TIGER/Line files are a digital database of geographic features, such as roads, railroads, rivers, lakes, political boundaries, census statistical boundaries, etc. covering the entire United States. The data base contains information about these features such as their location in latitude and longitude, the name, the type of feature, address ranges for most streets, the geographic relationship to other features, and other related information. They are the public product created from the Census Bureau's TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) data base of geographic information. TIGER was developed at the Census Bureau to support the mapping and related geographic activities required by the decennial census and sample survey programs.
Note that the TIGER/Line product does not include census demographic statistics. Those are sold by the Census Bureau in a separate format (not directly supported by FME), but those statistics do relate back to census blocks in TIGER/Line files.
To open a TIGER/Line dataset, select the directory containing one or more sets of data files. The regions are counties, or county equivalents. Each county consists of a series of files with a common basename, and different extensions. For instance, county 1 in state 26 (Michigan) consists of the following file set in Tiger98.
TGR26001.RT1 TGR26001.RT2 TGR26001.RT3 TGR26001.RT4 TGR26001.RT5 TGR26001.RT6 TGR26001.RT7 TGR26001.RT8 TGR26001.RT9 TGR26001.RTA TGR26001.RTC TGR26001.RTH TGR26001.RTI TGR26001.RTP TGR26001.RTR TGR26001.RTS TGR26001.RTZThe TIGER/Line coordinate system is hardcoded to NAD83 lat/long degrees. This should be appropriate for all recent years of TIGER/Line production.
There is no update or creation support in the TIGER/Line driver.
The reader was implemented for TIGER/Line 1998 files, but some effort has gone into ensuring compatibility with 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2004 TIGER/Line products as well. The 2005 products have also been reported to work fine. It is believe that any TIGER/Line product from the 1990's should work with the reader, with the possible loss of some version specific information.
The TIGER/Line RT (record type), and VERSION attributes are generally discarded, but the MODULE attribute is added to each feature. The MODULE attribute contains the basename (eg. TGR26001) of the county module from which the feature originated. For some keys (such as LAND, POLYID, and CENID) this MODULE attribute is needed to make the key unique when the dataset (directory) consists of more than one county of data.
Following is a list of feature types, and their relationship to the TIGER/Line product.
These features always have a line geometry.
Note that zero, one or more AltName records may exist for a given TLID, and each AltName record can contain between one and four alternate names. Because it is still very difficult to utilize AltName features to relate altername names to CompleteChains, it is anticipated that the standard reader pipeline for TIGER/Line files will be upgraded in the future, resulting in a simplification of alternate names.
These features have no associated geometry.
These features have no associated geometry.
These features have no associated geometry.
These features may have an associated point geometry. Landmarks associated with polygons will not have the polygon geometry attached. It would need to be collected (via the AreaLandmark feature) from a Polygon feature.
These features have no associated geometry.
These features have no associated geometry.
These features do not have any geometry associated with them as read by the OGR TIGER driver. It needs to be externally related using the PolyChainLink. The gdal/pymod/samples/tigerpoly.py script may be used to read a TIGER dataset and extract the polygon layer with geometry as a shapefile.
These features have no associated geometry.
These features have no associated geometry.
These features have no associated geometry.
These features have a point geometry.
These features have no associated geometry.