void GDALDestroyDriverManager ( void  )

Destroy the driver manager.

Incidentally unloads all managed drivers.

NOTE: This function is not thread safe. It should not be called while other threads are actively using GDAL.

◆ GDALDestroyRasterAttributeTable()

void GDALDestroyRasterAttributeTable ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT)

Destroys a RAT.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::~GDALRasterAttributeTable()

◆ GDALDumpOpenDatasets()

int GDALDumpOpenDatasets ( FILE *  fp)

List open datasets.

Dumps a list of all open datasets (shared or not) to the indicated text file (may be stdout or stderr). This function is primarily intended to assist in debugging "dataset leaks" and reference counting issues. The information reported includes the dataset name, referenced count, shared status, driver name, size, and band count.

◆ GDALDuplicateGCPs()

GDAL_GCP* GDALDuplicateGCPs ( int  nCount,
const GDAL_GCP pasGCPList 

Duplicate an array of GCPs.

The return must be freed with GDALDeinitGCPs() followed by CPLFree()

nCountnumber of GCPs in psGCP
pasGCPListarray of GCPs of size nCount.

◆ GDALEndAsyncReader()

void GDALEndAsyncReader ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
GDALAsyncReaderH  hAsyncReaderH 

End asynchronous request.

This method destroys an asynchronous io request and recovers all resources associated with it.

This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::EndAsyncReader().

hDShandle to the dataset object.
hAsyncReaderHhandle returned by GDALBeginAsyncReader()

◆ GDALExtractRPCInfo()

int GDALExtractRPCInfo ( CSLConstList  papszMD,

Extract RPC info from metadata, and apply to an RPCInfo structure.

The inverse of this function is RPCInfoToMD() in alg/gdal_rpc.cpp

papszMDDictionary of metadata representing RPC
psRPC(output) Pointer to structure to hold the RPC values.
TRUE in case of success. FALSE in case of failure.

◆ GDALFillRaster()

CPLErr GDALFillRaster ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfRealValue,
double  dfImaginaryValue 

Fill this band with a constant value.

See also

◆ GDALFindDataType()

GDALDataType GDALFindDataType ( int  nBits,
int  bSigned,
int  bFloating,
int  bComplex 

Finds the smallest data type able to support the given requirements.

nBitsnumber of bits necessary
bSignedif negative values are necessary
bFloatingif non-integer values necessary
bComplexif complex values are necessary
a best fit GDALDataType for supporting the requirements
GDAL 2.3

◆ GDALFindDataTypeForValue()

GDALDataType GDALFindDataTypeForValue ( double  dValue,
int  bComplex 

Finds the smallest data type able to support the provided value.

dValuevalue to support
bComplexis the value complex
a best fit GDALDataType for supporting the value
GDAL 2.3

◆ GDALFlushCache()

void GDALFlushCache ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Flush all write cached data to disk.

See also

◆ GDALFlushCacheBlock()

int GDALFlushCacheBlock ( void  )

Try to flush one cached raster block.

This function will search the first unlocked raster block and will flush it to release the associated memory.

TRUE if one block was flushed, FALSE if there are no cached blocks or if they are currently locked.

◆ GDALFlushRasterCache()

CPLErr GDALFlushRasterCache ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Flush raster data cache.

See also

◆ GDALGCPsToGeoTransform()

int GDALGCPsToGeoTransform ( int  nGCPCount,
const GDAL_GCP pasGCPs,
double *  padfGeoTransform,
int  bApproxOK 

Generate Geotransform from GCPs.

Given a set of GCPs perform first order fit as a geotransform.

Due to imprecision in the calculations the fit algorithm will often return non-zero rotational coefficients even if given perfectly non-rotated inputs. A special case has been implemented for corner corner coordinates given in TL, TR, BR, BL order. So when using this to get a geotransform from 4 corner coordinates, pass them in this order.

Starting with GDAL 2.2.2, if bApproxOK = FALSE, the GDAL_GCPS_TO_GEOTRANSFORM_APPROX_OK configuration option will be read. If set to YES, then bApproxOK will be overridden with TRUE. Starting with GDAL 2.2.2, when exact fit is asked, the GDAL_GCPS_TO_GEOTRANSFORM_APPROX_THRESHOLD configuration option can be set to give the maximum error threshold in pixel. The default is 0.25.

nGCPCountthe number of GCPs being passed in.
pasGCPsthe list of GCP structures.
padfGeoTransformthe six double array in which the affine geotransformation will be returned.
bApproxOKIf FALSE the function will fail if the geotransform is not essentially an exact fit (within 0.25 pixel) for all GCPs.
TRUE on success or FALSE if there aren't enough points to prepare a geotransform, the pointers are ill-determined or if bApproxOK is FALSE and the fit is poor.

◆ GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor()

int GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor ( int  nArgc,
char ***  ppapszArgv,
int  nOptions 

General utility option processing.

This function is intended to provide a variety of generic commandline options for all GDAL commandline utilities. It takes care of the following commandline options:

–version: report version of GDAL in use. –build: report build info about GDAL in use. –license: report GDAL license info. –formats: report all format drivers configured. –format [format]: report details of one format driver. –optfile filename: expand an option file into the argument list. –config key value: set system configuration option. –debug [on/off/value]: set debug level. –mempreload dir: preload directory contents into /vsimem –pause: Pause for user input (allows time to attach debugger) –locale [locale]: Install a locale using setlocale() (debugging) –help-general: report detailed help on general options.

The argument array is replaced "in place" and should be freed with CSLDestroy() when no longer needed. The typical usage looks something like the following. Note that the formats should be registered so that the –formats and –format options will work properly.

int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { GDALAllRegister();

argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 ); if( argc < 1 ) exit( -argc );

nArgcnumber of values in the argument list.
ppapszArgvpointer to the argument list array (will be updated in place).
nOptionsa or-able combination of GDAL_OF_RASTER and GDAL_OF_VECTOR to determine which drivers should be displayed by –formats. If set to 0, GDAL_OF_RASTER is assumed.
updated nArgc argument count. Return of 0 requests terminate without error, return of -1 requests exit with error code.

◆ GDALGetAccess()

int GDALGetAccess ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Return access flag.

See also

◆ GDALGetActualBlockSize()

CPLErr GDALGetActualBlockSize ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  nXBlockOff,
int  nYBlockOff,
int *  pnXValid,
int *  pnYValid 

Retrieve the actual block size for a given block offset.

See also

◆ GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeByName()

GDALAsyncStatusType GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeByName ( const char *  pszName)

Get AsyncStatusType by symbolic name.

Returns a data type corresponding to the given symbolic name. This function is opposite to the GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeName().

pszNamestring containing the symbolic name of the type.
GDAL AsyncStatus type.

◆ GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeName()

const char* GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeName ( GDALAsyncStatusType  eAsyncStatusType)

Get name of AsyncStatus data type.

Returns a symbolic name for the AsyncStatus data type. This is essentially the the enumerated item name with the GARIO_ prefix removed. So GARIO_COMPLETE returns "COMPLETE". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified or freed by the application. These strings are useful for reporting datatypes in debug statements, errors and other user output.

eAsyncStatusTypetype to get name of.
string corresponding to type.

◆ GDALGetBandDataset()

GDALDatasetH GDALGetBandDataset ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Fetch the owning dataset handle.

See also

◆ GDALGetBandNumber()

int GDALGetBandNumber ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Fetch the band number.

See also

◆ GDALGetBlockSize()

void GDALGetBlockSize ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int *  pnXSize,
int *  pnYSize 

Fetch the "natural" block size of this band.

See also

◆ GDALGetCacheMax()

int GDALGetCacheMax ( void  )

Get maximum cache memory.

Gets the maximum amount of memory available to the GDALRasterBlock caching system for caching GDAL read/write imagery.

The first type this function is called, it will read the GDAL_CACHEMAX configuration option to initialize the maximum cache memory. Starting with GDAL 2.1, the value can be expressed as x% of the usable physical RAM (which may potentially be used by other processes). Otherwise it is expected to be a value in MB.

This function cannot return a value higher than 2 GB. Use GDALGetCacheMax64() to get a non-truncated value.

maximum in bytes.

◆ GDALGetCacheMax64()

GIntBig GDALGetCacheMax64 ( void  )

Get maximum cache memory.

Gets the maximum amount of memory available to the GDALRasterBlock caching system for caching GDAL read/write imagery.

The first type this function is called, it will read the GDAL_CACHEMAX configuration option to initialize the maximum cache memory. Starting with GDAL 2.1, the value can be expressed as x% of the usable physical RAM (which may potentially be used by other processes). Otherwise it is expected to be a value in MB.

maximum in bytes.
GDAL 1.8.0

◆ GDALGetCacheUsed()

int GDALGetCacheUsed ( void  )

Get cache memory used.

the number of bytes of memory currently in use by the GDALRasterBlock memory caching.

◆ GDALGetCacheUsed64()

GIntBig GDALGetCacheUsed64 ( void  )

Get cache memory used.

the number of bytes of memory currently in use by the GDALRasterBlock memory caching.
GDAL 1.8.0

◆ GDALGetColorEntry()

const GDALColorEntry* GDALGetColorEntry ( GDALColorTableH  hTable,
int  i 

Fetch a color entry from table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GetColorEntry()

◆ GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB()

int GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB ( GDALColorTableH  hTable,
int  i,
GDALColorEntry poEntry 

Fetch a table entry in RGB format.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GetColorEntryAsRGB().

◆ GDALGetColorEntryCount()

int GDALGetColorEntryCount ( GDALColorTableH  hTable)

Get number of color entries in table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GetColorEntryCount()

◆ GDALGetColorInterpretationByName()

GDALColorInterp GDALGetColorInterpretationByName ( const char *  pszName)

Get color interpretation by symbolic name.

Returns a color interpretation corresponding to the given symbolic name. This function is opposite to the GDALGetColorInterpretationName().

pszNamestring containing the symbolic name of the color interpretation.
GDAL color interpretation.
GDAL 1.7.0

◆ GDALGetColorInterpretationName()

const char* GDALGetColorInterpretationName ( GDALColorInterp  eInterp)

Get name of color interpretation.

Returns a symbolic name for the color interpretation. This is derived from the enumerated item name with the GCI_ prefix removed, but there are some variations. So GCI_GrayIndex returns "Gray" and GCI_RedBand returns "Red". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified or freed by the application.

eInterpcolor interpretation to get name of.
string corresponding to color interpretation or NULL pointer if invalid enumerator given.

◆ GDALGetDataCoverageStatus()

int GDALGetDataCoverageStatus ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
int  nMaskFlagStop,
double *  pdfDataPct 

Get the coverage status of a sub-window of the raster.

Returns whether a sub-window of the raster contains only data, only empty blocks or a mix of both. This function can be used to determine quickly if it is worth issuing RasterIO / ReadBlock requests in datasets that may be sparse.

Empty blocks are blocks that are generally not physically present in the file, and when read through GDAL, contain only pixels whose value is the nodata value when it is set, or whose value is 0 when the nodata value is not set.

The query is done in an efficient way without reading the actual pixel values. If not possible, or not implemented at all by the driver, GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED | GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA will be returned.

The values that can be returned by the function are the following, potentially combined with the binary or operator :

  • GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED : the driver does not implement GetDataCoverageStatus(). This flag should be returned together with GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA.
  • GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA: There is (potentially) data in the queried window.
  • GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY: There is nodata in the queried window. This is typically identified by the concept of missing block in formats that supports it.

Note that GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA might have false positives and should be interpreted more as hint of potential presence of data. For example if a GeoTIFF file is created with blocks filled with zeroes (or set to the nodata value), instead of using the missing block mechanism, GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA will be returned. On the contrary, GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY should have no false positives.

The nMaskFlagStop should be generally set to 0. It can be set to a binary-or'ed mask of the above mentioned values to enable a quick exiting of the function as soon as the computed mask matches the nMaskFlagStop. For example, you can issue a request on the whole raster with nMaskFlagStop = GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY. As soon as one missing block is encountered, the function will exit, so that you can potentially refine the requested area to find which particular region(s) have missing blocks.

See also
hBandraster band
nXOffThe pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be queried. This would be zero to start from the left side.
nYOffThe line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be queried. This would be zero to start from the top.
nXSizeThe width of the region of the band to be queried in pixels.
nYSizeThe height of the region of the band to be queried in lines.
nMaskFlagStop0, or a binary-or'ed mask of possible values GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA and GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY. As soon as the computation of the coverage matches the mask, the computation will be stopped. *pdfDataPct will not be valid in that case.
pdfDataPctOptional output parameter whose pointed value will be set to the (approximate) percentage in [0,100] of pixels in the queried sub-window that have valid values. The implementation might not always be able to compute it, in which case it will be set to a negative value.
Added in GDAL 2.2

◆ GDALGetDatasetDriver()

GDALDriverH GDALGetDatasetDriver ( GDALDatasetH  hDataset)

Fetch the driver to which this dataset relates.

See also

◆ GDALGetDataTypeByName()

GDALDataType GDALGetDataTypeByName ( const char *  pszName)

Get data type by symbolic name.

Returns a data type corresponding to the given symbolic name. This function is opposite to the GDALGetDataTypeName().

pszNamestring containing the symbolic name of the type.
GDAL data type.

◆ GDALGetDataTypeName()

const char* GDALGetDataTypeName ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Get name of data type.

Returns a symbolic name for the data type. This is essentially the the enumerated item name with the GDT_ prefix removed. So GDT_Byte returns "Byte". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified or freed by the application. These strings are useful for reporting datatypes in debug statements, errors and other user output.

eDataTypetype to get name of.
string corresponding to existing data type or NULL pointer if invalid type given.

◆ GDALGetDataTypeSize()

int GDALGetDataTypeSize ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Get data type size in bits.


Returns the size of a GDT_* type in bits, not bytes!

Use GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes() for bytes. Use GDALGetDataTypeSizeBits() for bits.

eDataTypetype, such as GDT_Byte.
the number of bits or zero if it is not recognised.

◆ GDALGetDataTypeSizeBits()

int GDALGetDataTypeSizeBits ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Get data type size in bits.

Returns the size of a GDT_* type in bits, not bytes! Use GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes() for bytes.

eDataTypetype, such as GDT_Byte.
the number of bits or zero if it is not recognised.

◆ GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes()

int GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Get data type size in bytes.

Returns the size of a GDT_* type in bytes. In contrast, GDALGetDataTypeSize() returns the size in bits.

eDataTypetype, such as GDT_Byte.
the number of bytes or zero if it is not recognised.

◆ GDALGetDefaultHistogram()

CPLErr GDALGetDefaultHistogram ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double *  pdfMin,
double *  pdfMax,
int *  pnBuckets,
int **  ppanHistogram,
int  bForce,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Fetch default raster histogram.

Use GDALGetRasterHistogramEx() instead to get correct counts for values exceeding 2 billion.

See also

◆ GDALGetDefaultHistogramEx()

CPLErr GDALGetDefaultHistogramEx ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double *  pdfMin,
double *  pdfMax,
int *  pnBuckets,
GUIntBig **  ppanHistogram,
int  bForce,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Fetch default raster histogram.

See also
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALGetDefaultRAT()

GDALRasterAttributeTableH GDALGetDefaultRAT ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Fetch default Raster Attribute Table.

See also

◆ GDALGetDescription()

const char* GDALGetDescription ( GDALMajorObjectH  hObject)

Fetch object description.

See also

◆ GDALGetDriver()

GDALDriverH GDALGetDriver ( int  iDriver)

Fetch driver by index.

See also

◆ GDALGetDriverByName()

GDALDriverH GDALGetDriverByName ( const char *  pszName)

Fetch a driver based on the short name.

See also

◆ GDALGetDriverCount()

int GDALGetDriverCount ( void  )

Fetch the number of registered drivers.

See also

◆ GDALGetDriverCreationOptionList()

const char* GDALGetDriverCreationOptionList ( GDALDriverH  hDriver)

Return the list of creation options of the driver.

Return the list of creation options of the driver used by Create() and CreateCopy() as an XML string

hDriverthe handle of the driver
an XML string that describes the list of creation options or empty string. The returned string should not be freed and is owned by the driver.

◆ GDALGetDriverHelpTopic()

const char* GDALGetDriverHelpTopic ( GDALDriverH  hDriver)

Return the URL to the help that describes the driver.

That URL is relative to the GDAL documentation directory.

For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "frmt_gtiff.html"

hDriverthe handle of the driver
the URL to the help that describes the driver or NULL. The returned string should not be freed and is owned by the driver.

◆ GDALGetDriverLongName()

const char* GDALGetDriverLongName ( GDALDriverH  hDriver)

Return the long name of a driver.

For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "GeoTIFF"

hDriverthe handle of the driver
the long name of the driver or empty string. The returned string should not be freed and is owned by the driver.

◆ GDALGetDriverShortName()

const char* GDALGetDriverShortName ( GDALDriverH  hDriver)

Return the short name of a driver.

This is the string that can be passed to the GDALGetDriverByName() function.

For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "GTiff"

hDriverthe handle of the driver
the short name of the driver. The returned string should not be freed and is owned by the driver.

◆ GDALGetFileList()

char** GDALGetFileList ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Fetch files forming dataset.

See also

◆ GDALGetGCPCount()

int GDALGetGCPCount ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Get number of GCPs.

See also

◆ GDALGetGCPProjection()

const char* GDALGetGCPProjection ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Get output projection for GCPs.

See also


const GDAL_GCP* GDALGetGCPs ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Fetch GCPs.

See also

◆ GDALGetGeoTransform()

CPLErr GDALGetGeoTransform ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
double *  padfTransform 

Fetch the affine transformation coefficients.

See also

◆ GDALGetInternalHandle()

void* GDALGetInternalHandle ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
const char *  pszRequest 

Fetch a format specific internally meaningful handle.

See also

◆ GDALGetJPEG2000Structure()

CPLXMLNode* GDALGetJPEG2000Structure ( const char *  pszFilename,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Dump the structure of a JPEG2000 file as a XML tree.

papszOptionsNULL terminated list of options, or NULL. Allowed options are BINARY_CONTENT=YES, TEXT_CONTENT=YES, CODESTREAM=YES, ALL=YES.
XML tree (to be freed with CPLDestroyXMLNode()) or NULL in case of error
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALGetMaskBand()

GDALRasterBandH GDALGetMaskBand ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Return the mask band associated with the band.

See also

◆ GDALGetMaskFlags()

int GDALGetMaskFlags ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Return the status flags of the mask band associated with the band.

See also

◆ GDALGetMetadata()

char** GDALGetMetadata ( GDALMajorObjectH  hObject,
const char *  pszDomain 

Fetch metadata.

See also

◆ GDALGetMetadataDomainList()

char** GDALGetMetadataDomainList ( GDALMajorObjectH  hObject)

Fetch list of metadata domains.

See also
GDAL 1.11

◆ GDALGetMetadataItem()

const char* GDALGetMetadataItem ( GDALMajorObjectH  hObject,
const char *  pszName,
const char *  pszDomain 

Fetch single metadata item.

See also

◆ GDALGetNonComplexDataType()

GDALDataType GDALGetNonComplexDataType ( GDALDataType  eDataType)

Return the base data type for the specified input.

If the input data type is complex this function returns the base type i.e. the data type of the real and imaginary parts (non-complex). If the input data type is already non-complex, then it is returned unchanged.

eDataTypetype, such as GDT_CFloat32.
GDAL data type.

◆ GDALGetOpenDatasets()

void GDALGetOpenDatasets ( GDALDatasetH **  ppahDSList,
int *  pnCount 

Fetch all open GDAL dataset handles.

See also

◆ GDALGetOverview()

GDALRasterBandH GDALGetOverview ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  i 

Fetch overview raster band object.

See also

◆ GDALGetOverviewCount()

int GDALGetOverviewCount ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Return the number of overview layers available.

See also

◆ GDALGetPaletteInterpretation()

GDALPaletteInterp GDALGetPaletteInterpretation ( GDALColorTableH  hTable)

Fetch palette interpretation.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GetPaletteInterpretation()

◆ GDALGetPaletteInterpretationName()

const char* GDALGetPaletteInterpretationName ( GDALPaletteInterp  eInterp)

Get name of palette interpretation.

Returns a symbolic name for the palette interpretation. This is the the enumerated item name with the GPI_ prefix removed. So GPI_Gray returns "Gray". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified or freed by the application.

eInterppalette interpretation to get name of.
string corresponding to palette interpretation.

◆ GDALGetProjectionRef()

const char* GDALGetProjectionRef ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Fetch the projection definition string for this dataset.

See also

◆ GDALGetRandomRasterSample()

int GDALGetRandomRasterSample ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  nSamples,
float *  pafSampleBuf 



◆ GDALGetRasterAccess()

GDALAccess GDALGetRasterAccess ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Find out if we have update permission for this band.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterBand()

GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterBand ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
int  nBandId 

Fetch a band object for a dataset.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterBandXSize()

int GDALGetRasterBandXSize ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Fetch XSize of raster.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterBandYSize()

int GDALGetRasterBandYSize ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Fetch YSize of raster.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterCategoryNames()

char** GDALGetRasterCategoryNames ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Fetch the list of category names for this raster.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation()

GDALColorInterp GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

How should this band be interpreted as color?

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterColorTable()

GDALColorTableH GDALGetRasterColorTable ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Fetch the color table associated with band.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterCount()

int GDALGetRasterCount ( GDALDatasetH  hDS)

Fetch the number of raster bands on this dataset.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterDataType()

GDALDataType GDALGetRasterDataType ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Fetch the pixel data type for this band.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterHistogram()

CPLErr GDALGetRasterHistogram ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfMin,
double  dfMax,
int  nBuckets,
int *  panHistogram,
int  bIncludeOutOfRange,
int  bApproxOK,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Compute raster histogram.

Use GDALGetRasterHistogramEx() instead to get correct counts for values exceeding 2 billion.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterHistogramEx()

CPLErr GDALGetRasterHistogramEx ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfMin,
double  dfMax,
int  nBuckets,
GUIntBig panHistogram,
int  bIncludeOutOfRange,
int  bApproxOK,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Compute raster histogram.

See also
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALGetRasterMaximum()

double GDALGetRasterMaximum ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int *  pbSuccess 

Fetch the maximum value for this band.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterMinimum()

double GDALGetRasterMinimum ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int *  pbSuccess 

Fetch the minimum value for this band.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterNoDataValue()

double GDALGetRasterNoDataValue ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int *  pbSuccess 

Fetch the no data value for this band.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterOffset()

double GDALGetRasterOffset ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int *  pbSuccess 

Fetch the raster value offset.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterSampleOverview()

GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterSampleOverview ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  nDesiredSamples 

Fetch best sampling overview.

Use GDALGetRasterSampleOverviewEx() to be able to specify more than 2 billion samples.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterSampleOverviewEx()

GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterSampleOverviewEx ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GUIntBig  nDesiredSamples 

Fetch best sampling overview.

See also
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALGetRasterScale()

double GDALGetRasterScale ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int *  pbSuccess 

Fetch the raster value scale.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterStatistics()

CPLErr GDALGetRasterStatistics ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  bApproxOK,
int  bForce,
double *  pdfMin,
double *  pdfMax,
double *  pdfMean,
double *  pdfStdDev 

Fetch image statistics.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterUnitType()

const char* GDALGetRasterUnitType ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Return raster unit type.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterXSize()

int GDALGetRasterXSize ( GDALDatasetH  hDataset)

Fetch raster width in pixels.

See also

◆ GDALGetRasterYSize()

int GDALGetRasterYSize ( GDALDatasetH  hDataset)

Fetch raster height in pixels.

See also

◆ GDALGetVirtualMemAuto()

CPLVirtualMem* GDALGetVirtualMemAuto ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int *  pnPixelSpace,
GIntBig pnLineSpace,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL raster band object.

See also

◆ GDALHasArbitraryOverviews()

int GDALHasArbitraryOverviews ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand)

Check for arbitrary overviews.

See also

◆ GDALIdentifyDriver()

GDALDriverH GDALIdentifyDriver ( const char *  pszFilename,
CSLConstList  papszFileList 

Identify the driver that can open a raster file.

This function will try to identify the driver that can open the passed file name by invoking the Identify method of each registered GDALDriver in turn. The first driver that successful identifies the file name will be returned. If all drivers fail then NULL is returned.

In order to reduce the need for such searches touch the operating system file system machinery, it is possible to give an optional list of files. This is the list of all files at the same level in the file system as the target file, including the target file. The filenames will not include any path components, are essentially just the output of VSIReadDir() on the parent directory. If the target object does not have filesystem semantics then the file list should be NULL.

pszFilenamethe name of the file to access. In the case of exotic drivers this may not refer to a physical file, but instead contain information for the driver on how to access a dataset.
papszFileListan array of strings, whose last element is the NULL pointer. These strings are filenames that are auxiliary to the main filename. The passed value may be NULL.
A GDALDriverH handle or NULL on failure. For C++ applications this handle can be cast to a GDALDriver *.

◆ GDALIdentifyDriverEx()

GDALDriverH GDALIdentifyDriverEx ( const char *  pszFilename,
unsigned int  nIdentifyFlags,
const char *const *  papszAllowedDrivers,
const char *const *  papszFileList 

Identify the driver that can open a raster file.

This function will try to identify the driver that can open the passed file name by invoking the Identify method of each registered GDALDriver in turn. The first driver that successful identifies the file name will be returned. If all drivers fail then NULL is returned.

In order to reduce the need for such searches touch the operating system file system machinery, it is possible to give an optional list of files. This is the list of all files at the same level in the file system as the target file, including the target file. The filenames will not include any path components, are essentially just the output of VSIReadDir() on the parent directory. If the target object does not have filesystem semantics then the file list should be NULL.

pszFilenamethe name of the file to access. In the case of exotic drivers this may not refer to a physical file, but instead contain information for the driver on how to access a dataset.
nIdentifyFlagsa combination of GDAL_OF_RASTER for raster drivers or GDAL_OF_VECTOR for vector drivers. If none of the value is specified, both kinds are implied.
papszAllowedDriversNULL to consider all candidate drivers, or a NULL terminated list of strings with the driver short names that must be considered.
papszFileListan array of strings, whose last element is the NULL pointer. These strings are filenames that are auxiliary to the main filename. The passed value may be NULL.
A GDALDriverH handle or NULL on failure. For C++ applications this handle can be cast to a GDALDriver *.
GDAL 2.2

◆ GDALInitGCPs()

void GDALInitGCPs ( int  nCount,

Initialize an array of GCPs.

Numeric values are initialized to 0 and strings to the empty string "" allocated with CPLStrdup() An array initialized with GDALInitGCPs() must be de-initialized with GDALDeinitGCPs().

nCountnumber of GCPs in psGCP
psGCParray of GCPs of size nCount.

◆ GDALInvGeoTransform()

int GDALInvGeoTransform ( double *  gt_in,
double *  gt_out 

Invert Geotransform.

This function will invert a standard 3x2 set of GeoTransform coefficients. This converts the equation from being pixel to geo to being geo to pixel.

gt_inInput geotransform (six doubles - unaltered).
gt_outOutput geotransform (six doubles - updated).
TRUE on success or FALSE if the equation is uninvertable.

◆ GDALLoadOziMapFile()

int GDALLoadOziMapFile ( const char *  pszFilename,
double *  padfGeoTransform,
char **  ppszWKT,
int *  pnGCPCount,
GDAL_GCP **  ppasGCPs 

Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for OZI .map.

pszFilenamefilename of .tab file
padfGeoTransformoutput geotransform. Must hold 6 doubles.
ppszWKToutput pointer to a string that will be allocated with CPLMalloc().
pnGCPCountoutput pointer to GCP count.
ppasGCPsoutputer pointer to an array of GCPs.
TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise.

◆ GDALLoadTabFile()

int GDALLoadTabFile ( const char *  pszFilename,
double *  padfGeoTransform,
char **  ppszWKT,
int *  pnGCPCount,
GDAL_GCP **  ppasGCPs 

Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for MapInfo .tab files.

pszFilenamefilename of .tab
padfGeoTransformoutput geotransform. Must hold 6 doubles.
ppszWKToutput pointer to a string that will be allocated with CPLMalloc().
pnGCPCountoutput pointer to GCP count.
ppasGCPsoutputer pointer to an array of GCPs.
TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise.

◆ GDALLoadWorldFile()

int GDALLoadWorldFile ( const char *  pszFilename,
double *  padfGeoTransform 

Read ESRI world file.

This function reads an ESRI style world file, and formats a geotransform from its contents.

The world file contains an affine transformation with the parameters in a different order than in a geotransform array.

  • geotransform[1] : width of pixel
  • geotransform[4] : rotational coefficient, zero for north up images.
  • geotransform[2] : rotational coefficient, zero for north up images.
  • geotransform[5] : height of pixel (but negative)
  • geotransform[0] + 0.5 * geotransform[1] + 0.5 * geotransform[2] : x offset to center of top left pixel.
  • geotransform[3] + 0.5 * geotransform[4] + 0.5 * geotransform[5] : y offset to center of top left pixel.
pszFilenamethe world file name.
padfGeoTransformthe six double array into which the geotransformation should be placed.
TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

◆ GDALOpen()

GDALDatasetH GDALOpen ( const char *  pszFilename,
GDALAccess  eAccess 

Open a raster file as a GDALDataset.

This function will try to open the passed file, or virtual dataset name by invoking the Open method of each registered GDALDriver in turn. The first successful open will result in a returned dataset. If all drivers fail then NULL is returned and an error is issued.

Several recommendations :

  • If you open a dataset object with GA_Update access, it is not recommended to open a new dataset on the same underlying file.
  • The returned dataset should only be accessed by one thread at a time. If you want to use it from different threads, you must add all necessary code (mutexes, etc.) to avoid concurrent use of the object. (Some drivers, such as GeoTIFF, maintain internal state variables that are updated each time a new block is read, thus preventing concurrent use.)

For drivers supporting the VSI virtual file API, it is possible to open a file in a .zip archive (see VSIInstallZipFileHandler()), in a .tar/.tar.gz/.tgz archive (see VSIInstallTarFileHandler()) or on a HTTP / FTP server (see VSIInstallCurlFileHandler())

In some situations (dealing with unverified data), the datasets can be opened in another process through the GDAL API Proxy mechanism.

See also
pszFilenamethe name of the file to access. In the case of exotic drivers this may not refer to a physical file, but instead contain information for the driver on how to access a dataset. It should be in UTF-8 encoding.
eAccessthe desired access, either GA_Update or GA_ReadOnly. Many drivers support only read only access.
A GDALDatasetH handle or NULL on failure. For C++ applications this handle can be cast to a GDALDataset *.

◆ GDALOpenEx()

GDALDatasetH GDALOpenEx ( const char *  pszFilename,
unsigned int  nOpenFlags,
const char *const *  papszAllowedDrivers,
const char *const *  papszOpenOptions,
const char *const *  papszSiblingFiles 

Open a raster or vector file as a GDALDataset.

This function will try to open the passed file, or virtual dataset name by invoking the Open method of each registered GDALDriver in turn. The first successful open will result in a returned dataset. If all drivers fail then NULL is returned and an error is issued.

Several recommendations :

  • If you open a dataset object with GDAL_OF_UPDATE access, it is not recommended to open a new dataset on the same underlying file.
  • The returned dataset should only be accessed by one thread at a time. If you want to use it from different threads, you must add all necessary code (mutexes, etc.) to avoid concurrent use of the object. (Some drivers, such as GeoTIFF, maintain internal state variables that are updated each time a new block is read, thus preventing concurrent use.)

For drivers supporting the VSI virtual file API, it is possible to open a file in a .zip archive (see VSIInstallZipFileHandler()), in a .tar/.tar.gz/.tgz archive (see VSIInstallTarFileHandler()) or on a HTTP / FTP server (see VSIInstallCurlFileHandler())

In some situations (dealing with unverified data), the datasets can be opened in another process through the GDAL API Proxy mechanism.

In order to reduce the need for searches through the operating system file system machinery, it is possible to give an optional list of files with the papszSiblingFiles parameter. This is the list of all files at the same level in the file system as the target file, including the target file. The filenames must not include any path components, are essentially just the output of VSIReadDir() on the parent directory. If the target object does not have filesystem semantics then the file list should be NULL.

pszFilenamethe name of the file to access. In the case of exotic drivers this may not refer to a physical file, but instead contain information for the driver on how to access a dataset. It should be in UTF-8 encoding.
nOpenFlagsa combination of GDAL_OF_ flags that may be combined through logical or operator.
  • Driver kind: GDAL_OF_RASTER for raster drivers, GDAL_OF_VECTOR for vector drivers, GDAL_OF_GNM for Geographic Network Model drivers. If none of the value is specified, all kinds are implied.
  • Access mode: GDAL_OF_READONLY (exclusive)or GDAL_OF_UPDATE.
  • Shared mode: GDAL_OF_SHARED. If set, it allows the sharing of GDALDataset handles for a dataset with other callers that have set GDAL_OF_SHARED. In particular, GDALOpenEx() will first consult its list of currently open and shared GDALDataset's, and if the GetDescription() name for one exactly matches the pszFilename passed to GDALOpenEx() it will be referenced and returned, if GDALOpenEx() is called from the same thread.
  • Verbose error: GDAL_OF_VERBOSE_ERROR. If set, a failed attempt to open the file will lead to an error message to be reported.
papszAllowedDriversNULL to consider all candidate drivers, or a NULL terminated list of strings with the driver short names that must be considered.
papszOpenOptionsNULL, or a NULL terminated list of strings with open options passed to candidate drivers. An option exists for all drivers, OVERVIEW_LEVEL=level, to select a particular overview level of a dataset. The level index starts at 0. The level number can be suffixed by "only" to specify that only this overview level must be visible, and not sub-levels. Open options are validated by default, and a warning is emitted in case the option is not recognized. In some scenarios, it might be not desirable (e.g. when not knowing which driver will open the file), so the special open option VALIDATE_OPEN_OPTIONS can be set to NO to avoid such warnings. Alternatively, since GDAL 2.1, an option name can be preceded by the @ character to indicate that it may not cause a warning if the driver doesn't declare this option.
papszSiblingFilesNULL, or a NULL terminated list of strings that are filenames that are auxiliary to the main filename. If NULL is passed, a probing of the file system will be done.
A GDALDatasetH handle or NULL on failure. For C++ applications this handle can be cast to a GDALDataset *.
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALOpenShared()

GDALDatasetH GDALOpenShared ( const char *  pszFilename,
GDALAccess  eAccess 

Open a raster file as a GDALDataset.

This function works the same as GDALOpen(), but allows the sharing of GDALDataset handles for a dataset with other callers to GDALOpenShared().

In particular, GDALOpenShared() will first consult its list of currently open and shared GDALDataset's, and if the GetDescription() name for one exactly matches the pszFilename passed to GDALOpenShared() it will be referenced and returned.

Starting with GDAL 1.6.0, if GDALOpenShared() is called on the same pszFilename from two different threads, a different GDALDataset object will be returned as it is not safe to use the same dataset from different threads, unless the user does explicitly use mutexes in its code.

For drivers supporting the VSI virtual file API, it is possible to open a file in a .zip archive (see VSIInstallZipFileHandler()), in a .tar/.tar.gz/.tgz archive (see VSIInstallTarFileHandler()) or on a HTTP / FTP server (see VSIInstallCurlFileHandler())

In some situations (dealing with unverified data), the datasets can be opened in another process through the GDAL API Proxy mechanism.

See also
pszFilenamethe name of the file to access. In the case of exotic drivers this may not refer to a physical file, but instead contain information for the driver on how to access a dataset. It should be in UTF-8 encoding.
eAccessthe desired access, either GA_Update or GA_ReadOnly. Many drivers support only read only access.
A GDALDatasetH handle or NULL on failure. For C++ applications this handle can be cast to a GDALDataset *.

◆ GDALOverviewMagnitudeCorrection()

CPLErr GDALOverviewMagnitudeCorrection ( GDALRasterBandH  hBaseBand,
int  nOverviewCount,
GDALRasterBandH pahOverviews,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 



◆ GDALPackedDMSToDec()

double GDALPackedDMSToDec ( double  dfPacked)

Convert a packed DMS value (DDDMMMSSS.SS) into decimal degrees.

See CPLPackedDMSToDec().

◆ GDALRasterAdviseRead()

CPLErr GDALRasterAdviseRead ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eDT,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Advise driver of upcoming read requests.

See also

◆ GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster()

CPLErr GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster ( GDALRasterBandH  hSrcBand,
GDALRasterBandH  hDstBand,
const char *const *const  papszOptions,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Copy a whole raster band.

This function copies the complete raster contents of one band to another similarly configured band. The source and destination bands must have the same width and height. The bands do not have to have the same data type.

It implements efficient copying, in particular "chunking" the copy in substantial blocks.

Currently the only papszOptions value supported are :

  • "COMPRESSED=YES" to force alignment on target dataset block sizes to achieve best compression.
  • "SKIP_HOLES=YES" to skip chunks for which GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() returns GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY (GDAL >= 2.2)
hSrcBandthe source band
hDstBandthe destination band
papszOptionstransfer hints in "StringList" Name=Value format.
pfnProgressprogress reporting function.
pProgressDatacallback data for progress function.
CE_None on success, or CE_Failure on failure.

◆ GDALRasterBandGetTiledVirtualMem()

CPLVirtualMem* GDALRasterBandGetTiledVirtualMem ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
int  nTileXSize,
int  nTileYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
size_t  nCacheSize,
int  bSingleThreadUsage,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL rasterband object, with tiling organization.

Only supported on Linux for now.

This method allows creating a virtual memory object for a region of one GDALRasterBand. The content of the virtual memory object is automatically filled from dataset content when a virtual memory page is first accessed, and it is released (or flushed in case of a "dirty" page) when the cache size limit has been reached.

Contrary to GDALDatasetGetVirtualMem(), pixels will be organized by tiles instead of scanlines.

If nXSize is not a multiple of nTileXSize or nYSize is not a multiple of nTileYSize, partial tiles will exists at the right and/or bottom of the region of interest. Those partial tiles will also have nTileXSize * nTileYSize dimension, with padding pixels.

The pointer to access the virtual memory object is obtained with CPLVirtualMemGetAddr(). It remains valid until CPLVirtualMemFree() is called. CPLVirtualMemFree() must be called before the raster band object is destroyed.

If p is such a pointer and base_type the C type matching eBufType, for default values of spacing parameters, the element of image coordinates (x, y) (relative to xOff, yOff) can be accessed with: ((base_type*)p)[tile_number(x,y)*tile_size + offset_in_tile(x,y)].

where nTilesPerRow = ceil(nXSize / nTileXSize) nTilesCount = nTilesPerRow * nTilesPerCol tile_number(x,y) = (y / nTileYSize) * nTilesPerRow + (x / nTileXSize) offset_in_tile(x,y) = (y % nTileYSize) * nTileXSize + (x % nTileXSize) tile_size = nTileXSize * nTileYSize

Note that the mechanism used to transparently fill memory pages when they are accessed is the same (but in a controlled way) than what occurs when a memory error occurs in a program. Debugging software will generally interrupt program execution when that happens. If needed, CPLVirtualMemPin() can be used to avoid that by ensuring memory pages are allocated before being accessed.

The size of the region that can be mapped as a virtual memory object depends on hardware and operating system limitations. On Linux AMD64 platforms, the maximum value is 128 TB. On Linux x86 platforms, the maximum value is 2 GB.

Data type translation is automatically done if the data type (eBufType) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand.

hBandRasterband object
eRWFlagEither GF_Read to read a region of data, or GF_Write to write a region of data.
nXOffThe pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side.
nYOffThe line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top.
nXSizeThe width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels.
nYSizeThe height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines.
nTileXSizethe width of the tiles.
nTileYSizethe height of the tiles.
eBufTypethe type of the pixel values in the data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed.
nCacheSizesize in bytes of the maximum memory that will be really allocated (must ideally fit into RAM)
bSingleThreadUsageset to TRUE if there will be no concurrent threads that will access the virtual memory mapping. This can optimize performance a bit. If set to FALSE, CPLVirtualMemDeclareThread() must be called.
papszOptionsNULL terminated list of options. Unused for now.
a virtual memory object that must be freed by CPLVirtualMemFree(), or NULL in case of failure.
GDAL 1.11

◆ GDALRasterBandGetVirtualMem()

CPLVirtualMem* GDALRasterBandGetVirtualMem ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
int  nPixelSpace,
GIntBig  nLineSpace,
size_t  nCacheSize,
size_t  nPageSizeHint,
int  bSingleThreadUsage,
CSLConstList  papszOptions 

Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL raster band object.

Only supported on Linux for now.

This method allows creating a virtual memory object for a region of a GDALRasterBand. The content of the virtual memory object is automatically filled from dataset content when a virtual memory page is first accessed, and it is released (or flushed in case of a "dirty" page) when the cache size limit has been reached.

The pointer to access the virtual memory object is obtained with CPLVirtualMemGetAddr(). It remains valid until CPLVirtualMemFree() is called. CPLVirtualMemFree() must be called before the raster band object is destroyed.

If p is such a pointer and base_type the C type matching eBufType, for values of spacing parameters, the element of image coordinates (x, y) default (relative to xOff, yOff) can be accessed with ((base_type*)p)[x + y * nBufXSize].

Note that the mechanism used to transparently fill memory pages when they are accessed is the same (but in a controlled way) than what occurs when a memory error occurs in a program. Debugging software will generally interrupt program execution when that happens. If needed, CPLVirtualMemPin() can be used to avoid that by ensuring memory pages are allocated before being accessed.

The size of the region that can be mapped as a virtual memory object depends on hardware and operating system limitations. On Linux AMD64 platforms, the maximum value is 128 TB. On Linux x86 platforms, the maximum value is 2 GB.

Data type translation is automatically done if the data type (eBufType) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand.

Image decimation / replication is currently not supported, i.e. if the size of the region being accessed (nXSize x nYSize) is different from the buffer size (nBufXSize x nBufYSize).

The nPixelSpace and nLineSpace parameters allow reading into or writing from various organization of buffers. Arbitrary values for the spacing parameters are not supported. Those values must be multiple of the size of the buffer data type and must be such that nLineSpace >= nPixelSpace * nBufXSize.

hBandRasterband object
eRWFlagEither GF_Read to read a region of data, or GF_Write to write a region of data.
nXOffThe pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side.
nYOffThe line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top.
nXSizeThe width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels.
nYSizeThe height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines.
nBufXSizethe width of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
nBufYSizethe height of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
eBufTypethe type of the pixel values in the data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed.
nPixelSpaceThe byte offset from the start of one pixel value in the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType is used.
nLineSpaceThe byte offset from the start of one scanline in the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType * nBufXSize is used.
nCacheSizesize in bytes of the maximum memory that will be really allocated (must ideally fit into RAM)
nPageSizeHinthint for the page size. Must be a multiple of the system page size, returned by CPLGetPageSize(). Minimum value is generally 4096. Might be set to 0 to let the function determine a default page size.
bSingleThreadUsageset to TRUE if there will be no concurrent threads that will access the virtual memory mapping. This can optimize performance a bit. If set to FALSE, CPLVirtualMemDeclareThread() must be called.
papszOptionsNULL terminated list of options. Unused for now.
a virtual memory object that must be freed by CPLVirtualMemFree(), or NULL in case of failure.
GDAL 1.11

◆ GDALRasterIO()

CPLErr GDALRasterIO ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
void *  pData,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
int  nPixelSpace,
int  nLineSpace 

Read/write a region of image data for this band.

Use GDALRasterIOEx() if 64 bit spacings or extra arguments (resampling resolution, progress callback, etc. are needed)

See also

◆ GDALRasterIOEx()

CPLErr GDALRasterIOEx ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
int  nXSize,
int  nYSize,
void *  pData,
int  nBufXSize,
int  nBufYSize,
GDALDataType  eBufType,
GSpacing  nPixelSpace,
GSpacing  nLineSpace,
GDALRasterIOExtraArg psExtraArg 

Read/write a region of image data for this band.

See also
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALRATChangesAreWrittenToFile()

int GDALRATChangesAreWrittenToFile ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT)

Determine whether changes made to this RAT are reflected directly in the dataset.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::ChangesAreWrittenToFile()

◆ GDALRATClone()

Copy Raster Attribute Table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::Clone()

◆ GDALRATCreateColumn()

CPLErr GDALRATCreateColumn ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
const char *  pszFieldName,
GDALRATFieldType  eFieldType,
GDALRATFieldUsage  eFieldUsage 

Create new column.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::CreateColumn()

◆ GDALRATDumpReadable()

void GDALRATDumpReadable ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
FILE *  fp 

Dump RAT in readable form.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::DumpReadable()

◆ GDALRATGetColOfUsage()

int GDALRATGetColOfUsage ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
GDALRATFieldUsage  eUsage 

Fetch column index for given usage.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetColOfUsage()

◆ GDALRATGetColumnCount()

int GDALRATGetColumnCount ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT)

Fetch table column count.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetColumnCount()

◆ GDALRATGetLinearBinning()

int GDALRATGetLinearBinning ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
double *  pdfRow0Min,
double *  pdfBinSize 

Get linear binning information.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetLinearBinning()

◆ GDALRATGetNameOfCol()

const char* GDALRATGetNameOfCol ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iCol 

Fetch name of indicated column.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetNameOfCol()

hRATRAT handle.
iColcolumn index.

◆ GDALRATGetRowCount()

int GDALRATGetRowCount ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT)

Fetch row count.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetRowCount()

◆ GDALRATGetRowOfValue()

int GDALRATGetRowOfValue ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
double  dfValue 

Get row for pixel value.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetRowOfValue()

◆ GDALRATGetTableType()

GDALRATTableType GDALRATGetTableType ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT)

Get Rat Table Type.

GDAL 2.4

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetTableType()

◆ GDALRATGetTypeOfCol()

GDALRATFieldType GDALRATGetTypeOfCol ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iCol 

Fetch column type.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetTypeOfCol()

hRATRAT handle.
iColcolumn index.

◆ GDALRATGetUsageOfCol()

GDALRATFieldUsage GDALRATGetUsageOfCol ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iCol 

Fetch column usage value.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetUsageOfCol()

hRATRAT handle.
iColcolumn index.

◆ GDALRATGetValueAsDouble()

double GDALRATGetValueAsDouble ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iRow,
int  iField 

Fetch field value as a double.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetValueAsDouble()

◆ GDALRATGetValueAsInt()

int GDALRATGetValueAsInt ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iRow,
int  iField 

Fetch field value as a integer.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetValueAsInt()

◆ GDALRATGetValueAsString()

const char* GDALRATGetValueAsString ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iRow,
int  iField 

Fetch field value as a string.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::GetValueAsString()

◆ GDALRATInitializeFromColorTable()

CPLErr GDALRATInitializeFromColorTable ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
GDALColorTableH  hCT 

Initialize from color table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::InitializeFromColorTable()

◆ GDALRATRemoveStatistics()

void GDALRATRemoveStatistics ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT)

Remove Statistics from RAT.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::RemoveStatistics()

GDAL 2.4

◆ GDALRATSerializeJSON()

void* GDALRATSerializeJSON ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT)

Serialize Raster Attribute Table in Json format.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::SerializeJSON()

◆ GDALRATSetLinearBinning()

CPLErr GDALRATSetLinearBinning ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
double  dfRow0Min,
double  dfBinSize 

Set linear binning information.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetLinearBinning()

◆ GDALRATSetRowCount()

void GDALRATSetRowCount ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  nNewCount 

Set row count.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetRowCount()

hRATRAT handle.
nNewCountthe new number of rows.

◆ GDALRATSetTableType()

CPLErr GDALRATSetTableType ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
const GDALRATTableType  eInTableType 

Set RAT Table Type.

GDAL 2.4

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetTableType()

◆ GDALRATSetValueAsDouble()

void GDALRATSetValueAsDouble ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iRow,
int  iField,
double  dfValue 

Set field value from double.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetValue()

◆ GDALRATSetValueAsInt()

void GDALRATSetValueAsInt ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iRow,
int  iField,
int  nValue 

Set field value from integer.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetValue()

◆ GDALRATSetValueAsString()

void GDALRATSetValueAsString ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  iRow,
int  iField,
const char *  pszValue 

Set field value from string.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::SetValue()

hRATRAT handle.
iRowrow index.
iFieldfield index.

◆ GDALRATTranslateToColorTable()

GDALColorTableH GDALRATTranslateToColorTable ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
int  nEntryCount 

Translate to a color table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::TranslateToColorTable()

◆ GDALRATValuesIOAsDouble()

CPLErr GDALRATValuesIOAsDouble ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  iField,
int  iStartRow,
int  iLength,
double *  pdfData 

Read or Write a block of doubles to/from the Attribute Table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::ValuesIO()

◆ GDALRATValuesIOAsInteger()

CPLErr GDALRATValuesIOAsInteger ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  iField,
int  iStartRow,
int  iLength,
int *  pnData 

Read or Write a block of ints to/from the Attribute Table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::ValuesIO()

◆ GDALRATValuesIOAsString()

CPLErr GDALRATValuesIOAsString ( GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT,
GDALRWFlag  eRWFlag,
int  iField,
int  iStartRow,
int  iLength,
CSLConstList  papszStrList 

Read or Write a block of strings to/from the Attribute Table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::ValuesIO()

◆ GDALReadBlock()

CPLErr GDALReadBlock ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
void *  pData 

Read a block of image data efficiently.

See also

◆ GDALReadOziMapFile()

int GDALReadOziMapFile ( const char *  pszBaseFilename,
double *  padfGeoTransform,
char **  ppszWKT,
int *  pnGCPCount,
GDAL_GCP **  ppasGCPs 

Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for OZI .map.

pszBaseFilenamefilename whose basename will help building the .map filename.
padfGeoTransformoutput geotransform. Must hold 6 doubles.
ppszWKToutput pointer to a string that will be allocated with CPLMalloc().
pnGCPCountoutput pointer to GCP count.
ppasGCPsoutputer pointer to an array of GCPs.
TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise.

◆ GDALReadTabFile()

int GDALReadTabFile ( const char *  pszBaseFilename,
double *  padfGeoTransform,
char **  ppszWKT,
int *  pnGCPCount,
GDAL_GCP **  ppasGCPs 

Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for MapInfo .tab files.

pszBaseFilenamefilename whose basename will help building the .tab filename.
padfGeoTransformoutput geotransform. Must hold 6 doubles.
ppszWKToutput pointer to a string that will be allocated with CPLMalloc().
pnGCPCountoutput pointer to GCP count.
ppasGCPsoutputer pointer to an array of GCPs.
TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise.

◆ GDALReadWorldFile()

int GDALReadWorldFile ( const char *  pszBaseFilename,
const char *  pszExtension,
double *  padfGeoTransform 

Read ESRI world file.

This function reads an ESRI style world file, and formats a geotransform from its contents. It does the same as GDALLoadWorldFile() function, but it will form the filename for the worldfile from the filename of the raster file referred and the suggested extension. If no extension is provided, the code will internally try the unix style and windows style world file extensions (eg. for .tif these would be .tfw and .tifw).

The world file contains an affine transformation with the parameters in a different order than in a geotransform array.

  • geotransform[1] : width of pixel
  • geotransform[4] : rotational coefficient, zero for north up images.
  • geotransform[2] : rotational coefficient, zero for north up images.
  • geotransform[5] : height of pixel (but negative)
  • geotransform[0] + 0.5 * geotransform[1] + 0.5 * geotransform[2] : x offset to center of top left pixel.
  • geotransform[3] + 0.5 * geotransform[4] + 0.5 * geotransform[5] : y offset to center of top left pixel.
pszBaseFilenamethe target raster file.
pszExtensionthe extension to use (i.e. ".wld") or NULL to derive it from the pszBaseFilename
padfGeoTransformthe six double array into which the geotransformation should be placed.
TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

◆ GDALReferenceDataset()

int GDALReferenceDataset ( GDALDatasetH  hDataset)

Add one to dataset reference count.

See also

◆ GDALRegenerateOverviews()

CPLErr GDALRegenerateOverviews ( GDALRasterBandH  hSrcBand,
int  nOverviewCount,
GDALRasterBandH pahOvrBands,
const char *  pszResampling,
GDALProgressFunc  pfnProgress,
void *  pProgressData 

Generate downsampled overviews.

This function will generate one or more overview images from a base image using the requested downsampling algorithm. Its primary use is for generating overviews via GDALDataset::BuildOverviews(), but it can also be used to generate downsampled images in one file from another outside the overview architecture.

The output bands need to exist in advance.

The full set of resampling algorithms is documented in GDALDataset::BuildOverviews().

This function will honour properly NODATA_VALUES tuples (special dataset metadata) so that only a given RGB triplet (in case of a RGB image) will be considered as the nodata value and not each value of the triplet independently per band.

hSrcBandthe source (base level) band.
nOverviewCountthe number of downsampled bands being generated.
pahOvrBandsthe list of downsampled bands to be generated.
pszResamplingResampling algorithm (e.g. "AVERAGE").
pfnProgressprogress report function.
pProgressDataprogress function callback data.
CE_None on success or CE_Failure on failure.

◆ GDALRegisterDriver()

int GDALRegisterDriver ( GDALDriverH  hDriver)

Register a driver for use.

See also

◆ GDALReleaseDataset()

int GDALReleaseDataset ( GDALDatasetH  hDataset)

Drop a reference to this object, and destroy if no longer referenced.

See also
GDAL 2.2

◆ GDALRenameDataset()

CPLErr GDALRenameDataset ( GDALDriverH  hDriver,
const char *  pszNewName,
const char *  pszOldName 

Rename a dataset.

See also

◆ GDALSetCacheMax()

void GDALSetCacheMax ( int  nNewSizeInBytes)

Set maximum cache memory.

This function sets the maximum amount of memory that GDAL is permitted to use for GDALRasterBlock caching. The unit of the value is bytes.

The maximum value is 2GB, due to the use of a signed 32 bit integer. Use GDALSetCacheMax64() to be able to set a higher value.

nNewSizeInBytesthe maximum number of bytes for caching.

◆ GDALSetCacheMax64()

void GDALSetCacheMax64 ( GIntBig  nNewSizeInBytes)

Set maximum cache memory.

This function sets the maximum amount of memory that GDAL is permitted to use for GDALRasterBlock caching. The unit of the value is bytes.

Note: On 32 bit platforms, the maximum amount of memory that can be addressed by a process might be 2 GB or 3 GB, depending on the operating system capabilities. This function will not make any attempt to check the consistency of the passed value with the effective capabilities of the OS.

nNewSizeInBytesthe maximum number of bytes for caching.
GDAL 1.8.0

◆ GDALSetColorEntry()

void GDALSetColorEntry ( GDALColorTableH  hTable,
int  i,
const GDALColorEntry poEntry 

Set entry in color table.

This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::SetColorEntry()

◆ GDALSetDefaultHistogram()

CPLErr GDALSetDefaultHistogram ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfMin,
double  dfMax,
int  nBuckets,
int *  panHistogram 

Set default histogram.

Use GDALSetRasterHistogramEx() instead to be able to set counts exceeding 2 billion.

See also

◆ GDALSetDefaultHistogramEx()

CPLErr GDALSetDefaultHistogramEx ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfMin,
double  dfMax,
int  nBuckets,
GUIntBig panHistogram 

Set default histogram.

See also
GDAL 2.0

◆ GDALSetDefaultRAT()

CPLErr GDALSetDefaultRAT ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GDALRasterAttributeTableH  hRAT 

Set default Raster Attribute Table.

See also

◆ GDALSetDescription()

void GDALSetDescription ( GDALMajorObjectH  hObject,
const char *  pszNewDesc 

Set object description.

See also


int  nGCPCount,
const GDAL_GCP pasGCPList,
const char *  pszGCPProjection 

Assign GCPs.

See also

◆ GDALSetGeoTransform()

CPLErr GDALSetGeoTransform ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
double *  padfTransform 

Set the affine transformation coefficients.

See also

◆ GDALSetMetadata()

CPLErr GDALSetMetadata ( GDALMajorObjectH  hObject,
CSLConstList  papszMD,
const char *  pszDomain 

Set metadata.

CAUTION: when using this function on a GDALDatasetH or GDALRasterBandH, depending on the format, older values of the updated information might still be found in the file in a "ghost" state, even if no longer accessible through the GDAL API. This is for example the case of the GTiff format (this is not a exhaustive list)

See also
GDALMajorObject::SetMetadata(), GDALDataset::SetMetadata(), GDALRasterBand::SetMetadata()

◆ GDALSetMetadataItem()

CPLErr GDALSetMetadataItem ( GDALMajorObjectH  hObject,
const char *  pszName,
const char *  pszValue,
const char *  pszDomain 

Set single metadata item.

CAUTION: when using this function on a GDALDatasetH or GDALRasterBandH, depending on the format, older values of the updated information might still be found in the file in a "ghost" state, even if no longer accessible through the GDAL API. This is for example the case of the GTiff format (this is not a exhaustive list)

See also
GDALMajorObject::SetMetadataItem(), GDALDataset::SetMetadataItem(), GDALRasterBand::SetMetadataItem()

◆ GDALSetProjection()

CPLErr GDALSetProjection ( GDALDatasetH  hDS,
const char *  pszProjection 

Set the projection reference string for this dataset.

See also

◆ GDALSetRasterCategoryNames()

CPLErr GDALSetRasterCategoryNames ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
CSLConstList  papszNames 

Set the category names for this band.

See also

◆ GDALSetRasterColorInterpretation()

CPLErr GDALSetRasterColorInterpretation ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GDALColorInterp  eColorInterp 

Set color interpretation of a band.

See also

◆ GDALSetRasterColorTable()

CPLErr GDALSetRasterColorTable ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
GDALColorTableH  hCT 

Set the raster color table.

See also

◆ GDALSetRasterNoDataValue()

CPLErr GDALSetRasterNoDataValue ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfValue 

Set the no data value for this band.

Depending on drivers, changing the no data value may or may not have an effect on the pixel values of a raster that has just been created. It is thus advised to explicitly called Fill() if the intent is to initialize the raster to the nodata value. In ay case, changing an existing no data value, when one already exists and the dataset exists or has been initialized, has no effect on the pixel whose value matched the previous nodata value.

See also

◆ GDALSetRasterOffset()

CPLErr GDALSetRasterOffset ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfNewOffset 

Set scaling offset.

See also

◆ GDALSetRasterScale()

CPLErr GDALSetRasterScale ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfNewOffset 

Set scaling ratio.

See also

◆ GDALSetRasterStatistics()

CPLErr GDALSetRasterStatistics ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
double  dfMin,
double  dfMax,
double  dfMean,
double  dfStdDev 

Set statistics on band.

See also

◆ GDALSetRasterUnitType()

CPLErr GDALSetRasterUnitType ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
const char *  pszNewValue 

Set unit type.

See also
GDAL 1.8.0

◆ GDALSwapWords()

void GDALSwapWords ( void *  pData,
int  nWordSize,
int  nWordCount,
int  nWordSkip 

Byte swap words in-place.

This function will byte swap a set of 2, 4 or 8 byte words "in place" in a memory array. No assumption is made that the words being swapped are word aligned in memory. Use the CPL_LSB and CPL_MSB macros from cpl_port.h to determine if the current platform is big endian or little endian. Use The macros like CPL_SWAP32() to byte swap single values without the overhead of a function call.

pDatapointer to start of data buffer.
nWordSizesize of words being swapped in bytes. Normally 2, 4 or 8.
nWordCountthe number of words to be swapped in this call.
nWordSkipthe byte offset from the start of one word to the start of the next. For packed buffers this is the same as nWordSize.

◆ GDALSwapWordsEx()

void GDALSwapWordsEx ( void *  pData,
int  nWordSize,
size_t  nWordCount,
int  nWordSkip 

Byte swap words in-place.

This function will byte swap a set of 2, 4 or 8 byte words "in place" in a memory array. No assumption is made that the words being swapped are word aligned in memory. Use the CPL_LSB and CPL_MSB macros from cpl_port.h to determine if the current platform is big endian or little endian. Use The macros like CPL_SWAP32() to byte swap single values without the overhead of a function call.

pDatapointer to start of data buffer.
nWordSizesize of words being swapped in bytes. Normally 2, 4 or 8.
nWordCountthe number of words to be swapped in this call.
nWordSkipthe byte offset from the start of one word to the start of the next. For packed buffers this is the same as nWordSize.
GDAL 2.1

◆ GDALValidateCreationOptions()

int GDALValidateCreationOptions ( GDALDriverH  hDriver,
CSLConstList  papszCreationOptions 

Validate the list of creation options that are handled by a driver.

This is a helper method primarily used by Create() and CreateCopy() to validate that the passed in list of creation options is compatible with the GDAL_DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST metadata item defined by some drivers.

See also

If the GDAL_DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST metadata item is not defined, this function will return TRUE. Otherwise it will check that the keys and values in the list of creation options are compatible with the capabilities declared by the GDAL_DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST metadata item. In case of incompatibility a (non fatal) warning will be emitted and FALSE will be returned.

hDriverthe handle of the driver with whom the lists of creation option must be validated
papszCreationOptionsthe list of creation options. An array of strings, whose last element is a NULL pointer
TRUE if the list of creation options is compatible with the Create() and CreateCopy() method of the driver, FALSE otherwise.

◆ GDALVersionInfo()

const char* GDALVersionInfo ( const char *  pszRequest)

Get runtime version information.

Available pszRequest values:

  • "VERSION_NUM": Returns GDAL_VERSION_NUM formatted as a string. i.e. "1170" Note: starting with GDAL 1.10, this string will be longer than 4 characters.
  • "RELEASE_DATE": Returns GDAL_RELEASE_DATE formatted as a string. i.e. "20020416".
  • "RELEASE_NAME": Returns the GDAL_RELEASE_NAME. ie. "1.1.7"
  • "--version": Returns one line version message suitable for use in response to –version requests. i.e. "GDAL 1.1.7, released 2002/04/16"
  • "LICENSE": Returns the content of the LICENSE.TXT file from the GDAL_DATA directory. Before GDAL 1.7.0, the returned string was leaking memory but this is now resolved. So the result should not been freed by the caller.
  • "BUILD_INFO": List of NAME=VALUE pairs separated by newlines with information on build time options.
pszRequestthe type of version info desired, as listed above.
an internal string containing the requested information.

◆ GDALWriteBlock()

CPLErr GDALWriteBlock ( GDALRasterBandH  hBand,
int  nXOff,
int  nYOff,
void *  pData 

Write a block of image data efficiently.

See also

◆ GDALWriteWorldFile()

int GDALWriteWorldFile ( const char *  pszBaseFilename,
const char *  pszExtension,
double *  padfGeoTransform 

Write ESRI world file.

This function writes an ESRI style world file from the passed geotransform.

The world file contains an affine transformation with the parameters in a different order than in a geotransform array.

  • geotransform[1] : width of pixel
  • geotransform[4] : rotational coefficient, zero for north up images.
  • geotransform[2] : rotational coefficient, zero for north up images.
  • geotransform[5] : height of pixel (but negative)
  • geotransform[0] + 0.5 * geotransform[1] + 0.5 * geotransform[2] : x offset to center of top left pixel.
  • geotransform[3] + 0.5 * geotransform[4] + 0.5 * geotransform[5] : y offset to center of top left pixel.
pszBaseFilenamethe target raster file.
pszExtensionthe extension to use (i.e. ".wld"). Must not be NULL
padfGeoTransformthe six double array from which the geotransformation should be read.
TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

Generated for GDAL by doxygen 1.8.13.