File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 cpl_conv.hVarious convenience functions for CPL
 cpl_error.hCPL error handling services
 cpl_hash_set.hHash set implementation
 cpl_http.hInterface for downloading HTTP, FTP documents
 cpl_json.hInterface for read and write JSON documents
 cpl_list.hSimplest list implementation
 cpl_minixml.hDefinitions for CPL mini XML Parser/Serializer
 cpl_odbc.hODBC Abstraction Layer (C++)
 cpl_port.hCore portability definitions for CPL
 cpl_quad_tree.hQuad tree implementation
 cpl_string.hVarious convenience functions for working with strings and string lists
 cpl_virtualmem.hVirtual memory management
 cpl_vsi.hStandard C Covers
 cpl_worker_thread_pool.hClass to manage a pool of worker threads
 gdal.hPublic (C callable) GDAL entry points
 gdal_alg.hPublic (C callable) GDAL algorithm entry points, and definitions
 gdal_priv.hC++ GDAL entry points
 gdal_simplesurf.hClass for searching corresponding points on images
 gdal_utils.hPublic (C callable) GDAL Utilities entry points
 gdal_vrt.hPublic (C callable) entry points for virtual GDAL dataset objects
 gdalgrid.hGDAL gridder related entry points and definitions
 gdalmatching.cppAlgorithms for searching corresponding points on images
 gdalpansharpen.hGDAL pansharpening related entry points and definitions
 gdalwarper.hGDAL warper related entry points and definitions
 ogr_api.hC API and defines for OGRFeature, OGRGeometry, and OGRDataSource related classes
 ogr_core.hCore portability services for cross-platform OGR code
 ogr_feature.hSimple feature classes
 ogr_featurestyle.hSimple feature style classes
 ogr_geocoding.hC API for geocoding client
 ogr_geometry.hSimple feature geometry classes
 ogr_spatialref.hCoordinate systems services
 ogr_srs_api.hC spatial reference system services and defines
 ograpispy.hOGR C API spy
 ogrsf_frmts.hClasses related to registration of format support, and opening datasets

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