commonutils.h | |
cpl_alibaba_oss.h | |
cpl_atomic_ops.h | |
cpl_auto_close.h | |
cpl_aws.h | |
cpl_azure.h | |
cpl_config.h | |
cpl_config_extras.h | |
cpl_conv.h | Various convenience functions for CPL |
cpl_cpu_features.h | |
cpl_csv.h | |
cpl_error.h | CPL error handling services |
cpl_google_cloud.h | |
cpl_hash_set.h | Hash set implementation |
cpl_http.h | Interface for downloading HTTP, FTP documents |
cpl_json.h | Interface for read and write JSON documents |
cpl_json_header.h | |
cpl_json_streaming_parser.h | |
cpl_list.h | Simplest list implementation |
cpl_md5.h | |
cpl_mem_cache.h | |
cpl_minixml.h | Definitions for CPL mini XML Parser/Serializer |
cpl_minizip_ioapi.h | |
cpl_minizip_unzip.h | |
cpl_minizip_zip.h | |
cpl_multiproc.h | |
cpl_odbc.h | ODBC Abstraction Layer (C++) |
cpl_port.h | Core portability definitions for CPL |
cpl_progress.h | |
cpl_quad_tree.h | Quad tree implementation |
cpl_sha1.h | |
cpl_sha256.h | |
cpl_spawn.h | |
cpl_string.h | Various convenience functions for working with strings and string lists |
cpl_swift.h | |
cpl_time.h | |
cpl_userfaultfd.h | |
cpl_virtualmem.h | Virtual memory management |
cpl_vsi.h | Standard C Covers |
cpl_vsi_error.h | |
cpl_vsi_virtual.h | |
cpl_vsil_curl_class.h | |
cpl_vsil_curl_priv.h | |
cpl_worker_thread_pool.h | Class to manage a pool of worker threads |
cplkeywordparser.h | |
gdal.h | Public (C callable) GDAL entry points |
gdal_alg.h | Public (C callable) GDAL algorithm entry points, and definitions |
gdal_alg_priv.h | |
gdal_csv.h | |
gdal_frmts.h | |
gdal_mdreader.h | |
gdal_pam.h | |
gdal_priv.h | C++ GDAL entry points |
gdal_proxy.h | |
gdal_rat.h | |
gdal_simplesurf.h | Class for searching corresponding points on images |
gdal_utils.h | Public (C callable) GDAL Utilities entry points |
gdal_utils_priv.h | |
gdal_version.h | |
gdal_vrt.h | Public (C callable) entry points for virtual GDAL dataset objects |
gdalexif.h | |
gdalgeorefpamdataset.h | |
gdalgrid.h | GDAL gridder related entry points and definitions |
gdalgrid_priv.h | |
gdaljp2abstractdataset.h | |
gdaljp2metadata.h | |
gdaljp2metadatagenerator.h | |
gdallinearsystem.h | |
gdalmatching.cpp | Algorithms for searching corresponding points on images |
gdalpansharpen.h | GDAL pansharpening related entry points and definitions |
gdalsse_priv.h | |
gdalwarper.h | GDAL warper related entry points and definitions |
gdalwarpkernel_opencl.h | |
gnm.h | |
gnm_api.h | |
gnm_priv.h | |
gnmgraph.h | |
gvgcpfit.h | |
internal_qhull_headers.h | |
ogr_api.h | C API and defines for OGRFeature, OGRGeometry, and OGRDataSource related classes |
ogr_attrind.h | |
ogr_core.h | Core portability services for cross-platform OGR code |
ogr_expat.h | |
ogr_feature.h | Simple feature classes |
ogr_featurestyle.h | Simple feature style classes |
ogr_gensql.h | |
ogr_geo_utils.h | |
ogr_geocoding.h | C API for geocoding client |
ogr_geometry.h | Simple feature geometry classes |
ogr_geos.h | |
ogr_libs.h | |
ogr_p.h | |
ogr_sfcgal.h | |
ogr_spatialref.h | Coordinate systems services |
ogr_srs_api.h | C spatial reference system services and defines |
ogr_srs_esri_names.h | |
ogr_xerces.h | |
ogr_xerces_headers.h | |
ograpispy.h | OGR C API spy |
ogreditablelayer.h | |
ogremulatedtransaction.h | |
ogrgeomediageometry.h | |
ogrlayerdecorator.h | |
ogrlayerpool.h | |
ogrmutexeddatasource.h | |
ogrmutexedlayer.h | |
ogrpgeogeometry.h | |
ogrsf_frmts.h | Classes related to registration of format support, and opening datasets |
ogrunionlayer.h | |
ogrwarpedlayer.h | |
osr_cs_wkt.h | |
osr_cs_wkt_parser.h | |
swq.h | |
thinplatespline.h | |
vrtdataset.h | |